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Documentation of class 'DialogBox':



Class: DialogBox



rev: 1.547 date: 2024/04/19 15:04:35
user: cg
file: DialogBox.st directory: libwidg
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg


this class implements the common behavior of dialogboxes.

DialogBox is also a superclass of many other boxes - see InfoBox,
WarningBox, YesNoBox etc. for concrete examples.
Most of them simply add buttons or other elements.

For programmatically created boxes, instances support adding of components
in a top-to-bottom fashion, and also keep track of added text-fields and,
since they are most common, automatically create an EnterFieldGroup for

    more adding support is required - especially for row-wise construction.
    The programmatic interface is best suited for row-wise
    arranged components; laying out elements in columns is a bit
    complicate - for complicated dialogs, it may be better to not use
    the automatic arrangement, but instead give explicit layouts to
    the components (in a subclass) or better use the UIPainter.

Compatibility note:
    For ST-80 compatibility, DialogBox is also accessible under
    the global named 'Dialog' (which is the name of an ST-80 class,
    providing a very similar protocol).
    This may lead to confusion, if DialogBox is recompiled - you have
    to manually assign Dialog again to refer to the new DialogBox class.
    In future versions of ST/X, DialogBox may be renamed to Dialog.

Historic note:
    originally, ST/X had separate classes for the various entry methods;
    there were YesNoBox, EnterBox, InfoBox and so on.
    ST-80 has all this defined in the common Dialog.
    Therefore, for compatibility, many ST/X methods defined here in Dialogs
    class protocol simply dispatch to some other boxes class method.
    In the future, those existing subclasses' functionality is going to
    be moved full into Dialog, and the subclasses will be replaced by dummy
    delegators. (They will be kept for backward compatibility, though).

[instance variables:]

    buttonPanel      <PanelView>    contains the button(s)

    okButton         <Button>       the ok-Button

    okAction         <Block>        the action to be performed when ok is pressed,
                                    or return is pressed.

    acceptReturnAsOK <Boolean>      if true, pressing the return-key counts
                                    as if ok was pressed. Default is true.

    abortButton      <Button>       the cancel-Button

    abortAction      <Block>        the action to be performed when cancel is

    yPosition        <Integer>      current y position when adding components

    leftIndent       <Integer>      left inset to use when adding components

    rightIndent      <Integer>      right inset to use when adding components

    addedComponents  <Collection>   programmatically added components

    inputFieldGroup  <EnterFieldGroup>
                                    for added input fields

    acceptOnLeave    <Boolean>      if true (the default) and there are
                                    tabable inputFields, accept and close when
                                    the last field is left. If false, the ok
                                    button must be pressed to close the box.

    acceptedValue    v(<Boolean>)   valueHolder on a boolean
                                    after close: holds true if box was accepted
                                    (i.e. ok-Button was pressed), false if box was
                                    closed via cancel or window manager.

    autoAccept       Boolean        if true, pressing ok (or return)
                                    sends #accept to all subcomponents.
                                    I.e. all subfields update their models
                                    first. The default is true.

    variablePanel   nil|VPanel      an optional additional panel to be filled dynamically
                                    in an aboutToOpenNotification hook.

For compatibility with ST-80, this class is also available under
the global names DialogView and Dialog (see patches file).


COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.


a DialogBox with multiple input fields can be configured on how it shall behave if the RETURN key is pressed. The default is to shift the focus to the ok-button - thus, another return has to be entered (as confirmation) to close & accept the box. This can be changed to force an automatic OK with: aBox focusToOKOnLeave:false Then, leaving the last field with return, automatically accepts the box, as if ok was pressed. (useful for simple - single entry dialogs). All simple dialogs (like 'enter a searchString') behave this way. With: aBox acceptReturnAsOK:false any focusShift or automatic OK is turned off, and the input group switches its focus back to the topMost field. The default for this is true. (useful, if you want an explicit ok from the user, or need all fields to be handled somehow). Simply leaving the group with a cursor movement may also be either interpreted as a return (the default), or again wrap back to the top of the group. With: aBox acceptOnLeave:false this is turned off, so that with cursor-down, the focus is moved back to the first entry field. The default is true.

Class protocol:

o  chooseDirectory
self chooseDirectory

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock for: aView
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.
This is a new VW2.5 interface - passing an addtional argument.
In ST/X, this is not needed and ignored

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
	    choose:'choose any' 
	    fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
	    values:#(1 2 3 4) 

     Transcript showCR:(
	    choose:'choose example' 
	    fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
	    values:#(1 2 3 4) 
	    cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]

o  confirm: aMessageString for: ignoredView
VW compatibility - confirm using the same viewStyle as in the view
argument; not supported in ST/X (who mixes styles ?)

o  request: aString for: aView
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the empty string (if cancel was pressed),
This is a new VW2.5 interface - passing an addtional argument.
In ST/X, this is not needed and ignored

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial for: aView
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
This is a new VW2.5 interface - passing an addtional argument.
In ST/X, this is not needed and ignored

o  requestFileName: title default: default version: versionSym ifFail: failBlock for: aViewOrNil
new VW2.5 interface - passing an addtional argument.
In ST/X, this is not needed and ignored

o  warn: aMessageString for: ignoredView
VW compatibility - warn using the same viewStyle as in the view
argument; not supported in ST/X (who mixes styles ?)

class initialization
o  initialize
do this for ST-80 compatibility

common dialogs
o  about: text label: label icon: image
opens an standard about box for an application.

o  aboutClass: aClass
opens a standard (simple) aboutBox for aClass.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog aboutClass:Dialog
     Dialog aboutClass:Dialog withText:'some more blabla'

o  aboutClass: aClass withText: textOrNil
opens a standard (simple) aboutBox for aClass.

Usage example(s):

     self aboutClass:Array withText:'bla bla'

o  ask: setupBlock ifNotNilOrEmptyDo: actionBlock
utility: open a requestor with setupBlock;
if it answers ok, invoke actionBlock with the entered input.
Otherwise do nothing

Usage example(s):

        ask:[ Dialog request:'Some Answer:' ] 
        ifNotNilOrEmptyDo:[:what | Transcript showCR:what ]

Usage example(s):

        ask:[ Dialog requestFileName:'Some File:' ] 
        ifNotNilOrEmptyDo:[:what | Transcript showCR:what ]

o  askYesNo: setupBlock ifYesDo: actionBlock
utility: open a confirmer with setupBlock;
if it answers true, invoke actionBlock.
Otherwise do nothing

Usage example(s):

        askYesNo:[ Dialog confirm:'Yes or No?' ] 
        ifYesDo:[ Transcript showCR:'yes' ]

o  informUser: aString during: aBlock
show a message-box while executing aBlock.
If aBlock expects an argument, pass it the box,
so it can change its label via label:

Usage example(s):

     Dialog informUser:'wait a second...' during:[Delay waitForSeconds:1]
     Dialog informUser:'wait a few seconds...' during:[100000 factorial]

        informUser:'wait two seconds...' 
        during:[:box |
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.
            box label:'still running...'.
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.
            box label:'one more second...'.
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.

o  informUser: aString during: aBlock cancel: canCancel
show a message-box while executing aBlock

Usage example(s):

     Dialog informUser:'don''t wait ...' during:[true] cancel:true
     Dialog informUser:'please wait a second...' during:[Delay waitForSeconds:1] cancel:true
     Dialog informUser:'please wait, while I compute 30000 factorial...' during:[30000 factorial] cancel:true

        informUser:'wait two seconds...' 
        during:[:box |
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.
            box label:'still running...'.
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.
            box label:'one more second...'.
            Delay waitForSeconds:1.

o  information: aString
launch a Dialog to tell user something

Usage example(s):

     Dialog information:'help'

o  information: aString title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog to tell user something

Usage example(s):

     Dialog information:'help' title:'Attention'

o  information: aString with: arg
launch a Dialog to tell user something

Usage example(s):

     Dialog information:'help %1' with:'foo'

o  information: aString with: arg1 with: arg2
launch a Dialog to tell user something

Usage example(s):

     Dialog information:'help %1 %2' with:'foo' with:1234

o  informationHTML: aString title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog to tell user something.
The argument aString is html text

o  informationHTML: aString title: windowTitle selfInDoitExpressions: someone
launch a Dialog to tell user something.
The argument aString is html text

o  informationText: aString title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog to tell user something.
The argument aString is shown as multiline, scrollable text

Usage example(s):

        informationText:(DialogBox class compiledMethodAt:#information:title:) source

o  informationText: aString title: title windowTitle: windowTitle
launch a Dialog to tell user something.
The argument aString is shown as multiline, scrollable text

Usage example(s):

        informationText:(DialogBox class compiledMethodAt:#information:title:) source
        title:'Hello - the text is:'

o  warn: aString
launch a Dialog to warn user

Usage example(s):

     Dialog warn:'some warning message'

     Dialog warn:('some text with italic emphasis' asText 
                        emphasizeFrom:16 to:22 with:#italic)

     Dialog warn:('some warning message' asText 
                        emphasizeAllWith:(#color->Color red))

     Dialog warn:('some text with color emphasis' asText 
                        emphasizeFrom:6 to:10 with:(#color->Color blue);
                        emphasizeFrom:16 to:20 with:(#color->Color red))

o  warn: aString title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog to warn user

o  warn: aString title: windowTitle image: anImage
launch a Dialog to warn user

Usage example(s):

     Dialog warn:'some warning message' title:'oops'

     Dialog warn:('some text with italic emphasis' asText 
                        emphasizeFrom:16 to:22 with:#italic)

     Dialog warn:('some warning message' asText 
                        emphasizeAllWith:(#color->Color red))

     Dialog warn:('some text with color emphasis' asText 
                        emphasizeFrom:6 to:10 with:(#color->Color blue);
                        emphasizeFrom:16 to:20 with:(#color->Color red))

     Dialog warn:('some ',('text' withColor:Color blue),' with ',
                          ('color' withColor:Color red),' emphasis')

     Dialog warn:(1 to:10 collect:[:i | e'line {i}']) asStringCollection
     Dialog warn:(1 to:100 collect:[:i | e'line {i}']) asStringCollection

o  warn: aString with: arg
launch a Dialog to warn user

Usage example(s):

     Dialog warn:'some %1 message' with:'warning'

o  warn: aString with: arg1 with: arg2
launch a Dialog to warn user

Usage example(s):

     Dialog warn:'some %1 message %2' with:'warning' with:'with argument'

confirmation dialogs
o  confirm: aString
open a modal yes-no dialog.
Return true for yes, false for no or escape key

Usage example(s):

    Dialog confirm:'really ?' 

    Transcript showCR:(
       Dialog confirm:'are you certain ?'

o  confirm: aString default: what
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
InitialAnswer must be true or false and defines which button is to be
the default (i.e. return-) button

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirm:'Are you happy' default:true 

     Dialog confirm:'Are you happy' default:false 

o  confirm: aString initialAnswer: what
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
InitialAnswer must be true or false and defines which button is to be
the default (i.e. return-) button

Usage example(s):

    Dialog confirm:'really ?' initialAnswer:false

    Transcript showCR:(
       Dialog confirm:'are you certain ?' initialAnswer:false

    Transcript showCR:(
       Dialog confirm:'are you certain ?' initialAnswer:true 

o  confirm: aString initialAnswer: what noLabel: noText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
InitialAnswer must be true or false and defines which button is to be
the default (i.e. return-) button

o  confirm: aString noLabel: noText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
The no-button is labeled noText (for example, if you need a 'cancel' there)

Usage example(s):

    Dialog confirm:'really ?' 

    Dialog confirm:'really ?' noLabel:'Cancel' 

o  confirm: aString title: title
open a modal yes-no dialog.
Return true for yes, false for no

Usage example(s):

    Dialog confirm:'really ?' 

    Transcript showCR:(
       Dialog confirm:'are you certain ?'

o  confirm: aString title: title noLabel: noText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
The no buttons label is defined by noText (for example, to make it 'cancel').

