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Documentation of class 'Tools::CodeView2::TextView':



Class: TextView (private in CodeView2

This class is only visible from within CodeView2.




Instance protocol:

o  changedDiffText

o  changedDiffText: something

o  changedLines

o  changedLines: something

o  codeView

o  contents: text
(comment from inherited method)
replace the whole contents by something new.
this is not undoably, unless you care for yourself.
See replaceContentsWith:newContents for an undoable version of this

o  contents: text clear: clearPrevious

o  deletedLines

o  deletedLines: something

o  diffMode

o  diffMode: something

o  emptyLines

o  emptyLines: something

o  fontAscent
(comment from inherited method)
answer the ascent of the current font on the current device

o  insertedLines

o  insertedLines: something

o  listOriginal

o  originDiffText

o  originDiffText: something

accessing-color & font
o  colorChanged

o  colorDeleted
^ Color pink

o  colorInserted

o  list: aCollection expandTabs: expand scanForNonStrings: scan includesNonStrings: nonStrings
JV: used to be notifyLines... but that method

o  setList: aCollection expandTabs: expandTabs redraw: doRedraw
JV: used to be notifyLines... but that method

o  lineSpacing
(comment from inherited method)
get the lineSpacing - that's an additional number of pixels,
by which lines are vertically separated.

o  beUnmodified

o  isModified

o  isReallyModified

bit blitting
o  copyFrom: aDrawable x: srcX y: srcY toX: dstX y: dstY width: w height: h async: async
If doing a vertical scroll, optimized Gutter redraw by

o  reallyModifiedChannel
return the valueHolder holding true if text was really modified.
This is different from #modified, as the inherited modified flag is cleared
to trigger another change notification with every keystroke (for the syntaxHighighter).
This may be (now) considered a very bad hack

o  reallyModifiedChannel: aValueModel
set the reallyModifiedChannel - a valueHolder holding true,
if the text was really modified; that is: it was edited by the user
and the new text is different from the original (which is usually either
a file's contents, a method source or similar.
With this mechanism, we can hide the accept-cancel bar, if the user changes the
text back to the original (not all applications do this correctly).

o  isQuickMenuModifierPressed
is the modifier-key for quick codeview actions pressed?
either CTRL or META

o  isQuickMenuModifierReleased

o  backgroundForVisibleLine: visLineNr default: bg

o  drawFromVisibleLine: startVisLineNr to: endVisLineNr with: fg and: bg
draw a visible line range in fg/bg

o  drawLine: line fromX: x inVisible: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
(comment from inherited method)
draw a given string at visible lines position with
given x position in fg/bg. Clears partial line before drawing the string.
Low level entry; not meant for public use.

o  drawLine: lineStringArg inVisible: visLineNr col: col with: fg and: bg
(comment from inherited method)
draw single character at col index of visible line in fg/bg

o  drawLine: lineStringArg inVisible: visLineNr from: startCol to: endColOrNil with: fg and: bg
(comment from inherited method)
draw part of a visible line in fg/bg

o  drawLine: lineString inVisible: visLineNr from: startCol with: fg and: bg
(comment from inherited method)
draw right part of a visible line from startCol to end of line in fg/bg

o  drawVisibleLine: visLineNr with: fg and: bg
(comment from inherited method)
draw a visible line in fg/bg

o  redrawLines
redraw diff lines

o  deleteCharBeforeCursor
delete single character to the left of cursor and move cursor to left

o  getNewOriginText

o  basicDeleteCharsAtLine: lineNr fromCol: startCol toCol: endCol
delete characters from startCol to endCol in line lineNr

o  basicDeleteFromLine: startLineNr toLine: endLineNr
(comment from inherited method)
delete some lines.
Does not tell dependents

o  basicDeleteLineWithoutRedraw: lineNr
(comment from inherited method)
delete line - no redraw;
Does not tell dependents
return true, if something was really deleted

o  basicInsert: aCharacter atLine: lineNr col: colNr
insert a single character at lineNr/colNr;
set emphasis to character at current position

