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Menu functions

Each of the views provides its own middle button popup menu - activated by pressing the middle mouse button (the right button if you use a 2-button mouse). Notice that the images and descriptions below might be outdated, as additional functionality has been added since those screenshots were taken.

Class category list popup menu functions

[class category menu hardcopy]
Class category lists menu (in "Motif" style)

The class category list provides the following menu functions:

If the others item is selected, or if the "Control"-key is pressed simultaneously, another menu pops up, offering less frequently used functions:

[class category ctrl-menu hardcopy]
Class category lists CTRL-menu ("Motif" style)

save all classes in the currently selected class category into one big source file. The file will be named "categoryName.st" and contain the code such that it can be reloaded later or moved to another system (see the FileBrowser's fileIn function).
The format in which the code is saved is compatible to Smalltalk-80's fileOut format.
The file is created in the current project-directory (see projects ).

fileOut each
save all classes, but put each class into a separate file, named "className.st".
Having classes in separate source files is required if the classes are to be compiled later by stc (for machine code), or for archival into some source repository.

The files are created in the current projects fileout directory - by default, this is the current directory. (see projects )

sends a printed representation of all classes in the selected category to the printer. The printout may become long and includes each methods source code.

printOut protocol
sends a short protocol-only printed representation of all classes in the selected category to the printer. This printout will not include the methods full source code - instead only the methods selector and the first comment found in the method is printed.
This format is very valuable for documentation purposes (if your methods were written with a short descriptive comment at the beginning).

opens a new browser, showing the same class/method as currently selected. Quite useful for excursions.

open for class
opens a new browser after asking for the class. Quite useful for excursions.

starts a class category browser on the currently selected class category. This is a browser without the class category list.
In practice, this type of browser is seldom used.

spawn full class
starts a full class browser. A full class browser allows editing a classes complete code in one view. This is very handy, if changes to many methods are to be done - especially if those changes depend on each other (for example, to globally rename a methods selector or a variables name).

will rescan all classes in the system and update the lists shown.
Normally, the systemBrowser tries to keep track of changes done by other parts of the system; however, there are situations, in which the browser does not get notified of these changes and needs a manual update.

find class
pops up a box to enter the name of a class. This class will be searched for and shown in this browser. The entered string may include wildcard characters.
For example, it is possible to search for all classes containing the substring "Collection" in their name by entering "*Collection*".
The box performs classname completion ("Tab" key) so you don't have to enter the full name.

No action is performed, if the entered class does not exist.

find method
pops up a box to enter the name of a selector. The implementors of this message are searched for, and, if only one found, the method is immediately displayed.
If there are multiple implementors, a popup box allows the class to be selected.
Both the selector box and the class box perform name completion ("Tab" key).
No action is performed, if the entered selector is nowhere implemented.

This is a very useful function when you remember a methods name or part of it. Basically, it performs a function similar to the implementors function, but displays the method in the current browser (instead of opening a new one).

new class category
allows creation of a new class category.
Notice, that the new category will become persistent only after a class has been created with that category.

rename a category. This will change the class category attribute of all classes in the currently selected class category.

remove all classes (& subclasses) in the current class category. You will be warned by a popup box which has to be answered positively, for the deletion to be actually performed.

Control menu functions

fileOut each binary
like fileOut each, but saves the classes in binary format.
This format is portable across machines, iff no primitive code is contained OR the target system supports dynamic compilation to machine code.

repository history
Display a history of changes made to the source code repository.
You have to enter a starting date - all changes made since that date will be listed.
Of course, you have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work (which is only provided with the full commercial release).

checkin each
Check every changed class in the current category back into the source code repository. Unchanged classes do not affect the repository.
Of course, you have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work (which is only provided with the full commercial release).

Class list popup menu functions

[class menu hardcopy]
Class lists menu (in "Motif" style)

Most functions in the class lists popupmenu affect the currently selected class. It provides the following operations:

If the others item is selected, or if the "Control"-key is pressed simultaneously, another menu pops up, offering less frequently used functions.

[class ctrl-menu hardcopy]
Class lists CTRL-menu (in "Motif" style)

save the currently selected classes source code in a file named "className.st". The file is created in the current project directory.

send the currently selected classes source code to the printer.

printOut protocol
send the currently selected classes protocol description to the printer. This output will contain the class description, class comment and the classes protocol. For each method, the selector and the methods description is printed in a format that is very valuable for documentation purposes (if your methods were written with a short descriptive comment at the beginning).

start a single class browser on the currently selected class (try and see) If the codeview has a valid className highlighted (i.e. selected), a browser is spawned on that class.

spawn full protocol
start a full protocol browser on the currently selected class. A full protocol browser shows all messages understood by a class (try and see). If the codeview has a valid className selected, a hierarchy browser is spawned on that class.

spawn hierarchy
start a hierarchy browser on the currently selected class, all of its superclasses and all subclasses. If the codeview has a valid className selected, a hierarchy browser is spawned on that class.

spawn subclasses
start a browser on all subclasses of the currently selected class. (this includes subclasses of subclasses etc). If the codeview has a valid className highlighted, a subclass browser is spawned on that class.