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 

o  confirm: aString title: title yesLabel: yesText noLabel: noText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
The yes/no buttons labels are defined by yesText/noText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirm: aString title: title yesLabel: yesText noLabel: noText initialAnswer: what
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
return true for yes, false for no.
The yes/no buttons labels are defined by yesText/noText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

Usage example(s):

       confirm:(1 to:100 collect:[:i | e'line {i}'])
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

       confirm:(1 to:100 collect:[:i | e'line {i}'])
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirm: msg withCancel: aBoolean
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and optionally: cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirm:'really ?' withCancel:false 
     Dialog confirm:'really ?' withCancel:true 

o  confirm: msg withCancel: aBoolean default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and optionally: cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirm:'really ?' withCancel:false 
     Dialog confirm:'really ?' withCancel:true 

o  confirm: aString yesLabel: yesText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
Return true for yes, false for no.
The yes button's label is defined by yesText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirm: aString yesLabel: yesText initialAnswer: what
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
Return true for yes, false for no.
The yes button's label is defined by yesText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirm: aString yesLabel: yesText noLabel: noText
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
Return true for yes, false for no.
The yes/no buttons' labels are defined by yesText/noText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirm: aString yesLabel: yesText noLabel: noText initialAnswer: what
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes or no.
Return true for yes, false for no.
The yes/no buttons labels are defined by yesText/noText.

Usage example(s):

       confirm:'really ?' 
       yesLabel:'Oh well' 

o  confirmOKCancel: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter OK or Cancel.
return true for OK, false for Cancel.

Usage example(s):

    Dialog confirmOKCancel:'really ?' 

o  confirmWithCancel: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
        Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithCancel: aString default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'.
The default argument marks the return-button; it may be one of nil, false or true

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' default:false
     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' default:true

o  confirmWithCancel: aString default: defaultValue onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', cancelValues value for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' onCancel:[AbortSignal raise]

o  confirmWithCancel: aString default: default title: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'.
The default argument marks the return-button; it may be one of nil, false or true

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' default:false
     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' default:true

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: labelArray
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter cancel, no or yes.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'.
The default is yes.
The button labels are given in labelArray with order
#(cancel, no, yes)
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' labels:#( 'Oops' 'Nope' 'Yea')
     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: buttonLabels default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'.
The strings for cancel, no and yes are to be passed in
buttonLabels, with order #(cancel, no, yes).
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)
The default argument (if non-nil) defines the index of the return button (1 to 3)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            confirmWithCancel:'really ?'
                       labels:#('mhmh' 'Maybe' 'Definitely')

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: labelArray title: title
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter cancel, no or yes.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'.
The default is yes.
The buttons labels are given in labelArray with order
#(cancel, no, yes)
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' labels:#( 'Oops' 'Nope' 'Yea') title:'bla'
     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to click on any button.
Return the corresponding value from the values array.
The labels for the buttons are to be passed in
buttonLabels, with order #(cancel, no, yes).
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)
The default argument (if non-nil) defines the index of the
return button (1 to n)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            confirmWithCancel:'really ?'
                       labels:#('mhmh' 'maybe' 'definitely')
                       values:#(1 2 3)

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: default boxLabel: boxLabelOrNil
obsolete - for backward compatibility

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: default check: checkLabelOrNil on: checkHolderOrNil title: boxLabelOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to click on any button.
Return the corresponding value from the values array.
The labels for the buttons are to be passed in
buttonLabels, with order #(cancel, no, yes).
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)
The default argument (if non-nil) defines the index of the return button (1 to n).
If checkLabel/checkHolder are not nil, and additional labelled checkBox is added to operate on
checkHolder. This can be used for 'do not show this box again' checkItems.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            confirmWithCancel:'really ?'
            labels:#('mhmh' 'maybe' 'definitely')
            values:#(1 2 3)
            check:'Again' on:(true asValue)
            title:'hello there'

     Transcript showCR:(
            confirmWithCancel:'really ?'
            labels:#('mhmh' 'maybe' 'definitely')
            values:#(1 2 3)
            check:nil on:nil
            title:'hello there'

o  confirmWithCancel: aString labels: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: default title: boxLabelOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to click on any button.
Return the corresponding value from the values array.
The labels for the buttons are to be passed in
buttonLabels, with order #(cancel, no, yes).
(notice that the order may be presented in reverse order in some GUI styles)
The default argument (if non-nil) defines the index of the
return button (1 to n)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            confirmWithCancel:'really ?'
            labels:#('mhmh' 'maybe' 'definitely')
            values:#(1 2 3)
            title:'hello there'

o  confirmWithCancel: aString onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', cancelValues value for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' onCancel:[AbortSignal raise]

o  confirmWithCancel: aString title: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
return true for 'yes', false for 'no', nil for 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
        Dialog confirmWithCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no'.
Raise the abort signal on 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
        Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel: aString default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no'.
Raise the abort signal on 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
        Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?'

o  confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel: aString default: default title: titleOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter yes, no and cancel.
Return true for 'yes', false for 'no'.
Raise the abort signal on 'cancel'

Usage example(s):

     Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?' 

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
        Dialog confirmWithRaiseAbortOnCancel:'really ?'

o  defaultFileDialogClass

o  defaultFileDialogClassForSave

o  defaultLabel
return the boxes default window title.

o  defaultMinWidthForListBoxes

o  defaultStringMaxLengthForNonScrollableText

o  updateStyleCache
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables

file name dialogs
o  requestDirectoryName
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestDirectoryName 

o  requestDirectoryName: title
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName acceptReturnAsOK: aBoolean
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName ifFail: failValueProvider
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 
        ifFail:'none'    'none'

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName ok: okText abort: abortText
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 
        ok:'Yes' abort:'No'    

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName ok: okText abort: abortText ifFail: failValueProvider
Same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

o  requestDirectoryName: title default: aFileName ok: okText abort: abortText ifFail: failValueProvider acceptReturnAsOK: aBoolean
Same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Extended to accept return as ok if wanted.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 

o  requestDirectoryName: titleString default: aFileName ok: okText abort: abortText version: versionSymbol pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath ifFail: failValueProvider whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback asLoadDialog: aBoolean
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

o  requestDirectoryName: titleString default: aFileName pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
same as requestFileName, but only show directories.
Returns nil if cancel was pressed,
empty string if name was cleared but ok was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestDirectoryName:'which directory ?' 

o  requestFileName
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or an empty string (if cancel was pressed).

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName

o  requestFileName: titleString
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (no longer: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' 
     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'Enter a fileName:' default:''  
     Dialog requestFileName:'Enter a fileName:' default:'Makefile.bak'  

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ifFail: cancelBlockOrValue
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or the vlue from cancelBlockOrValue if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' default:''  
     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' default:'Makefile.bak'  

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ifFail: cancelBlockOrValue pattern: pattern fromDirectory: dir
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from dir.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string orthe value of cancelBlockOrValue if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'
        abort:'oh, no' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'
        abort:'oh, no' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil forSave: forSave
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil forSave: forSave whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'
        abort:'oh, no' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: patternOrNil orFilters: filtersOrNil fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil forSave: forSave whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'
        abort:'oh, no' 

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback asLoadDialog: aBoolean
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or the value from failBlock if cancel was pressed
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName pattern: pattern
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectory
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string or nil (was: the empty string) if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath forSave: forSave whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'Enter a file name:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'Enter a file name:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'Enter a file name:'

o  requestFileName: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which lets the user enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString fromDirectory: aDirectory
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString ifFail: cancelBlockOrValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or the value from evaluating cancelBlock (if cancel was pressed).

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' ifFail:['foo']
     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' ifFail:[nil] 

o  requestFileName: titleString pattern: pattern
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectory
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show ok/cancel in its buttons.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

Usage example(s):

        requestFileName:'enter a fileName:'

o  requestFileName: titleString whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' 
     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' 

o  requestFileNameForImageSave: title image: anImage default: defaultName pattern: patternOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename for a bitmap image save operation.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or an nil (was: empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

        image:(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:100@100)) 

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestFileName:'enter a fileName:' default:''  
     Dialog requestFileNameForSave:'enter a fileName:' default:''  

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those from the current directory.
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPathOrNil whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return the string, or nil if cancel was pressed.

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

o  requestFileNameForSave: titleString default: defaultName version: versionSymbol ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
Return the string or the value of failBlock if cancel was pressed.
The version argument allows validation of the files existance;
it may be any of:
#mustBeNew - fail (return empty string) if the file exists
#new - confirm if the file exists
#mustBeOld - fail if the file does not exist
#old - confirm if the file does not exist
#any (other) - no validation

o  requestFileNames: titleString default: defaultName ok: okText abort: abortText ifFail: failBlock pattern: pattern fromDirectory: aDirectoryPath whenBoxCreatedEvaluate: boxCreatedCallback asLoadDialog: asLoadDialog
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename or select multiple files.
The files presented initially are those in aDirectoryPathOrNil, or the
last fileBox directory (default: current directory) (if a nil path is given).
The box will show okText in its okButton, abortText in the abortButton.
The matchPattern is set to pattern initially.
Return all selected Filenames as filenames in a collection, or nil if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

        requestFileNames:'Select multiple files' 
        ok:'OK' abort:'Cancel' 
        fromDirectory:(Filename currentDirectory) 

o  requestNewFileName: titleString default: defaultName
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a filename.
We expect a new files (i.e. nonexisting) name to be entered,
and confirm if it already exists.
The box will not allow pressing 'ok' without an entered string.
Return the pathname string consisting of the full pathname of the filename,
or nil (was: an empty string) if cancel was pressed.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestNewFileName:'enter a fileName:' default:''

o  requestSaveFileName: title default: defaultOrNil fromDirectory: directoryOrNil action: action appendAction: appendActionOrNil
save contents into a file - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox.
Append is NOT offered, if appendActionOrNil is nil.

Usage example(s):

        requestSaveFileName:'Save dialog example with append' 
        fromDirectory:(Filename homeDirectory) 
        action:[:fn | Transcript showCR:'save ',fn] 
        appendAction:[:fn | Transcript showCR:'append ',fn]

        requestSaveFileName:'Save dialog example' 
        fromDirectory:(Filename homeDirectory) 
        action:[:fn | Transcript showCR:'save ',fn] 

fill in multiple blank dialogs
o  request: string1 and: string2 label: label
launch a Dialog, asking for 2 string values, labelled string1 and string2,
without initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or nil on cancel.
Useful to ask for host+port

Usage example(s):

        request:'Host:' and:'Port'     
        label:'Enter Host and Port:' 


o  request: string1 asPassWord: isPassword1 initialAnswer: initial1 and: string2 asPassWord: isPassword2 initialAnswer: initial2 label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for 2 string values, labelled string1 and string2,
with corresponding initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or the value from cancelValue.
Useful to ask for user+password or host+port

Usage example(s):

        request:'UserName:' asPassWord:false initialAnswer:'tim' 
        and:'Password'      asPassWord:true  initialAnswer:'' 
        label:'Please Login'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

o  request: string1 asPassWord: isPassword1 on: holder1 and: string2OrNil asPassWord: isPassword2 on: holder2OrNil label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for (up to) 2 string values, labelled string1 and string2,
with corresponding initial values.
If holder2OrNil isNil, only one field is shown.
Above the fields, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or the value from cancelValue.
If holder2OrNil isNil, only one value is returned.
Useful to ask for user+password or host+port

Usage example(s):

        request:'UserName:' asPassWord:false on:('tim' asValue) 
        and:'Password'      asPassWord:true  on:(nil asValue) 
        label:'Please Login'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

Usage example(s):

        request:'UserName:' asPassWord:false on:('tim' asValue) 
        and:nil             asPassWord:nil   on:nil 
        label:'Please Login'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

o  request: string asPassWord: isPassword on: holder label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for a string value, labelled string.
Above the field, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered string or the value from cancelValue.
Useful to ask for a string with an additional help text

