Smalltalk/X WebserverSmalltalk Dynamic Web Pages - Source of WebDemoApp1-test5: | |
test5:aRequest "send a file - requires a test4.html file to be found under the htmldialogs directory." |message fileName replyPresenter| fileName := '/files/test4.html' asFilename. fileName exists ifTrue:[ message := fileName contents asString ] ifFalse:[ message := 'file not available' ]. replyPresenter := aRequest replyPresenter. replyPresenter title:'Embedding a File'. replyPresenter parametersAt:#secondHeadLine put:'Test5: Embedding a File'. aRequest nextPutLine:message. self addLinksForSource:#'test5:' previous:#'test4:' next:#'test6:' to:aRequest.
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ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Wed, 05 Feb 2025 04:12:16 GMT |