show the hierarchy of the currently selected class in the code view. If the class-toggle is pressed, the metaclass hierarchy is shown.

shows the classes definition in the codeview. Editing the definition and accepting in the code view allows changing the classes definition (i.e. inheritance, instance variables and category).

shows the class comment in the code view. Editing the comment and accepting allows changing the classes comment.

class instvars
shows the classes class-instance-variables in the code view. Editing and accepting in the code view allows changing the classes instance variables.
Do not confuse class-instance-variables with class-variables - see the Smalltalk language documentation for this.

class refs
searches for uses of the selected class, and opens a browser on all referencing methods. This is the same as the globals function in the method-menu; it has been added for the convenience of ST-80 users.

variable search
this entry provides access to a submenu offering searches for different variable references. After the search, another browser showing all methods referencing the variable of interest. The search can be for any reference or modifying references. You may either search locally (in the selected class only) or over the whole tree of subclasses. You may use wildcards when searching.

Notice, that this search may take some time, the system has to parse the source of all involved methods to find these accesses. If no method is found referencing the variable, the Transcript will show a short message ("none found").

Starting with release 2.10.4 this menu function is now found in the new ``variable list'' subview.

new class
shows a new class definition prototype in the code view. You should edit this template, by changing the classes name and filling in the instanceVariables and/or classVariable names. accepting in the code view will actually create the new class.

new subclass
same as new class, but the offered class definition will be for a subclass of the currently selected class.

change the name of the currently selected class. Since this class may be referenced by other code in the system, all references to that class are searched for and shown in another browser - you should then decide if those references should be changed or not (edit those references and accept in this new browsers code view).

will remove the currently selected class and all of its subclasses. You will get a chance to cancel, if you changed your mind.

Control menu functions

fileOut binary
like fileOut, but saves the class in binary format.
This format is portable across machines, iff no primitive code is contained in any method.
If there is primitive code in any method, the target system must support dynamic compilation to machine code in order to be able to load that binary.

inspect class
Launch an inspector in the class object (to look at class instance variables)
This can be also done by typing in the name of the class and inspecting it; however, most of us are lazy ...

inspect instances
Launch an inspector in the collection if all instances.
Sometimes useful when debugging ...

primitive definitions
Display the classes primitive definitions section (if it has any).

primitive variables
Display the classes primitive variables section (if it has any).

primitive functions
Display the classes primitive functions section (if it has any).

source container
Display and allow changing the classes source container in the repository.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

remove source container
Removes a classes source container from the repository.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

revision log
Display the classes revision log in the repository.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

compare with repository
Compare the class with any revision log in the source code repository.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

check into repository
Update the repository by checking in the class into the repository.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

fileIn from repository
Load any version from the repository. A Dialog asks for the version to load.
You have to have the sourceCodeManagement facility running for this to work.

Method category list popup menu functions

[methodcategory menu hardcopy]
Method category list menu ("Motif" style)

The method category list provides the following menu functions:

save the currently selected method categorys source code in a file named "className-category.st". The file is created in the current project directory. Not very useful - except to transfer parts of a class to others.

fileOut all
save all methods (from all classes) which have the same category as the currently selected method category in a file named "category.st". The file is created in the current project directory.
If you use unique method categories for individual projects, this allows easy fileOut of all methods belonging to that project.

print all methods of the currently selected category.

start a method category browser on all methods in the selected category (try and see).

spawn category
start a browser on all methods (i.e. of all classes) which have the same method category as the currently selected one (try and see).

find method here
allows searching for the method implementing a selector. The selector has to be entered into a box - wildcards are allowed. No action is performed, if there is no method implementing that selector.

find method
same, but searches up in the class hierarchy for the first class implementing the selector. This answers the question "when I send #foo to instances of this class, which method gets evaluated ?" No action is performed, if there is no method implementing that selector.

new category
addes a new category to the list. For this new category to become persistent, at least one method must exist with this category attribute.

copy category
allows copying all methods within another classes category to the currently selected class. You can specify wildcards in the category name. For example, entering "*" as category, will copy all methods from the other class. This function is very useful if you want to clone a class (for example, to experiment with a modified system class).

create access methods
creates methods to access instance variables. This menu item is only shown when a classes instance protocol is visible (turn on the ``instance'' toggle). For each instance variable foo, two methods are created:
#foo - which returns this instance variable
#foo: - which sets this instance variable
This function is non-destructive: if a method by that name already exists, it is not overwritten or changed.

create documentation stubs
creates empty documentation methods in the classes documentation protocol. This menu item is only shown when a classes class protocol is visible (turn on the ``class'' toggle).
We highly recommend you to always add documentation methods - you yourself and others will appreciate that later ;-)

rename the method category

remove all methods (in the currently selected class only) which are members of the selected method category.
You will be asked to confirm before the remove is actually performed.

Method list popup menu functions

[method menu hardcopy]
Method list menu ("Motif" style)

The method list offers the following menu functions:

If the others item is selected, or if the "Control"-key is pressed simultaneously, another menu pops up, offering less frequently used functions.