Usage example(s):

        request:'UserName:' asPassWord:false on:('tim' asValue) 
        label: c'Please Login\nBla bla bla\nmore bla bla bla'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

o  request: string1 initialAnswer: initial1 and: string2 initialAnswer: initial2 label: label
launch a Dialog, asking for 2 string values, labelled string1 and string2,
with corresponding initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or nil on cancel.
Useful to ask for host+port

Usage example(s):

        request:'Host:' initialAnswer:'localhost' 
        and:'Port'      initialAnswer:'8859' 
        label:'Enter Host and Port:' 

        request:'Host:' initialAnswer:'localhost' 

o  request: string1 initialAnswer: initial1 and: string2 initialAnswer: initial2 label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for 2 string values, labelled string1 and string2,
with corresponding initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or the value from cancelValue.
Useful to ask for user+password or host+port

Usage example(s):

        request:'Host:' initialAnswer:'localhost' 
        and:'Port'      initialAnswer:'8859' 
        label:'Enter Host and Port'
        title:'Host and Port'
        okLabel:'OK' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

o  request: string1 initialAnswer: initial1 andText: string2 initialAnswer: initial2 lines: numLines label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for 1 single line string value, and one multiline string,
with corresponding initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or the value from cancelValue.
Useful to ask for short message+long message

Usage example(s):

        request:'User Name:' initialAnswer:'tim' 
        andText:'Password'  initialAnswer:''    lines:5
        label:'Please Enter your Name and a Log Message'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

o  request: string1 on: holder1 andText: string2 lines: numLines on: holder2 label: label title: boxTitle okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, asking for 1 single line string value, and one multiline string,
with corresponding initial values.
Above the fields, label is shown, and the window title will be boxTitle.
Returns the entered strings as a pair or the value from cancelValue.
Useful to ask for short message+long message

Usage example(s):

        request:'UserName:' initialAnswer:'tim' 
        andText:'Password:'  initialAnswer:''    lines:5
        label:'Please Login'
        okLabel:'Login' cancelLabel:'Cancel' 

fill in the blank dialogs
o  forRequestText: title editViewClass: editViewClass lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil model: textModel
return a dialog asking for multiline text.
The box is not shown yet, for further customization

Usage example(s):

        lines:10 columns:80 
        model:('' asValue)
     ) open

o  forRequestText: title editViewClass: editViewClass lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText model: textModel
return a dialog asking for multiline text.
The box is not shown yet, for further customization

o  forRequestText: title editViewClass: editViewClass lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText setupWith: aSetupBlockOrNil
return a dialog asking for multiline text.
The box is not shown yet, for further customization

Usage example(s):

     |dialog textHolder|

     textHolder := ValueHolder new.
     dialog := Dialog 
                lines:10 columns:40 
                initialAnswer:'hello' model:textHolder.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        ^ textHolder value
     ^ nil           

Usage example(s):

     |dialog textHolder|

     textHolder := ValueHolder new.
     dialog := Dialog 
                lines:10 columns:40 
                initialAnswer:'hello' model:textHolder.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        ^ textHolder value
     ^ nil           

o  forRequestText: title lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil model: textModel
return a dialog asking for multiline text.
The box is not shown yet, for further customization

Usage example(s):

     |dialog textHolder|

     textHolder := ValueHolder new.
     dialog := Dialog forRequestText:'foo' lines:10 columns:40 initialAnswer:'hello' model:textHolder.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        ^ textHolder value
     ^ nil           

o  forRequestText: title lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText model: textModel
return a dialog asking for multiline text.
The box is not shown yet, for further customization

Usage example(s):

     |dialog textHolder|

     textHolder := ValueHolder new.
     dialog := Dialog forRequestText:'foo' lines:10 columns:40 initialAnswer:'hello' model:textHolder.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        ^ textHolder value
     ^ nil           

o  request: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil (no longer:the empty string) if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

     Dialog request:'enter a string:' 

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around
that point.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center.
Return the string or an empty string (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     origin at 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around it.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center (if centered is true).
The ok-button is labelled okLabel (or the default, ifNil),
the cancel-button is labelled cancelLabel (or the default, ifNil).
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     at topLeft (centering is suppressed, to make the box fully visible)    
            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     topLeft of box at 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
The dialog's window is titled titleString, or the default (if nil).
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around it.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center (if centered is true).
The ok-button is labelled okLabel (or the default, ifNil),
the cancel-button is labelled cancelLabel (or the default, ifNil).
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelValue list: listToSelectFrom
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
The dialog's window is titled titleString, or the default (if nil).
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around it.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center (if centered is true).
The ok-button is labelled okLabel (or the default, ifNil),
the cancel-button is labelled cancelLabel (or the default, ifNil).
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     with a list:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'
            list:#(foo bar baz)

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelValue list: listToSelectFrom initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
The dialog's window is titled titleString, or the default (if nil).
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around it.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center (if centered is true).
The ok-button is labelled okLabel (or the default, ifNil),
the cancel-button is labelled cancelLabel (or the default, ifNil).
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     with a list:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'
            list:#(foo bar baz)

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centeredOrNil action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel cancelLabel: cancelLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelValue list: listToSelectFrom initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil entryCompletionBlock: entryCompletionBlock
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
The dialog's window is titled titleString, or the default (if nil).
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered around it.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the
screen center (if centered is true).
The ok-button is labelled okLabel (or the default, ifNil),
the cancel-button is labelled cancelLabel (or the default, ifNil).
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'Enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     with a list:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'
            list:#(foo bar baz)

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint centered: centered action: resultAction initialAnswer: initial onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.
If aPoint is nonNil, the box is shown there, optionally centered.
If it is nil, it is shown at the current pointer position or at the screen center.
Return the string or the value of cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     at topLeft (centering is suppressed, to make the box fully visible)    
            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     topLeft of box at 200@200:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

o  request: aString displayAt: aPoint initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
The boxes topLeft is placed at aPoint, or under the mouse pointer (if aPoint is nil).
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         displayAt:(250 @ 250) 
         initialAnswer:'the default' 

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial entryCompletionBlock: entryCompletionBlock
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a selector:' 
         entryCompletionBlock:[:s | |completion|

                                completion := Smalltalk selectorCompletion:s.
                                completion second size > 1 ifTrue:[ Screen current beep].
                                completion first

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'
         initialSelection:(1 to:3)

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial list: aList
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
or select from a list of values.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')  

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:((1 to:30) collect:[:i | i printString])  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial list: aList entryCompletionBlock: entryCompletionBlock
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
or select from a list of values.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')  

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:((1 to:30) collect:[:i | i printString])  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial list: aList title: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
or select from a list of values.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')  

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         list:((1 to:30) collect:[:i | i printString])  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel title: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         title:'Only a Test'      

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel title: titleString list: list
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter or select a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  
         title:'Only a Test'      
         list:#('a' 'b' 'c')      

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelAction
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelAction list: listOfChoices
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something
(with a list of choices for fast input).
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a String:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial okLabel: okLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelAction list: listOfChoices entryCompletionBlock: entryCompletionBlock
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something
(with a list of choices for fast input).
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a String:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial onCancel: cancelAction
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  

o  request: aString initialAnswer: initial title: titleString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  

o  request: aString list: listOfChoices
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
but adds a list of choices for fast input.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil *was: the empty string) if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString list: listOfChoices initialAnswer: initialAnswer
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
but adds a list of choices for fast input.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString list: listOfChoices initialAnswer: initialAnswer initialSelection: initialSelection
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
but adds a list of choices for fast input.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString list: listOfChoices initialAnswer: initialAnswer initialSelection: initialSelection title: title
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something,
but adds a list of choices for fast input.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a string:'
         list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  request: aString okLabel: okLabel
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
The okButton is labelled as okLabel.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil if cancel was pressed

Usage example(s):

        request:'Enter a string:'

o  request: aString okLabel: okLabel onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
The okButton is labelled as okLabel.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from evaluating cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

        request:'Enter a string:'

o  request: aString okLabel: okLabel title: titleString onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
The okButton is labelled as okLabel.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value from evaluating cancelValue (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

        request:'Enter a String:'

o  request: aString onCancel: cancelActionOrValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or the value of cancelAction (if cancel was pressed).

Usage example(s):

         request:'Enter a String:'

o  request: aString title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a string.

Usage example(s):

     at topLeft (centering is suppressed, to make the box fully visible)    
            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered around 200@200:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     topLeft of box at 200@200:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     under mouse pointer:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

     centered on the screen:

            request:'enter a string:'
            action:[:result | result printNewline]
            initialAnswer:'the default'

o  request: aString title: titleString initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         request:'enter a string:' 
         initialAnswer:'the default'  

o  requestInteger: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an integer number.
Return the numeric value or nil
(for an invalid number or if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestInteger:'Enter your Age:'      

o  requestInteger: aString initialAnswer: aNumber
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an integer.
Return the numeric value or nil
(for an invalid number or if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestInteger:'Enter your Age:' initialAnswer: 25     

o  requestNumber: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a number.
Return the numeric value or nil
(for an invalid number or if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestNumber:'Enter your Age:'      

o  requestNumber: aString initialAnswer: aNumber
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a number.
Return the numeric value or nil
(for an invalid number or if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestNumber:'Enter your Age:' initialAnswer: 25     

o  requestPassword: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something invisibly.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestPassword:'Enter Secret:'  

o  requestPassword: aString initialAnswer: defaultAnswer
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter something invisibly.
Return the entered string (may be empty string)
or nil (if cancel was pressed)

Usage example(s):

         requestPassword:'Enter Secret:'

o  requestText: title
open a dialog asking for multiline text.
Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestText:'Bla'

o  requestText: title initialAnswer: initialAnswer
open a dialog asking for multiline text.
Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestText:'Bla' initialAnswer:'Hello world'

o  requestText: title initialAnswer: initialAnswer initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil
open a dialog asking for multiline text.
Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestText:'Bla' initialAnswer:'Hello world' initialSelection:(1 to:5)

o  requestText: title lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText
open a dialog asking for multiline text.
Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestText:'Bla' lines:8 columns:40 initialAnswer:'hello world'

o  requestText: title lines: numLines columns: numCols initialAnswer: initialText initialSelection: anIntervalOrNil
open a dialog asking for multiline text.
Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled.

Usage example(s):

        requestText:'Bla' lines:8 columns:40 initialAnswer:'hello world'

        requestText:'Bla2' lines:8 columns:40 initialAnswer:'hello world' initialSelection:(1 to:5)

multiple choice dialogs
o  choose: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the value
from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines initialSelection: initialSelection
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the value
from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.
Initially, the value given by initialSelection is selected (a value from list, not an index)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines initialSelection: initialSelection title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok;
in this case, the value from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.
Initially, the value given by initialSelection is selected (a value from list, not an index)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(10 20 30 40 50 60 70) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines initialSelection: initialSelection title: windowTitle onSelect: selectCallback
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the value
from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.
While the dialog is open, whenever the user
clicks on an item,selectCallback is invoked passing the index as argument
(nil when deselecting)

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(10 20 30 40 50 60 70)
            onSelect:[:idx | Transcript showCR: e'You clicked on {idx}']

o  choose: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the value
from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(10 20 30 40 50 60 70)

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
                values:#(5 6 7)

     no buttons:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

     no list (lines argument is ignored):

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                buttons:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

      full including cancel value:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose example' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
                values:#(5 6 7)
                cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]


         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple postBuildBlock: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
                values:#(5 6 7)

     no buttons:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock postBuildBlock: postBuildBlock
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
                values:#(5 6 7)

     no buttons:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

     no list (lines argument is ignored):

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                buttons:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

      full including cancel value:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose example' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
                values:#(5 6 7)
                cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]


         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: defaultValue lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple postBuildBlock: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil buttons: buttonLabelsOrNil values: buttonValuesOrNil default: defaultValue lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple title: windowTitle postBuildBlock: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                initialSelection: nil
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven') values:#(5 6 7)

     no buttons:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues default: defaultValue lines: maxLines width: boxWidthOrNil cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple title: windowTitle postBuildBlock: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
The buttonValue may be a block of up to 3 arguments; it gets the selection, the box and selIndices as args.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                initialSelection: nil
                buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven') values:#(5 6 7)

     no buttons:

         Transcript showCR:(
                choose:'choose any' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock multiple: multiple postBuildBlock: aBlockOrNil
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
If a list is present, multiple controls if multiple selections are allowed.
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns nil or an empty collection (if multiple is true).

