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Hide Unloaded Classes

If on, unloaded (autoloaded) classes are not shown in the class list.

Emphasize Unloaded Classes

If on, unloaded (autoloaded) classes are emphasized with a different color in the class list.

Short Classnames in Tabs

If on, class names are shown without a classes nameSpace or owning classes name in the tabs.

Show Class Packages

If on, a classes package is shown behind the name in the classList.

Show Method Inheritance Indicator

If on, indicators are shown in the methodList for methods which redefine an inherited superclass method or, which are redefined in a subclass.

Show Classtype Indicator

If on, indicators are shown in the classList specifying the type of class (collection ,exception, application etc.)

Show Inherited Methods

If on, inherited methods are shown in the methodList.

Show Inherited Methods except Object's

If on, inherited methods except the ones inherited from Object are shown in the methodList.

Do not Show Inherited Methods

If on, inherited methods are not shown in the methodList.

Syntax Coloring

If on, the syntaxhighlighter is activated whenever a method is selected in the methodList.

Immediate Syntax Coloring

If on, the syntaxhighlighter is activated for every keystroke, indicating undefined variables, unknown messages and syntax errors immediately.

Auto Format Code

If on, the code is presented in a formatted (pretty printed) style.

Show Method Template for New Methods

If on and no method is selected, a method definition template is shown. (which is nice for beginners, but annoying for experts ;-)

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Doc $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2016/01/21 16:22:40 $