ID | Unique symbolic name (ID) of the widget.
This ID can be used by the application to access the widget via "builder>>componentAt:ID". |
Model | Aspect selector or binding for the model,
holding the sliders value.
Usually a ValueModel* instance. |
Min | The sliders minimum value. |
Max | The sliders maximum value. |
Step | The sliders stepping value. |
KbdStep | The sliders keyboard stepping value.
This value will be used when the cursorUp/cursorDown key is pressed in the widget. |
Orientation | The sliders orientation - horizontal or vertical. |
BG-Color | Defines the background color of the slider.
If the check toggle is marked, the widgets background color can be chosen by selecting the desired colored button. If the check toggle is not marked, the widget will use its default background color (from the style sheet). |
Initially Disabled | Turns on/off that the widget is initially disabled. |
Initially Invisible | Turns on/off that the widget is initially invisible. |
Can Tab | Turns on/off that the widget can be reached by tabbing. |
Enable | Aspect selector or binding for en/disabling
the widget.
It should return a - Boolean instance** (only for static behavior)
If a value holder is returned by the application,
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