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues lines: maxLines
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, nil is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three') 
            values:#(1 2 3) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: listValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
            values:#(1 2 3 4) 

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose example' 
            fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
            values:#(1 2 3 4) 
            cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: values lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: values lines: maxLines initialSelection: initialSelection title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, nil is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 

o  choose: aString fromList: list values: values lines: maxLines title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, nil is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection is treated like cancel.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose any' 
            fromList:#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 

o  choose: aString label: windowLabel image: imageOrNil labels: buttonLabels values: values default: default onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter any of buttonLabels.
Returning a corresponding value from the values-array.
The default entries button is marked as a return button and entering
return will choose that value; hitting escape returns cancelValue.
For a good userInterface style, we recommend this being the last
entry (to make the right-most button the default button).

Usage example(s):

no good style (default button is not the rightmost one)

        choose:'choose any' 
        label:'Foo Bar Baz'
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('cancel' 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') 
        values:#(nil foo bar baz) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString label: windowLabel labels: buttonLabels values: values default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter any of buttonLabels.
Returning a corresponding value from the values-array.
The default entries button is marked as a return button and entering
return will choose that value; hitting escape returns nil.
For a good userInterface style, we recommend this being the last
entry (to make the right-most button the default button).

Usage example(s):

no good style (default button is not the rightmost one)

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('cancel' 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') 
        values:#(nil foo bar baz) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString label: windowLabel labels: buttonLabels values: values default: default onCancel: cancelValue
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter any of buttonLabels.
Returning a corresponding value from the values-array.
The default entries button is marked as a return button and entering
return will choose that value; hitting escape returns cancelValue.
For a good userInterface style, we recommend this being the last
entry (to make the right-most button the default button).

Usage example(s):

no good style (default button is not the rightmost one)

        choose:'choose any' 
        label:'Foo Bar Baz'
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('cancel' 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') 
        values:#(nil foo bar baz) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString labels: buttonLabels values: values default: default
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter any of buttonLabels.
Returning a corresponding value from the values-array.
The default entries button is marked as a return button and entering
return will choose that value.
For a good userInterface style, we recommend this being the last
entry (to make the right-most button the default button).

Usage example(s):

no good style (default button is not the rightmost one)

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('cancel' 'foo' 'bar' 'baz') 
        values:#(nil foo bar baz) 

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  choose: aString labels: buttonLabels values: values default: default title: windowTitle
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter any of buttonLabels.
Returning a corresponding value from the values-array.
The default entries button is marked as a return button and entering
return will choose that value.
For a good userInterface style, we recommend this being the last
entry (to make the right-most button the default button).

Usage example(s):

no good style (default button is not the rightmost one)

        choose:'choose any' 
        labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
        values:#(1 2 3 4) 
        title:'How many Pizzas'

o  chooseMultiple: aString fromList: list lines: maxLines
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select any combination of items and click ok;
in this case, the values from list is returned (doubleclick works as well).
If cancel is pressed, nil is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns an empty collection.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:(
            chooseMultiple:'choose any combination' 
            fromList:#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 

o  chooseMultiple: aString fromList: list values: listValues buttons: buttonLabels values: buttonValues lines: maxLines cancel: cancelBlock
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, the value of cancelBlock is returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns an empty collection.

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 

o  chooseMultiple: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil lines: maxLines
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, nil returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns an empty collection.

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                initialSelection:#(2 4)

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                initialSelection:#( 'two' 'three')

o  chooseMultiple: aString fromList: list values: listValues initialSelection: initialListSelectionOrNil lines: maxLines title: boxTitle
launch a Dialog showing the message and list.
The user can select an item and click ok; in this case, the corresponding value
from listValues is returned (doubleclick works as well).
The list may be suppressed (if the list arg is nil).
Below the list, an optional row of buttons is shown, which can also be
clicked upon, and a corresponding value from buttonValues is returned.
If cancel is pressed, nil returned.
Pressing ok without a selection returns an empty collection.

Usage example(s):

     full example:

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#(1 2 3 4) 
                initialSelection:#(2 4)

         Transcript showCR:(
                chooseMultiple:'choose selected' 
                fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                values:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
                initialSelection:#( 'two' 'three')

on the fly modifications
o  modifyingBoxWith: modifyBlock do: openingBlock
perform openingBlock (which usually creates a standard dialog box),
but call modifyBlock right before the dialog is actually opened.
This allows modifyBlock to add additional controls to the dialog.
ModifyBlock is called with the box as argument.

Usage example(s):

        modifyingBoxWith:[:box |
            box allViewBackground:Color red.
        ] do:[
            Dialog information:'hello'

Usage example(s):

        modifyingBoxWith:[:box |
            box allViewBackground:Color red.
        ] do:[
            Dialog information:'hello'.
            Dialog information:'hello again (should be red)'.

o  withAdditionalActionButtonLabeled: label1 action: action1 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog.
Add an additional action button to the button panel at the bottom.
This will invoke action1 and keep the box open (unless it does a hide inside)

Usage example(s):

        withAdditionalActionButtonLabeled:'Flash Transcript' 
        action:[Transcript flash]
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

Usage example(s):

        withAdditionalActionButtonLabeled:'Flash Transcript' 
        action:[:dlg | Transcript flash. dlg hide.]
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

Usage example(s):

        action:[Dialog information:'This one without ''Oh yes''']
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withAdditionalHelpButtonForAction: action1 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog.
Add an additional Help-like button to the button panel at the bottom.
This will invoke action1 when clicked

Usage example(s):

        withAdditionalHelpButtonForAction:[Transcript showCR:'help'] 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

Usage example(s):

        withAdditionalHelpButtonForAction:[Smalltalk openHelp] 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withAdditionalOKButtonLabeled: label1 action: action1 andOKButtonLabeled: label2 action: action2 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog.
Add two additional ok-like buttons to the button panel at the bottom.
These will invoke the corresponding action before closing the box with ok

Usage example(s):

        withAdditionalOKButtonLabeled:'Oh,yes' action:[Transcript flash]
        andOKButtonLabeled:'Oh, yes too' action:[Transcript flash]
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withAdditionalOKButtonLabeled: label1 action: action1 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog.
Add an additional ok-like button to the button panel at the bottom.
This will invoke action1 before closing the box with ok

Usage example(s):

        action:[Transcript flash]
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

Usage example(s):

        action:[Dialog information:'This one without ''Oh yes''']
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withAutoAcceptAfter: autoAcceptTimeOrNil do: aBoxCreationAction
patch the dialog, adding a label for the remaining time

o  withAutoAcceptOrCancel: isCancelBoolean after: autoTimeOrNil do: aBoxCreationAction
patch the dialog, adding a label for the remaining time

o  withAutoCancelAfter: autoAcceptTimeOrNil do: aBoxCreationAction
patch the dialog, adding a label for the remaining time

o  withCheckBoxFor: checkModelOrNil1 labelled: checkLabel1 and: checkModelOrNil2 labelled: checkLabel2 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog with boxOpeningBlock.
Either checkModelOrNil is not nil,
then add a corresponding checkbox on a value holder to the dialog.

Usage example(s):

     |h1 h2|
     h1 := true asValue.
     h2 := true asValue.
        withCheckBoxFor:h1 labelled:'a choice' 
        and:h2 labelled:'another choice' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withCheckBoxFor: checkModelOrNil labelled: checkLabel do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog with boxOpeningBlock.
If checkModelOrNil is not nil, then add a checkbox on a value holder
to the dialog.

Usage example(s):

     h := true asValue.
        labelled:'another choice' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withOptoutHolder: aValueHolderOrNil labelled: labelString do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog to warn user.
If aValueHolderOrNil is not nil,
then add a 'do not show this dialog again'-like checkbox,
and change aValueHolder if the checkbox was checked.

Usage example(s):

     holder := false asValue.
        labelled:'opt out' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].
     Transcript showCR:(holder value)

Usage example(s):

        labelled:'opt out' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withOptoutOption: optOutAction1OrNil labelled: labelString1 andOptoutOption: optOutAction2OrNil labelled: labelString2 do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog to warn user.
If the corresponding optOutActionXOrNil is notNil,
add a 'do not show this dialog again'-like checkbox,
and call optOutActionX after the dialog, if the checkbox was indeed checked.

Usage example(s):

        withOptoutOption:[Transcript flash] labelled:'opt out1' 
        andOptoutOption:[Transcript show:'wow'] labelled:'opt out2' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withOptoutOption: optOutActionOrNil labelled: labelString do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog to warn user.
If optOutActionOrNil is not nil,
then add a 'do not show this dialog again'-like checkbox,
and call optOutAction after the dialog, if the checkbox was indeed checked.

Usage example(s):

        withOptoutOption:[Transcript flash] 
        labelled:'opt out' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

Usage example(s):

        labelled:'opt out' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].

o  withOptoutOption: optOutActionOrNil labelled: labelString warn: warnString
launch a Dialog to warn user.
If optOutActionOrNil is not nil,
then add a 'do not show this dialog again'-like checkbox,
and call optOutAction after the warning, if the checkbox was indeed checked.

Usage example(s):

        withOptoutOption:[Transcript flash] 
        labelled:'opt out' 
        warn:'some warning'.

o  withPopUpList: aSelectionInList labelled: listLabel do: boxOpeningBlock
launch a Dialog with boxOpeningBlock.
In addition, at a labelled combolist selecting an item from list
which is held as index in indexHolder.

Usage example(s):

     s := SelectionInList with:#('one' 'two' 'three') initialSelection:2.
        labelled:'Please choose:' 
        do:[ Dialog confirm:'some question' ].
     Transcript showCR:s selection.

o  showAndThenDestroyBox: aBox

o  showBox: aBox
central method to finally open a dialog box;
determine where to show it:
if ForceModalBoxesToOpenAtCenter is true, it is always opened at the center of the screen
if ForceModalBoxesToOpenAtPointer is true, it is always opened under the mouse pointer
open it centered above the opening application,
or - if opened from another modal box - centered above the current modal box.

If there is no current application (i.e. box is opened from a background thread),
then open it centered on the screen

o  defaultOKButtonAtLeft
somewhat of a kludge:
some viewStyles have ok at left (motif), others at right...

