The STT service is registered under the link: /stt.
The code to generate this page was from the file: "/home/stx/stx/goodies/webServer/data/comancheSTT/reflection.stt", which contains:
    |path source|

    path := sttFilePath pathName. 
    source := path asFilename contents asString.

<!-- $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/webServer/data/comancheSTT/reflection.stt,v 1.6 2003/09/16 22:55:09 cg Exp $ -->


  <title>Reflection (STT-Demo)</title>

    The STT service is registered under the link: <b><?stt response nextPutAll:service linkName. ?></b>.
    The code to generate this page was from the file:
    <b>"<?stt response nextPutAll: path. ?>"</b>, which contains:

<table BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">
<?stt response nextPutAll:(HTTPServer withSpecialHTMLCharactersEscaped:source). ?>

<hr><address>Served by your friendly <a href=>ST/X WebServer</a></address>

Served by your friendly ST/X WebServer