o  basicMergeLine: lineNr removeBlanks: removeBlanks
merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1

o  basicSplitLine: lineNr before: colNr
(comment from inherited method)
split the line linNr before colNr; the right part (from colNr)
is cut off and inserted after lineNr; the view is redrawn.
Does not tell dependents

o  basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines: lines from: start to: end before: lineNr
(comment from inherited method)
insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr; the view is not redrawn.
Tabs are expanded here with a tab=8 setting (independent of any editor-setting,
because the text might have been pasted from an alien view.
Does not tell dependents

o  basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs: aString atLine: lineNr col: colNr
no - there was no cr inserted

o  insertLines: someText from: start to: end before: lineNr
JV@2011-12-20: HACK, the super implementation should

event handling
o  buttonMotion: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
line := self visibleLineOfY:y.

o  buttonPress: button x: x y: y
| ctrlDown |

Usage example(s):

    ((ctrlDown := self sensor ctrlDown) and: [ codeView syntaxElementSelection notNil]) 
        ifTrue: [codeView buttonPressInTextView: button x:x y:y ctrlDown: ctrlDown].
        buttonPress: button
        x: x
        y: y

o  buttonRelease: button x: x y: y
Modified (format): / 03-03-2022 / 09:40:01 / cg

o  exposeX: x y: y width: w height: h
if in diffmode...

o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
catch keyboard shortcuts

o  keyRelease: key x: x y: y
(key = #Control_L) ifTrue:
[ codeView highlightClear. self redraw ].

^ super
keyRelease: key
x: x
y: y

o  initialize
needed for per-position tooltips

o  setCodeView: aCodeView2

o  setGutterView: aGutterView

menu & menu actions
o  accept
(comment from inherited method)
redefined accept action;
save cursor and selection to allow restore in case of an error
(we are typically compiling here ... and the compiler may show
errors by highlighting them)

o  cancel

o  compare

o  editMenu
(comment from inherited method)
return the popUpMenu;
to make this independent from what is defined in superclasses,
get the superclass menu and add my functions.

o  searchVariableVisible
search variable option in searchbox visible?

o  notifyLinesDeletedFrom: startLine to: endLine

o  notifyLinesInsertedFrom: startLine to: endLine

o  notifyLinesModifiedFrom: startLine to: endLine

o  isTextDifferentFromOriginalSource
check for modified code by comparing the source against
the codeViews contents.
That's the true modified value
(in case user undid his changes, and the displayed text is actually original)

o  notifyReallyModified

o  superEditMenu

o  updateReallyModified
check for modified code by comparing the source against
the codeView's contents.
That's the true modified value (in case user undid changes,
and the displayed text is actually original)

o  addAuthorToCommentLines

o  editedClass
(comment from inherited method)
for the code completion

o  editedMethod
(comment from inherited method)
for the code completion

o  supportsSyntaxElements
syntax elements are a byproduct of the syntax highlighter;
it is a list of elements, which chain together same-named variables
and parts of a keyword message's selector.
These allow for quick forward/backward navigation to the next/prev. occurrence
of a variable. Be aware that the implementation is buggy, in that it does not
deal correctly with same-named blockvars of different blocks

o  syntaxElementAtPosition: position
is there is a syntax element at position?
If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil

o  syntaxElementForSelectedVariable
is there is a syntax element for a variable under the cursor?
If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil

o  syntaxElementForSelectorUnderCursor
is there is a syntax element for a message selector under the cursor?
If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil

o  syntaxElementForVariableUnderCursor
is there is a syntax element for a variable under the cursor?
If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil

o  syntaxElementUnderCursor
is there is a syntax element under the cursor?
If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil

o  basicScrollTo: anOrigin redraw: doRedraw

o  scrollTo: anOrigin redraw: doRedraw

undo & again
o  nonUndoableDo: aBlock

o  undoableDo: aBlock info: into
(comment from inherited method)
will trigger an error-dialog there (no need for undo-carekeeping)

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:26:16 GMT