Usage example(s):

     DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft

o  defaultParentWindow
return a default parent (top-) window for the dialog.
Here, the currently active view is returned, if there
is one; otherwise, the first encountered topView is

Usage example(s):

     self defaultParentWindow

o  patternForFilters: filtersOrNil
argument #filtersOrNil is window specific,
it is an array of arrays with filter (*.zip) and its description (ZIP compressed archive file)
to support a call with just #filtersOrNil and no #patternOrNil the pattern will be extracted from the #filtersOrNil for linux

which is done here

smalltalk dialogs
o  imageSaveDialog: title image: image default: defaultFileName pattern: pattern
a complete bitmap image save dialog.
Offers edit and save as button options.
Returns the fileName if saved, nil if not

Usage example(s):

        imageSaveDialog:'save screen image' 
        image:(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:100@100)) 

o  requestClass: aString
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an existing classes name.
Return the entered class or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

     Dialog requestClass:'Enter a class:'

o  requestClass: aString initialAnswer: initialAnswer
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an existing classes name.
Return the entered class or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClass:'Enter a class:'

o  requestClass: aString list: list okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an existing classes name.
Return the entered class or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClass:'Enter a class:'
         list:(View withAllSubclasses copy sortBySelector:#name)

o  requestClass: aString list: list okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial allowCreateIfAbsent: allowCreateIfAbsent
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an existing classes name.
Return the entered class or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClass:'Enter a class:'
         list:(View withAllSubclasses copy sortBySelector:#name)

o  requestClass: aString okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter an existing class's name.
Return the entered class or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClass:'Enter a class:'

o  requestClassName: aString initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a class name.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClassName:'enter a class:'

o  requestClassName: aString list: list okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a class name.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClassName:'Enter a class:'
         list:(Array with:Array with:String with:Point)

o  requestClassName: aString okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a class name.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does classNameCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestClassName:'enter a class:'

o  requestName: title fromList: nameList title: boxTitle initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil
Ask for a name from a list (used for namespaces and sharedPools)

Usage example(s):

        requestName:'Select a Name' 
        fromList:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz') 

o  requestNameSpace: title initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil
Ask for a namespaces name

Usage example(s):

        requestNameSpace:'Select a NameSpace' 

o  requestNameSpace: title title: boxTitle initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil
Ask for a namespaces name (returns a string)

Usage example(s):

        requestNameSpace:'Select a NameSpace' 

o  requestProject: title from: listOfProjectsIn initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil suggestions: suggestionsOrNil
Ask for a project (package-id)

Usage example(s):

        requestProject:'enter a project'
        suggestions:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')

o  requestProject: title initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil suggestions: suggestions
Ask for a project (package-id)

o  requestSelector: aString forClass: aClassOrNil okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a method selector.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does selectorCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestSelector:'Enter a selector (in Array):'

         requestSelector:'Enter a selector (in Array):'

o  requestSelector: aString initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a method selector.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does selectorCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestSelector:'enter a selector:' 

o  requestSelector: aString okLabel: okLabel initialAnswer: initial
launch a Dialog, which allows user to enter a method selector.
Return the entered string (may be empty string) or nil (if cancel was pressed).
The entryField does selectorCompletion on TAB.

Usage example(s):

         requestSelector:'enter a selector:'

o  requestSharedPool: title title: boxTitle initialAnswer: initialTextOrNil
Ask for a sharedPools name

Usage example(s):

        requestSharedPool:'Select a SharedPool' 

Instance protocol:

o  abortAction: aBlock
define the action to be performed when abort is pressed

o  acceptCheck: aBlock
if nonNil, the acceptCheck-block is evaluated when the dialog is
accepted (ok-button or Return-key). If it returns true, the box is closed,
otherwise not. Of course, you may also use a valueHolder instead of a block
to provide the check value.

o  acceptOnLeave: aBoolean
define the behavior when the last input field is left via cursor keys.
The default is to accept & close the dialog (i.e. true).

o  acceptReturnAsOK: aBoolean
turn on/off interpretation of return-key as ok.
Default is on

o  action: aBlock
set the action to be performed when user presses ok-button;
aBlock must be nil or a block. This method simply
reuses okAction: and has been added for a consistent action-setting

o  focusOnField: anInputField
arrange for the argument to get the focus (initially)

o  focusToOKOnLeave: aBoolean
define the behavior when the last input field is left via a return
or cursor key.
The default is to shift the focus to the OK button (i.e. true).
If turned off, the OK is immediately performed, i.e.
the dialog is accepted & closed.

o  hideOnAccept: aBoolean
control if the dialog should close when accepted.
The default is true

o  makeTabable: aComponentOrSubcomponent
add a component (usually a subcomponent, of which the dialog
does not know) to the list of tabable ones (i.e. those, that can be
stepped through via FocusNext/FocusPrevious).
Toplevel tabable components are usually added with #addComponent:tabable:

o  makeTabable: aComponentOrSubcomponent after: anotherComponent
add a component (usually a subcomponent, of which the dialog
does not know) to the list of tabable ones (i.e. those, that can be
stepped through via FocusNext/FocusPrevious).
Toplevel tabable components are usually added with #addComponent:tabable:

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  makeUntabable: aComponentOrSubcomponent
(tabableElements includesIdentical:aComponentOrSubcomponent) ifFalse:[

o  noAction: aBlock
define the action to be performed when 'no' is pressed

o  okAction: aBlock
define the action to be performed when ok is pressed

o  title: aString yesAction: yesBlock noAction: noBlock
define title and actions

o  yesAction: aBlock
define the action to be performed when 'yes' is pressed

o  yesAction: yesBlock noAction: noBlock
define both actions

o  acceptChannel
same as #accept: return the valueHolder which is set to true when the box
is accepted

o  acceptChannel: aValueHolder
set the valueHolder which is set to true when the box
is accepted

o  abortButton
return the abortButton - this access is provided to allow
setting the buttons look (for example: colors or font)

o  buttonPanel
return the buttonPanel - this access is provided to allow
setting the buttons look (for example: colors or font),
and/or to add buttons on the fly via the modifyingBox:do: hook

o  cancelButton
same as #abortButton;
return the abortButton - this access is provided to allow
setting the buttons look (for example: colors or font)

o  noButton
return the no-button

o  okButton
return the okButton - this access is provided to allow
setting the buttons look (for example: colors or font)

o  verticalPanel
if there is none yet, create and add a vertical panel.
This can be used to add additional components in
an aboutToOpen hook callback (or via the modifyingBox:do: hook).

Usage example(s):

verticalPanel height:25.

o  verticalPanelIfPresent

o  yesButton
return the 'yes'-button

o  componentAt: name
retrieve a component by name - to access it, it must have been
named previously with #name:as:

o  name: element as: name
assign a name to a component. This can be done during construction,
to allow later access to the components (i.e. without a need to
remember them in some instVars)

o  abortText: aString
define the label in the abort-button

o  hideButtons
hides the buttonPanel (i.e. the ok and cancel buttons if any)

o  noLabel: aString
define the label of the 'no'-button.
And alias for #noText: - for backward compatibility

o  noText: aString
define the label of the no-button.
If not set, it defaults to the resource-string for 'no'.

o  okText: aString
define the text in the ok-button

o  okText: okString abortText: abortString
set both texts displayed in the buttons

o  okText: yesString noText: noString
define the labels of both buttons.
Alias for yesText:noText: for backward compatibility.

o  title: aString
define title

Usage example(s):

     DialogBox new open
     (DialogBox new title:'Foo') open

o  title: aString yesText: yesString noText: noString
define title and button labels

o  yesLabel: aString
define the label of the 'yes'-button.
An alias for #yesText: for backward compatibility.

o  yesText: aString
define the label of the 'yes'-button

o  yesText: yesString noText: noString
define the labels of both buttons

o  accept
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 23-09-2021

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  aspectAt: anAspectSymbol put: aDataModel
return the dataModel for some aspect, nil if no such dataModel was defined;
requires that a corresponding dataModel has been set (usually during
initialization) via the #aspectAt:put: message.
Allows users of boxes to access individual values - especially useful,
in multi-field dialogs.

o  aspectFor: anAspectSymbol
return the dataModel for some aspect, nil if no such dataModel was defined;
requires that a corresponding dataModel has been set (usually during
initialization) via the #aspectAt:put: message.
Allows users of boxes to access individual values - especially useful,
in multi-field dialogs.

o  cancel
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 23-09-2021

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  addComponent: aComponent
add any component with its preferred height and full width.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent indent: indent
add any component with its preferred height and full width.
The indent is temporarily changed to indent.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent indent: indent tabable: tabable
add any component with its preferred height and full width.
The indent is temporarily changed to indent.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent indent: indent withExtent: ext
add any component with some given extent.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent indent: indent withHeight: height
add any component with some given height and full width.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent tabable: tabable
add any component with its preferred height and full width.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent tabable: tabable tabbedComponent: subComponent
add any component with its preferred height and full width.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent withExtent: ext
add any component with some given extent.
Returns the component.

o  addComponent: aComponent withHeight: height
add any component with some given height and full width.
Returns the component.

o  addLabelledField: aView label: labelString adjust: labelAdjust tabable: tabable from: leftX to: rightX separateAtX: sepX
add a label and some view side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to sepX; the inputField from sepX to 1.0.
sepX may be relative (0.0 .. 1.0) or in absolute pixels.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(EditField on:model) label:'input here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(PopUpList on:model) label:'select here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

o  addLabelledField: aView label: labelString adjust: labelAdjust tabable: tabable from: leftX to: rightX separateAtX: sepX nameAs: aName
add a label and some view side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to sepX; the inputField from sepX to 1.0.
sepX may be relative (0.0 .. 1.0) or in absolute pixels.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(EditField on:model) 
                label:'input here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:((ComboListView on:model) list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz'))
                label:'select foo:'

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(PopUpList on:model) 
                label:'select here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

o  addLabelledField: aView label: labelString adjust: labelAdjust tabable: tabable from: leftX to: rightX separateAtX: sepX nameAs: aName foregroundColor: fgColor
add a label and some view side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to sepX; the inputField from sepX to 1.0.
sepX may be relative (0.0 .. 1.0) or in absolute pixels.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(EditField on:model) 
                label:'input here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:((ComboListView on:model) list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz'))
                label:'select foo:'

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(PopUpList on:model) 
                label:'select here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

o  addLabelledField: aView label: labelString adjust: labelAdjust tabable: tabable separateAtX: sepX
add a label and some view side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to sepX; the inputField from sepX to 1.0.
sepX may be relative (0.0 .. 1.0) or in absolute pixels.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(EditField on:model) label:'input here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledField:(PopUpList on:model) label:'select here:' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

o  addMessage: labelString centered: centered
similar to addTextLabel; adds a label only.
For ST80 compatibility

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addMessage:'hello' centered:true.
     dialog addMessage:'world' centered:false.
     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'Yeah'].

o  addMessage: labelString textLine: valueHolder boundary: fraction
similar to addInputField; adds a label PLUS an inputField.
For ST80 compatibility

o  addMessage: labelString textLine: valueHolder type: typeSymbolOrNil boundary: fraction
similar to addInputField; adds a label PLUS an inputField.
For ST80 compatibility

o  addTextLabel: aStringOrHolder
create a text label - the name has been choosen for ST-80 compatibility;
however, ST/X labels allow image labels too.
Returns the label.

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello'.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):

     |b v|

     v := 'hello' asValue.
     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:v.
        Delay waitForSeconds:1.
        v value:'world'
     ] fork.

     b showAtPointer.

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b leftIndent:100.
     b addTextLabel:'hello'.
     b leftIndent:0.
     b addTextLabel:'world'.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello'.
     b addTextLabel:'world'.
     b addOkButton.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello'.
     (b addTextLabel:'world') foregroundColor:Color red.
     b addOkButton.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello world\\How about this ?' withCRs.
     b addOkButton.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello world\\How about this ?' withCRs.
     b addTextLabel:'not bad'.
     b addAbortButton.
     b addOkButton.
     b showAtPointer

o  addTextLabel: aStringOrHolder adjust: how
create a text label - the name has been choosen for ST-80 compatibility;
however, ST/X labels allow image labels too.
Returns the label.
The adjust argument must be one of #left, #right or #center (see Label for details)

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello' adjust:#left.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabel:'hello' adjust:#right.
     b showAtPointer

o  addTextLabelOn: aValueHolder
create a text label showing the contents of a valueHolder.
Returns the label.

Usage example(s):

     |holder b|

     holder := ValueHolder with:'hello'.

