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Documentation of class 'ArrowButton':



Class: ArrowButton



rev: 1.82 date: 2018/05/24 12:31:23
user: cg
file: ArrowButton.st directory: libwidg
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg
Claus Gittinger


ArrowButtons display an arrow as their label; they are mainly
used for scrollbars, but can be useful on their own in some applications.
Beside the contents, their default behavior is to perform their action
when pressed - not (as is the default for normal buttons) when released.

Indivdual ArrowButtons can be created by sending one of:
        ArrowButton upIn:aView /downIn: / leftIn: or rightIn:
passing the parent view as argument.

See examples.

[styleSheet parameters:]

    arrowButtonStyle            <Symbol>        the style of the button;
                                                #motif, #st80 or nil (default)
    arrowButtonForegroundColor  <nil | Color>   foregroundColor 
    arrowButtonBackgroundColor  <nil | Color>   backgroundColor 

    arrowButtonActiveForegroundColor            foregroundColor when pressed
    arrowButtonActiveBackgroundColor            backgroundColor when pressed

    arrowButtonEnteredForegroundColor           foregroundColor when mouse pointer entered
    arrowButtonEnteredBackgroundColor           backgroundColor when mouse pointer entered

Related information:


Class protocol:

o  DownArrowForm

o  LeftArrowForm

o  RightArrowForm

o  UpArrowForm

o  downArrowButtonForm: styleSymbol on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollDown Button

o  leftArrowButtonForm: styleSymbol on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollLeft Button

o  rightArrowButtonForm: styleSymbol on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollRight Button

o  upArrowButtonForm: styleSymbol on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollUp Button

o  updateStyleCache
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables

usage example(s):

     self updateStyleCache

o  activeArrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol direction: direction on: aDevice

o  arrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol direction: direction on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollDown Button

o  arrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol nameKey: styleSheetName fileNameKey: styleSheetFileName variableName: formVariableName direction: direction useDefault: useDefault on: aDevice
return the form used for the scrollDown Button

o  defaultArrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol direction: direction onDevice: aDevice
return the default form used for the scrollUp Button
(if no styleSheet value is defined, and no form can be constructed)

usage example(s):

     self defaultArrowButtonFormForStyle:#macosx direction:#up onDevice:Screen

o  defaultMACArrowButtonFormForDirection: direction onDevice: aDevice

o  defaultST80ArrowButtonFormForDirection: direction onDevice: aDevice

o  defaultWIN32ArrowButtonFormForDirection: direction onDevice: aDevice
self defaultWIN32ArrowButtonFormForDirection:#down onDevice:Screen current

o  disabledArrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol direction: direction on: aDevice

o  enteredArrowButtonFormForStyle: styleSymbol direction: direction on: aDevice

instance creation
o  downIn: aView
create and return a new down-button in aView

o  leftIn: aView
create and return a new left-button in aView

o  new
return a new arrowButton - direction defaults to #up

o  rightIn: aView
create and return a new right-button in aView

o  upIn: aView
create and return a new up-button in aView

Instance protocol:

o  direction
return the buttons direction - a symbol

o  direction: aDirectionSymbol
create and return a new arrow button in aView

o  allViewBackground: something if: condition

o  viewBackground: aColor
Modified (format): / 12-02-2017 / 12:58:23 / cg

focus handling
o  wantsFocusWithButtonPress
no, do not catch the keyboard focus on button click

o  initStyle
setup viewStyle specifics

o  initialize
must be called if redefined

o  drawWith: fg and: bg
this is a q&d hack for motif ...


    |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|

    v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
    p := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
    b1 := ArrowButton upIn:p.
    b2 := ArrowButton downIn:p.
    b3 := ArrowButton leftIn:p.
    b4 := ArrowButton rightIn:p.

    b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].

    v open
    |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|

    v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
    p := HorizontalPanelView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
    b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) extent:30@30.
    b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) extent:30@30.
    b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) extent:30@30.
    b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) extent:30@30.

    b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].

    v open
    |v p b1 b2 b3 b4|

    v := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
    p := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.
    b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.67 @ 0.33).
    b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) origin:(0.0 @ 0.33) corner:(0.33 @ 0.67).
    b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) origin:(0.67 @ 0.33) corner:(1.0 @ 0.67).
    b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.67) corner:(0.67 @ 1.0).

    b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].

    v open
example4 (not good coding style, to explicitely use a particular style, just a demonstration how it looks ..):
    |v p b1 b2 b3 b4 oldStyle|

    oldStyle := View defaultStyle.
    View defaultStyle:#motif.

    v := StandardSystemView extent:100@100.
    p := View origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:v.

    b1 := (ArrowButton upIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.67 @ 0.33).
    b3 := (ArrowButton leftIn:p) origin:(0.0 @ 0.33) corner:(0.33 @ 0.67).
    b4 := (ArrowButton rightIn:p) origin:(0.67 @ 0.33) corner:(1.0 @ 0.67).
    b2 := (ArrowButton downIn:p) origin:(0.33 @ 0.67) corner:(0.67 @ 1.0).

    b1 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b2 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b3 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].
    b4 action:['whatEver you like here ...'].

    View defaultStyle:oldStyle.
    v open

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