[method ctrl-menu hardcopy]
Method list CTRL-menu ("Motif" style)

save the currently selected method in a file named "className-selector.st". The file is created in the current project directory. Not very useful - except to transfer individual methods to others.

send a printed representation of the currently selected method to the printer.

start a browser for editing the selected method.
This is seldom used; however, if a string of the form "classname » selector" is currently selected in the codeview, a browser is opened on that method instead.
Many method comments contain this kind of cross-reference in a comment to allow quick excursions to related parts of the system.

starts a new browser on all methods sending a specific message. The message selector must be entered in a box; however, the box offers a reasonable default, which is the current methods selector or the selection in the code view. If the code views selection consists of a code fragment, the browser tries to extract the selector (try & see).
You may also enter a string containing a search pattern.
(Try it with the pattern: "*[pP]ut*".)

This is highly useful, if you only remember a part of a selector.

starts a new browser on all methods implementing a specific message.
The same selection and search mechanism as in "senders" is used.

starts a new browser on all methods accessing a global
The same selection and search mechanism as in "senders" is used.

string search
starts a new browser on all methods where some sub-string is found in the source.
Since all methods sourcecode has to be processed, this may take a while, if the number of consulted classes is big.

starts a new browser on all methods where some keyword is found in the selector or comment.
Since all methods sourcecode has to be processed, this may take a while, if the number of consulted classes is big..

new method
shows a method template in the code view. You should edit this template and accept in the code view.
Actually, this template is simply a reminder on method syntax. To create a method, it is sufficient to accept in the code view with any method category selected. (i.e. just edit and accept)

Typically new methods are created by copying some existing code into an empty codeview, then the selector and code are modified as needed, and finally accepted.

change category
allows putting the currently selected method into another category (i.e. change the category of the selected method)

removes the currently selected method. No confirmations are asked for.

moves the currently selected method to some other class. The class is to be entered into an entryBox. For example, this is useful, to move some method to a superclass.

Control menu functions

inspect method
Launch an inspector on the selected method.
This is probably only useful for ST/X developers to debug internals.

compile to machine code
Call the stc compiler to generate an optimized machine code version of this method. Notice, that this is NOT related to just-in-time compilation, which is done automatically. Instead, this calls for the stc compiler, to generate a machine code file and loads the resulting module into the system.
Stc generated code typically runs faster than just-in-time compiled or interpreted code.
This menu function is only available on systems which allow for machine code to be dynamically loaded (and non-demo versions, where the stc compiler is part of the delivery).

Show the bytecode of the method as a symbolic ``disassembly''.
This is probably only useful for ST/X developers to debug internals.

make public
allow everyone to invoke this method (public access).

make private
allow this method to only be invoked by methods from within that class(private access).
If invoked by others, an exception will be raised at runtime.
This is useful during development, to make certain that private methods are not invoked by other team members.
Be aware, that private methods limit the reusability of code - therefore, this is a very soft atribute, which is easily changed to public.
However, you must do that actively - being reminded of what you do.

make protected
allow this method to only be invoked by methods from within that class and subclasses (protected access).
Like above, if invoked by others, an exception will be raised at runtime.

make ignored
ignore this method with respect to message lookup - i.e. the system behaves as if this method was removed. A send of the corresponding selector will lead to a doesNotUnderstand exception (or a superclasses method to be invoked).
Useful to temporarily disable a method, or to remove a method but keep its code as documentation.

sets a breakpoint on the selected method.
The debugger will be entered, whenever a breakpointed method is about to be executed. A single step or continue will then actually start execution of the method.

breakpoint in ...
sets a breakpoint on the selected method, which is only triggered, if that method is invoked by a particular process. A popup box opens up to allow for the process to be selected.
Use this, if you want a breakpoint to be placed upon a method which is also used by the system or other processes, and others should not be affected by breakpoints. For example, if some View method is to be breakpointed.

turns on tracing of the selected method.
Traced methods will output some information on the standard-error (Stderr) both on entry and exit. To trace into a file, Stderr can be set to some fileStream opened for writing.

trace sender
turns on sender-tracing of the selected method.
Like trace, but only a short note identifying the sender of the method will be written to Stderr.

trace full walkback
Like trace, but dumps a full walkback to Stderr.

remove break/trace
remove breakpointing or tracing of the selected method.
Any trace- or breakpoint is also removed, whenever the current method is recompiled (i.e. accepted).

start/stop timing
install/deinstall a statistic wrapper, which monitors the execution time of the method.
The min/max and average times are shown in the browser - but that display is only updated, if you click on the item again (to avoid flicker ...).

start/stop counting
install/deinstall a counter to be incremented whenever the method is invoked.
The current count is shown in the browser - but that display is only updated, if you click on the item again (to avoid flicker ...).

start/stop memory usage statistics
install/deinstall a memory usage statistic on the selected method
The amount of memory allocated by the method and all methods called by it will be displayed in the browser. No automatic update is performed - click on the methods item again, to get an update.

Doc $Revision: 1.21 $ $Date: 2018/10/13 14:35:50 $