     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabelOn:holder asValue.
     [ Delay waitForSeconds:2. holder value:'world' ] fork.
     b showAtPointer

Usage example(s):


     b := DialogBox new.
     b leftIndent:100.
     b addTextLabelOn:'hello' asValue.
     b leftIndent:0.
     b addTextLabelOn:'world' asValue.
     b showAtPointer

o  addTextLabelOn: aStringHolder adjust: how
create a text label - the name has been choosen for ST-80 compatibility;
however, ST/X labels allow image labels too.
Returns the label.
The adjust argument must be one of #left, #right or #center (see Label for details)

Usage example(s):

     |holder b|

     holder := ValueHolder with:'hello'.

     b := DialogBox new.
     b addTextLabelOn:holder asValue adjust:#left.
     [ Delay waitForSeconds:2. holder value:'world' ] fork.
     b showAtPointer

o  addToInputFieldGroup: aComponentOrSubcomponent
add a component to the input group.
The argument, aComponentOrSubcomponent may even be a nested subcomponent of
a topLevel component.

o  addToInputFieldGroup: aComponentOrSubcomponent before: anotherComponent
add a component to the input group.
The argument, aComponentOrSubcomponent may even be a nested subcomponent of
a topLevel component.

o  removeFromInputFieldGroup: aComponentOrSubcomponent
remove a component from the input group.
The argument, aComponentOrSubcomponent may even be a nested subcomponent of
a topLevel component.

o  addAbortAndOkButtons
create both abort- (i.e. cancel) and Ok Buttons

o  addAbortButton
create an abortButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
Returns the button.

o  addAbortButton: aButton
add an already created abortButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
Returns the button.

o  addAbortButtonLabelled: buttonLabel
create an abortButton with a label - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
A nil argument creates one with the default label.
Returns the button.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButtonLabelled:'get out of here'.
     dialog addOkButtonLabelled:'yes thats ok'.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addButton: aButton
add a button into the buttonPanel.
Returns the button.

Usage example(s):

^ self addButton:aButton after:nil

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button label:'foo' action:[Transcript showCR:'foo']).
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button label:'foo' action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo']).
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addButton:(Button label:'foo' action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo']).
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addButton: aButton after: someOtherButtonOrNilOrIntegerIndex
add a button into the buttonPanel.
If the argument someOtherButtonOrNil is nil, the button is
added at the end.
Returns the button

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button 
                        action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo'])
                after:(dialog okButton).
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button 
                        action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo'])
                after:(dialog abortButton).
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button 
                        action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo'])
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addButton: aButton before: someOtherButtonOrNil
add a button into the buttonPanel.
If the argument someOtherButtonOrNil is nil, the button is
added upFront.
Returns the button

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button 
                        action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo'])
                before:(dialog okButton).
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addAbortButton.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog addButton:(Button 
                        action:[dialog hide. Transcript showCR:'foo'])
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addHelpButtonFor: pathToHelpText
add a help button to the buttonPanel.
The argument, pathToHelpText should specify the path to the help
text under either the doc/online/<language> or the help/<language>
Returns the button

Usage example(s):


     box := DialogBox new.

     box open

o  addHelpButtonWithAction: helpAction
add a help button to the buttonPanel.
The argument, helpAction is avaluated when clicked.
Returns the button

Usage example(s):


     box := DialogBox new.
        addHelpButtonWithAction:[ Transcript flash ];

     box open

o  addOK: checkBlock
Visualworks compatibility method. Here, checkBlock is ignored

o  addOkButton
create an okButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
Returns the button.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addOkButton: aButton
add an already created okButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
Returns the button.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog b|

     b := Button label:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedBy:0.5).

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addOkButton:b.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  addOkButtonLabelled: buttonLabel
create an okButton with a label - to be sent from redefined initialize
methods in subclasses or when creating a box programmatically.
A nil argument creates one with the default text.
Returns the button.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addOkButtonLabelled:'get out of here'.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:'yes'].

o  removeAbortButton
remove an already added okButton - only useful to change some already created
dialog afterwards

o  removeOkButton
remove an already added okButton - only useful to change some already created
dialog afterwards

construction-check & comboboxes
o  addCheckBox: label on: aModel
create a checkBox with label on aModel and add it.
Returns the checkBox widget.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog check|

     check := true asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addCheckBox:'on or off' on:check.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:check value].

o  addCheckBox: label on: aModel tabable: tabable
create a checkBox with label on aModel and add it.
Returns the checkBox widget.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog check1 check2 check3|

     check1 := true asValue.
     check2 := false asValue.
     check3 := true asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addCheckBox:'on or off' on:check1 tabable:false.
     dialog addHorizontalLine.

     dialog addCheckBox:'on or off' on:check2 tabable:true.
     dialog addCheckBox:'on or off' on:check3 tabable:true.
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addCheckBoxAtBottom: checkLabel on: aValueHolder
add a checkbox and make it stick at the bottom.
Returns the checkBox widget.

o  addComboBoxOn: aModel
create a comboBoxView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboBox widget.

o  addComboBoxOn: aModel list: list tabable: tabable
create a comboBoxView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboBox widget.

o  addComboBoxOn: aModel tabable: tabable
create a comboBoxView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboBox widget.

o  addComboListOn: aModel
create a comboListView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboList widget.

o  addComboListOn: aModel list: list tabable: tabable
create a comboListView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboList widget.

Usage example(s):

     |box val|

     val := '' asValue.

     box := Dialog new.

     (box addTextLabel:'combo box example') adjust:#left.
     box addVerticalSpace.
     (box addComboListOn:val list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') tabable:true).
     box addOkButton.
     box open.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:val value

o  addComboListOn: aModel tabable: tabable
create a comboListView on aModel and add it.
Returns the comboList widget.

o  addTriggerBox: label action: aBlock
create a triggerBox with label and action and add it.
Returns the triggerBox widget

Usage example(s):

     |dialog trigger1 trigger2 trigger3|

     trigger1 := true asValue.
     trigger2 := false asValue.
     trigger3 := true asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addTriggerBox:'go' action:[Transcript showCR:'1'].
     dialog addHorizontalLine.

     dialog addTriggerBox:'go go' action:[Transcript showCR:'2'].
     dialog addTriggerBox:'trigger' action:[Transcript showCR:'3'].
     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addFilenameInputFieldOn: aModel in: aDirectory tabable: tabable
create a fileName input field on aModel and add it.
Returns the field. This is much like a normal input field,
but supports filename completion.

o  addInputField: aField
add an already created input field.
Returns the field.

o  addInputField: aField tabable: tabable
add an already created input field.
If tabable is true, the field is put into a group, to allow
stepping through the fields with #Cursor/#Return keys.
Returns the field.

o  addInputFieldOn: aModel
create an input field on aModel and add it.
Returns the field.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter a string') adjust:#left.

     field := dialog addInputFieldOn:model.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

o  addInputFieldOn: aModel tabable: tabable
create an input field on aModel and add it.
If tabable is false, the field cannot be tabbed into
and return does not close the box.
(pointer must be moved into it).
Returns the field.

o  addLabelledFilenameField: labelString adjust: labelAdjust on: model tabable: tabable separateAtX: relativeX
add a label and an inputField side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to relativeX; the inputField from relativeX to 1.0.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

o  addLabelledInputField: labelString adjust: labelAdjust on: model tabable: tabable from: leftX to: rightX separateAtX: sepX
add a label and an inputField side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to sepX; the inputField from sepX to 1.0.
sepX may be relative (0.0 .. 1.0) or in absolute pixels.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledInputField:'enter a string' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model1 model2 field|

     model1 := '' asValue.
     model2 := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     dialog addTextLabel:'a two-input box'.
     dialog addHorizontalLine.

     field := dialog 

     field := dialog 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:model1 value.
        Transcript showCR:model2 value.

o  addLabelledInputField: labelString adjust: labelAdjust on: model tabable: tabable separateAtX: relativeX
add a label and an inputField side-by-side.
The label goes from 0.0 to relativeX; the inputField from relativeX to 1.0.
The label's string is defined by labelString and adjusted according to labelAdjust.
The inputField gets model as its model.
Return the inputField.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model field|

     model := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     field := dialog 
                addLabelledInputField:'enter a string' 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript showCR:model value].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model1 model2 field|

     model1 := '' asValue.
     model2 := '' asValue.

     dialog := DialogBox new.

     dialog addTextLabel:'a two-input box'.
     dialog addHorizontalLine.

     field := dialog 

     field := dialog 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:model1 value.
        Transcript showCR:model2 value.

o  addGap
VW compatibility

o  addGap: pixels
VW compatibility

o  addHorizontalLine
add a horizontal line as separator

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
	addTextLabel:'some title string';
	addTextLabel:'more text';

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
	addTextLabel:'some title string';
	addTextLabel:'more text'.
     (dialog addHorizontalLine) width:20.
     dialog addTextLabel:'more text'.
     (dialog addHorizontalLine) width:20.
	addTextLabel:'more text';

o  addVerticalSpace
add a default vertical space (1 mm)

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addTextLabel:'some title string'.
     dialog addVerticalSpace.
     dialog addTextLabel:'more text'.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addVerticalSpace: nPixel
add some pixels of space to the next component

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     dialog addTextLabel:'some title string'.
     dialog addVerticalSpace:50.
     dialog addTextLabel:'more text'.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addList: listHolder lines: nLines validation: validateionBlock

o  addListBoxOn: aModel
add a selectionInListView to the box.
The listViews ScrollWrapper is returned

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model listView|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog addListBoxOn:model.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:model selection].

o  addListBoxOn: aModel class: aListViewClass
create & add an instance of aListViewClass to the box.
The listViews ScrollWrapper is returned

o  addListBoxOn: aModel class: aListViewClass withNumberOfLines: numLines
create and add an instance of aListViewClass to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
The listViews ScrollWrapper is returned

o  addListBoxOn: aModel class: aListViewClass withNumberOfLines: numLines hScrollable: hs vScrollable: vs
add an instance of aListViewClass (selectionInListView) to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog listView|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 

     listView directory:'/etc'.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:listView selectionValue].

o  addListBoxOn: aModel withNumberOfLines: numLines
add a selectionInListView to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
The listViews ScrollWrapper is returned

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model listView|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog addListBoxOn:model withNumberOfLines:3.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:model selection].

o  addListBoxOn: aModel withNumberOfLines: numLines hScrollable: hs vScrollable: vs
add a selectionInListView to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model listView|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog addListBoxOn:model withNumberOfLines:3 hScrollable:true vScrollable:true.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:model selection].

Usage example(s):

     |dialog model listView|

     model := SelectionInList new.
     model list:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four').
     model selectionIndex:2.

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog addListBoxOn:model withNumberOfLines:3 hScrollable:false vScrollable:false.

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:model selection].

o  addPopUpList: labelString on: aModel
create a popUpList with a label on aModel and add it.
Returns the box.

o  addPopUpList: labelString on: aModel tabable: tabable
create a popUpList on aModel and add it.
Returns the popUpList.

o  addPopUpListOn: aModel
create a popUpList on aModel and add it.
Returns the box.

o  addPopUpListOn: aModel tabable: tabable
create a popUpList on aModel and add it.
Returns the popUpList.

o  addRadioButton: labelString on: aRadioButtonGroupModel value: radioValue tabable: tabable
create a radio button on aModel and add it.
Returns the radio button.

o  addTextBoxOn: aModel class: aListViewClass withNumberOfLines: numLines hScrollable: hs vScrollable: vs
add an instance of aListViewClass to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog listView|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'Enter Text:') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'text is:'; showCR:listView contents

o  addTextBoxOn: aModel view: aListView withHeight: heightInPixels hScrollable: hs vScrollable: vs
add a ListView instance to the box.
The list has heightInPixels (if nonNil) height shown.
If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog listView|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 
                        view:EditTextView new

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'entered text is:'; showCR:listView contents

Usage example(s):

     |model dialog listView|

     model := SelectionInList with:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e').
     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 
                        view:SelectionInListView new

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'you selected:'; showCR:listView selection

o  addTextBoxOn: aModel view: aListView withNumberOfLines: numLines hScrollable: hs vScrollable: vs
add a ListView instance to the box.
The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog listView|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'you entered:'; showCR:listView contents

Usage example(s):

     |model dialog listView|

     model := SelectionInList with:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e').
     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.

     listView := dialog 

     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'you selected:'; showCR:listView selection

construction-rows & columns
o  addColumn: aRow fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock
add some elements in a vertical column.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addColumn:#('label1' 'label2' 'lbl3' 'l4' 'label5')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addColumn:#('label1' 'label2' 'label3' 'label4' 'label5')
	collect:[:label | (Label label:label) adjust:#left].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog y|

     dialog := Dialog new.
     y := dialog yPosition.
	addColumn:#('a1' 'b1' 'c1' 'd1')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog yPosition:y.
	addColumn:#('a2' 'b2' 'c2' 'd2')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog yPosition:y.
	addColumn:#('a3' 'b3' 'c3' 'd3')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addColumn: aRow fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock tabable: tabable
add some elements in a vertical column.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog y values|

     values := (1 to:4) collect:[:dummy | '' asValue].

     dialog := Dialog new.
     y := dialog yPosition.
	addColumn:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog yPosition:y.
	collect:[:value | EditField on:value]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
	Transcript showCR:(values collect:[:holder | holder value])

Usage example(s):

     |dialog y values|

     values := #(true true false false false true false true) collect:[:val | val asValue].

     dialog := Dialog new.
     y := dialog yPosition.
	addColumn:(1 to:4)
	collect:[:idx | CheckToggle on:(values at:idx)]

     dialog yPosition:y.
	addColumn:(5 to:8) 
	collect:[:idx | CheckToggle on:(values at:idx)]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
	Transcript showCR:(values collect:[:holder | holder value])

o  addColumn: aRow fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock tabable: tabable horizontalLayout: hLayout
add some elements in a vertical column.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog y values|

     values := (1 to:4) collect:[:dummy | '' asValue].

     dialog := Dialog new.
     y := dialog yPosition.
        addColumn:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four')
        collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog yPosition:y.
        collect:[:value | EditField on:value]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:(values collect:[:holder | holder value])

Usage example(s):

     |dialog y values|

     values := #(true true false false false true false true) collect:[:val | val asValue].

     dialog := Dialog new.
     y := dialog yPosition.
        addColumn:(1 to:4)
        collect:[:idx | CheckToggle on:(values at:idx)].

     dialog yPosition:y.
        addColumn:(5 to:8) 
        collect:[:idx | CheckToggle on:(values at:idx)]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:(values collect:[:holder | holder value])

o  addRow: aCol fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock
add some elements in a horizontal row.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.
Advance y.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addRow:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addRow:#('a1' 'b1' 'c1' 'd1')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

	addRow:#('a2' 'b2' 'c2' 'd2')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

	addRow:#('a3' 'b3' 'c3' 'd3')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addRow: aCol fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock tabable: tabable
add some elements in a horizontal row.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.
Advance y.

o  addRow: aCol fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock tabable: tabable horizontalLayout: hLayout
add some elements in a horizontal row.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.
Advance y.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addRow:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addRow:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four')
	collect:[:label | Button label:label]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
	addRow:#('a1' 'b1' 'c1' 'd1')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

	addRow:#('a2' 'b2' 'c2' 'd2')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

	addRow:#('a3' 'b3' 'c3' 'd3')
	collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  addRow: aCol fromX: leftX toX: rightX collect: aBlock tabable: tabable horizontalLayout: hLayout verticalLayout: vLayout
add some elements in a horizontal row.
Equally space elements as returned from aBlock.
Advance y.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
        addRow:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd')
        collect:[:label | Label label:label]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
        addRow:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four')
        collect:[:label | Button label:label]

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):


     dialog := Dialog new.
        addRow:#('a1' 'b1' 'c1' 'd1')
        collect:[:label | Label label:label].

        addRow:#('a2' 'b2' 'c2' 'd2')
        collect:[:label | Label label:label].

        addRow:#('a3' 'b3' 'c3' 'd3')
        collect:[:label | Label label:label].

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

explicit focus control
o  focusOnOk

initialization & release
o  defaultExtent
redefined to return my last extent
as default for the open

o  initialize
must be called if redefined

o  reAdjustGeometry
sent late in snapin processing - gives me a chance
to resize for changed font dimensions.

o  rememberLastExtent
can be redefined in subclasses to return true
iff the default size should be the same as the size when last closed.
If false is returned, the default size is computed from the contents.
Remembering is useful for file-selection boxes,
when the user resized the box for many files.
It is NOT useful for generic box (like information:) which should just
adopt to their contents.
Here, false is returned as default, because I am abstract, not knowing what is
shown in me.

layout control
o  bottomAlign: widgets
mhmh - seems similar to our stickAtBottom functionality - to be checked

o  bottomAlignLowerEdge: widget
mhmh - seems similar to our stickAtBottom functionality - to be checked

o  leftIndent
return the current indent
(current x position - that's where the next component will be positioned).

o  leftIndent: aNumber
set the left indent
(current x position - that's where the next component(s) will be located).
Setting this before adding a component will place it indented

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label1') adjust:#left.
     dialog leftIndent:20.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label2') adjust:#left.
     dialog leftIndent:40.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label3') adjust:#left.
     dialog leftIndent:60.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label4') adjust:#left.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  rightIndent
return the current right indent.

o  rightIndent: aNumber
set the right indent

Usage example(s):


     dialog := DialogBox new.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label1') adjust:#right.
     dialog rightIndent:20.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label2') adjust:#right.
     dialog rightIndent:40.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label3') adjust:#right.
     dialog rightIndent:60.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label4') adjust:#right.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  setInitialGap

o  stickAtBottomWithFixHeight: aComponent
arrange for a component to be positioned at a constant offset
from the bottom of the box and its height to remain the same.
This will keep the component at a constant distance from the bottom
(without this setup, it would stay at a constant offset from the top).
ATTENTION: use this as a last step, after all components have been added.

o  stickAtBottomWithFixHeight: aComponent left: left right: right
arrange for a component to be positioned at a constant offset
from the bottom of the box and its height to remain the same.
This will keep the component at a constant distance from the bottom
(without this setup, it would stay at a constant offset from the top).
ATTENTION: use this as a last step, after all components have been added.

o  stickAtBottomWithVariableHeight: aComponent
arrange for a component to be positioned at a constant offset
from the bottom of the box and its height to be adjusted.
This will resize the component for a constant distance from the top,
and the bottom.
(without this setup, its height would remain constant).
ATTENTION: use this as a last step, after all components have been added.

o  yPosition
return the current y position
(that's where the next component will be positioned).

o  yPosition: aNumber
set the current y position
(that's where the next component will be positioned).

Usage example(s):

     |dialog pos|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     pos := dialog yPosition.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label1') width:0.5.
     dialog yPosition:pos.
     (dialog addTextLabel:'label2') width:0.5; left:0.5.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

Usage example(s):

     |dialog pos|

     dialog := DialogBox new.
     pos := dialog yPosition.
     #('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
     with:#(0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75) do:[:lbl :x |
         dialog yPosition:pos.
        (dialog addComponent:(Button label:lbl) tabable:true)
                width:0.25; left:x.

     dialog addOkButton.
     dialog open.

o  assignKeyboardFocusToFirstKeyboardConsumer
disabled - the focus might have already been changed

o  basicAddComponent: aComponent
add a component, don't change its size

o  forceResize
force a recomputation of my size.
Call this, when elements were added to a subcomponent,
of which I cannot know.
Eg. when someone gets the buttonPanel or the verticalPanel and adds an element to it

o  hideAndEvaluate: aBlock
if I am modal, make myself invisible and evaluate aBlock.
If nonModal, stay up, but also evaluate the block.

o  preOpen

o  realize
if any inputFields were added, activate the first one

o  resize
verticalPanel notNil ifTrue:[

o  accepted
after the box has closed:
return true if accepted, false if canceled

o  canceled
after the box has closed:
return true if canceled, false if accepted

o  computePreferredExtent
return my preferred extent.
That is the max component width, or my current width (default);
whichever is larger, by the sum of the component's heights.

o  interfaceSpecFor: aSelector
return an interface spec.
Notice - Dialog should be moved under AppModel so this becomes obsolete.

o  maxPreferredWidthOfAddedComponents
helper for computing my preferred extent.
That is the max component width

o  positionOffset
return the delta, by which the box should be displayed
from the mouse pointer. Here, an offset is returned, which
makes the center of the first return-Button in the panel
appear under the cursor. If there is no such button,
use my superclasses offset.

o  specificationFor: aKey
return an interface spec's literal encoding.
Notice - Dialog should be moved under AppModel so this becomes obsolete.

o  isDialogBox
(comment from inherited method)
answer true, if my view represents a Dialog

user actions
o  abortPressed
sent by the cancel button; user pressed abort button
- hide myself and evaluate okAction

o  actionArgument

o  closeCancel
closed via escape

o  doAccept
let all components accept (i.e. update their model from the values),
then set my accept value to true.
This is confusing: this method was originally called #accept,
but renamed for compatibility with ST-80, where #accept returns the
accept-valueHolder (which looks like a bad name to me ...).

o  handlesKeyPress: key inView: view

o  hide
redefined to remember my last extent;
used as default for the next open

o  keyPress: aKey x: x y: y
return-key duplicates ok-function if acceptReturnAsOK is true

o  keyPress: aKey x: x y: y view: someView

o  lastFieldLeft
if the dialog involves input fields, this is called
when the last field is left by Return-key or NextField-key

o  okPressed
sent by the okButton; user pressed ok-button
- make myself invisible and if an action was specified, then do it

o  openDialog
open the dialog modal; then return true if accepted, false if canceled


historically, DialogBox was used as an abstract class as a base for InfoBox, YesNoBox etc. However, the programmatic construction protocol (#addComponent:) now allows those classes to be easily replaced and future versions of ST/X may do this and make those subclasses obsolete. However, dummy stubs will remain to exist for backward compatibility (i.e. do not fear using YesNoBox, EnterBox etc.) For most simple standard dialogs, there are ready to use methods in the class protocol. For example: info & warnings:
    Dialog information:'hi there'
    Dialog warn:'oops'
yes/no questions:
    (Dialog confirm:'is this simple ?')
        Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
    ] ifFalse:[
        Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
yes/no question with cancel option:

    answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:'is this simple ?'.
    answer isNil ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'no easy decision'
    ] ifFalse:[
        answer ifTrue:[
            Transcript showCR:'thats what I expected'
        ] ifFalse:[
            Transcript showCR:'read more examples and documentation'
asking for a string:

    s := Dialog request:'enter your name, please:'.
    s notEmpty ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
asking for a string with given default:

    s := Dialog 
            request:'enter your name, please:'
            initialAnswer:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
    s notEmpty ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'you entered: ' , s.
asking for a filename:

    s := Dialog 
            requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
    Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
with a namefiler pattern:

    s := Dialog 
            requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
    Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
another namefiler pattern:

    s := Dialog 
            requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
    Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
with changed button label and pattern:

    s := Dialog 
            requestFileName:'select a file, please:'
    Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
asking for a password:

    s := Dialog 
            requestPassword:'enter your secret, please:'.
    Transcript show:'you entered: '; showCR:s.
multiple choice dialogs:
       choose:'choose any' 
       buttons:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
       values:#(1 2 3 4) 
multiple choice dialog, with list & buttons:
     Transcript showCR:(
            choose:'choose example' 
            fromList:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four') 
            values:#(1 2 3 4) 
            buttons:#('five' 'six' 'seven')
            values:#(5 6 7)
            cancel:[Transcript flash. #aborted]
You can (and often have to) construct custom dialogs programmatically, from individual components. As shown in the following examples: basic (unusable) example:
    DialogBox new open
still unusable - only an ok-button:
    DialogBox new addOkButton; open
both ok- and abortButtons:
    DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButton; open
with different ok-label:
    DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButtonLabelled:'yeah'; open
adding a (centered by default) textlabel gives an infoBox:
    DialogBox new
a textlabel with abort- and okButton gives a yesNoBox:
    DialogBox new
the same, adjusting the label's contents to the left:

    box := DialogBox new.
    (box addTextLabel:'hello') adjust:#left.
    box addAbortButton; 
with modified buttons:

    box := DialogBox new.
    (box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
    box addAbortButtonLabelled:'not really'. 
    (box addOkButtonLabelled:'yes, absolutely') 
            activeBackgroundColor:Color red. 
    box open
mswindows style (different up/down bitmaps in buttons): ((try tabbing ...)
    |b box|

    box := DialogBox new.
    (box addTextLabel:'are you certain ?') adjust:#left.
    b := Button new.
    b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_down.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_up.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'cancel_focus.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b beImageButton.
    box addAbortButton:b.

    b := Button new.
    b activeLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_down.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b passiveLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_up.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b focusLogo:(Image fromFile:'ok_focus.bmp' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/winImages').
    b beImageButton.
    box addOkButton:b.
    box open
two textlabels:
    DialogBox new
fixing the dialog's size (suppress it calculating its size from the preferredExtents of its components):
    DialogBox new
        label:'a simple dialog';
asking the box if it was closed via ok:
    (DialogBox new
        label:'a simple dialog';
    ) accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'yes'
    ] ifFalse:[
        Transcript showCR:'no'
textLabels are not limited to strings (although, the name which is used for ST-80 compatibility, suggests it):
    DialogBox new
        addTextLabel:(Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages');
    DialogBox new
        addTextLabel:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages')
adding an input field (on a string model):

    stringModel := '' asValue.
    (DialogBox new
        addTextLabel:'Please enter a string:';
    ) accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'entered: ', stringModel value
multiple input fields (notice, that the dialog connects the fields in a group, so stepping is allowed via Cursor and Return keys):
    |firstName lastName|

    firstName := '' asValue.
    lastName := '' asValue.
    (DialogBox new
        addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
    ) accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
of course, the model may contain a value initially:
    |firstName lastName p line i name|

    firstName := '' asValue.
    lastName := '' asValue.
    p := PipeStream readingFrom:'finger ' , OperatingSystem getLoginName.
    p notNil ifTrue:[
        line := p nextLine.
        (i := line findString:'Name:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            name := line copyFrom:(i + 'Name:' size).
        ] ifFalse:[
            (i := line findString:'real life:') == 0 ifTrue:[
                line := p nextLine.
            (i := line findString:'real life:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                name := line copyFrom:(i + 'real life:' size).
        name notNil ifTrue:[
            firstName value: name asCollectionOfWords first.
            lastName  value: name asCollectionOfWords last.
            Transcript showCR:'initially ' , firstName value , ' ' , lastName value.
        p close.

    (DialogBox new
        addTextLabel:'Please enter your name:';
    ) accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstName value , ' ' , lastName value
validated password entry:
    |box firstEntry secondEntry|

    firstEntry := '' asValue.
    secondEntry := '' asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
    (box addTextLabel:'Please enter your secret:') adjust:#left.
    (box addInputFieldOn:firstEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
    box addVerticalSpace.
    (box addInputFieldOn:secondEntry) passwordCharacter:$*. 
    box addAbortButton. 
    box addOkButton. 
    box open.
    box accepted ifTrue:[
        firstEntry value ~= secondEntry value ifTrue:[
            Transcript showCR:'wrong input - try again'
        ] ifFalse:[
            Transcript showCR:'entered: ', firstEntry value
input fields with a label:
    |box firstNameHolder middleNameHolder lastNameHolder|

    firstNameHolder := 'John' asValue.
    middleNameHolder := 'F' asValue.
    lastNameHolder := 'Peters' asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
        addLabelledInputField:'first name:'

        addLabelledInputField:'middle initial:'

        addLabelledInputField:'last name:'

    box addOkButton.
    box open.
constructing a dialog from other elements: adding a fileSelectionList: (since the dialog adds the component with its preferred extent, ignoring the 300-height, this looks ugly ... ... especially when resized vertically)
    |top l scr fileName|

    fileName := '' asValue.

    top := DialogBox new.

    l := FileSelectionList new.
    l useIndex:false.
    l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
    l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
    scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
    scr extent:(1.0 @ 300).

    top addComponent:scr.
    top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    top openModal.

    top accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
same, looks better, since the height is made larger (not using fileLists preferredExtent):
    |top l scr fileName|

    fileName := '' asValue.

    top := DialogBox new.

    l := FileSelectionList new.
    l useIndex:false.
    l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
    l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
    scr := ScrollableView forView:l.

    top addComponent:scr withExtent:300@300.
    top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    top openModal.

    top accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
again, setting the boxes initial size and fixing it (let it ignore the components' preferredExtent):
    |top fixFrame l scr fileName|

    fileName := '' asValue.

    top := DialogBox new.
    top extent:300@300.

    fixFrame := View new.
    fixFrame extent:(1.0 @ 300).

    l := FileSelectionList new.
    l useIndex:false.
    l doubleClickAction:[:name | top okPressed].
    l action:[:name | fileName value:name].
    scr := ScrollableView forView:l.
    scr origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
    fixFrame add:scr.

    top addComponent:fixFrame.
    top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    top openModal.

    top accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'fileName: '; showCR:fileName value storeString.
adding a panel with checkBoxes:
    |top panel b value1 value2 value3 value4|

    value1 := true asValue.
    value2 := false asValue.
    value3 := false asValue.
    value4 := true asValue.

    top := DialogBox new.
    top extent:200@300.

    panel := VerticalPanelView new.

    b := CheckBox on:value1. b label:'check1'.
    panel addSubView:b.

    b := CheckBox on:value2. b label:'check2'.
    panel addSubView:b.

    b := CheckBox on:value3. b label:'check3'.
    panel addSubView:b.

    b := CheckBox on:value4. b label:'check4'.
    panel addSubView:b.

    top addComponent:panel.
    top addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    top open.

    top accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
        Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
        Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
        Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
same, using a more convenient interface:
    |box value1 value2 value3 value4|

    value1 := true asValue.
    value2 := false asValue.
    value3 := false asValue.
    value4 := true asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
    box extent:200@300.

    box addCheckBox:'check1' on:value1.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addCheckBox:'check2' on:value2.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addCheckBox:'check3' on:value3.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addCheckBox:'check4' on:value4.

    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    box open.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript show:'value1: '; showCR:value1 value.
        Transcript show:'value2: '; showCR:value2 value.
        Transcript show:'value3: '; showCR:value3 value.
        Transcript show:'value4: '; showCR:value4 value.
same, using an even better interface:
    |box values labels|

    values := #(true false false true) collect:[:val | val asValue].
    labels := #('check1' 'check2' 'check3' 'check4').

    box := Dialog new.

       addColumn:(1 to:labels size)
       collect:[:index | CheckBox label:(labels at:index) model:(values at:index)]
    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    box open.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
       values with:labels do:[:val :lbl |
          Transcript show:(lbl , ': '); showCR:val value.
adding two panels in a frame:
    |box frame vPanel1 vPanel2 m1 m2 m3 m4 chk ef|

    box := Dialog new.
    box label:'example'.

    frame := FramedBox label:'frame'.

    vPanel1 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.5@1.0 in:frame.
    vPanel1 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
    vPanel1 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.

    vPanel2 := VerticalPanelView origin:0.5@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
    vPanel2 horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
    vPanel2 verticalLayout:#spreadSpace.

    m1 := true asValue.
    m2 := true asValue.
    m3 := true asValue.
    m4 := 'hello' asValue.

    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'check1').
    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m2').
    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'m3').
    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'enter').
    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl1').
    vPanel1 add:(Label label:'lbl2').

    vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m1). 
    box makeTabable:chk.

    vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m2). 
    box makeTabable:chk.

    vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
    box makeTabable:chk.

    vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
    box makeTabable:chk.

    vPanel2 add:(chk := CheckToggle on:m3). 
    box makeTabable:chk.

    vPanel2 add:(ef := EditField on:m4). 
    ef immediateAccept:true.
    box makeTabable:ef.

    box addComponent:frame.

    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    box openModal.
    box accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'accepted with:'.
        Transcript showCR:'   m1: ' , m1 value printString.
        Transcript showCR:'   m2: ' , m2 value printString.
        Transcript showCR:'   m3: ' , m3 value printString.
        Transcript showCR:'   m4: ' , m4 value printString.
a full example (combined settings dialog - as in launcher):
    |box warnSTX allowUnderscore immutableArrays logDoits
     listOfLanguages listOfStyles styleNames 
     frame panel c resourceDir dir |

    warnSTX := Compiler warnSTXSpecials asValue.
    allowUnderscore := Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier asValue.
    immutableArrays := Compiler arraysAreImmutable asValue.

    logDoits := Smalltalk logDoits asValue.

    listOfLanguages := SelectionInList with:#('english'
    listOfLanguages selection:(Language asString).

    resourceDir := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources'.
    dir := FileDirectory directoryNamed:resourceDir.

    styleNames := dir select:[:aFileName | aFileName endsWith:'.style'].
    styleNames := styleNames collect:[:aFileName | aFileName copyWithoutLast:6].
    listOfStyles := SelectionInList with:styleNames sort.
    listOfStyles selection:(View defaultStyle asString).

    box := Dialog new.
    box label:'Settings'.

    frame := FramedBox label:'Compiler'.
    panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
    panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.

    panel add:((CheckBox on:warnSTX) label:'warn about ST/X language extensions'; resize).
    panel add:((CheckBox on:allowUnderscore) label:'allow underscore in identifiers'; resize).
    panel add:((CheckBox on:immutableArrays) label:'literal arrays are immutable'; resize).
    box addComponent:frame.

    frame := FramedBox label:'Misc'.
    panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
    panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.

    panel add:((CheckBox on:logDoits) label:'log doIts in changes file'; resize).
    box addComponent:frame.

    frame := FramedBox label:'Language'.
    panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
    panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.

    panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfLanguages) width:0.5).
    box addComponent:frame.

    frame := FramedBox label:'Style'.
    panel := VerticalPanelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:frame.
    panel horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.

    panel add:((PopUpList on:listOfStyles) width:0.5).
    box addComponent:frame.

    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
    box showAtPointer.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
        Transcript topView withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
            Compiler warnSTXSpecials:warnSTX value.
            Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier:allowUnderscore value.
            Compiler arraysAreImmutable:immutableArrays value.

            Smalltalk logDoits:logDoits value.

            Transcript showCR:'change language to ' , listOfLanguages selection , ' ...'.
            Smalltalk at:#Language put:listOfLanguages selection asSymbol.
            Smalltalk changed:#Language.
            ResourcePack flushCachedResourcePacks.

            Transcript showCR:'change style to ' , listOfStyles selection , ' ...'.
            View defaultStyle:listOfStyles selection asSymbol.
an example from Hopkins/Horan:
    |aText index|

    aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
    index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
    aText emphasizeFrom:index 
                     to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
    index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
    aText emphasizeFrom:index 
                     to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
    Dialog warn:aText        
the same, with colors:
    |aText index|

    aText := 'Smalltalk/X: An Introduction to Application Development' asText.
    index := aText findString:'Smalltalk/X' startingAt:1.
    aText emphasizeFrom:index 
                     to:'Smalltalk/X' size + index - 1
                   with:(Array with:#bold with:#underline with:(#color->Color red)).
    index := aText findString:'Introduction' startingAt:index.
    aText emphasizeFrom:index 
                     to:'Introduction' size + index - 1
    Dialog warn:aText        

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