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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'ChangeSetBrowser':



Class: ChangeSetBrowser



rev: 1.111 date: 2024/02/09 17:44:49
user: cg
file: ChangeSetBrowser.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


like a changesBrowser, but manipulates the per-project change-lists.

This is operating on changes as a list of Change-instances 
as opposed to the ChangesBrowser which is doing it completely non-object oriented,
as a list of text-chunks.

ChangeSetBrowser is going to completely replace the ChangesBrowser class in the near


COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  defaultLabel

help specs
o  helpSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIHelpTool of ST/X.

instance creation
o  open
open a changes browser on the current change set

Usage example(s):

     ChangeSetBrowser open

o  openOn: aChangeSet
open a changes browser on a given change set

o  openOn: aChangeSet label: label
open a changes browser on a given change set

o  openOnFile: fileNameOrString
open a changes browser on a file (or cypress folder)

Usage example(s):

     self openOnFile:'st.chg'
     self openOnFile:'c:\Users\cg\work\stx\goodies\soap\spray5.2\Steve Waring\Spray WebServices\Spray\Auth\SWT Spray Auth Tests.pac'
     ChangeSet fromFile:'c:\Users\cg\work\stx\goodies\soap\spray5.2\Steve Waring\Spray WebServices\Spray\Auth\SWT Spray Auth Tests.pac'

menu specs
o  menuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ChangeSetBrowser andSelector:#menuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ChangeSetBrowser menuSpec)) startUp

o  moreMenuApplyItems
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Instance protocol:

o  hideUnchanged: aBoolean

o  writeBackAction: something

o  canDeleteChanges
makes the delete buttons in the toolbar visible

o  hasSelectionAndSourceCodeManager

o  hasSingleSelectionAndPreviousChange

o  hasWriteBackActionDefined

o  hideUnchangedHolder

o  hideVersionMethodsHolder

initialization & release
o  askIfChangesAreToBeWrittenBack

o  changeListMenu
('Compress' doCompress)

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
oldStyle := true.

menu aspects
o  hasNotUndoableChangeSelected

o  hasUndoableMethodChangeSelected

o  hasUndoableRemoveMethodChangeSelected

o  applyChange: changeNr
fileIn a change

o  applyPossiblyModifiedChange: aChange
Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:enforcedNameSpace do:[

o  changeIsFollowupMethodChange: changeNr
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if a change is a followup change (i.e. a followup change
in a bunch of methodsFor-changes)

o  changeSet: aChangeSet

o  checkIfFileHasChanged
self newLabel:''

o  fullClassNameOfChange: nr
(comment from inherited method)
return the full classname of a change
(for classChanges (i.e. xxx class), a string ending in ' class' is returned.

o  isChangeSetBrowser

o  numberOfChanges

o  queryCloseText

o  readChangesFileInBackground: dummy
read the changeSet, create a list of header-lines

o  realClassNameOfChange: nr

o  saveBackChanges
save back the change set

o  selectorOfMethodChange: changeNr
(comment from inherited method)
return a method-change's selector,
or nil if it's not a methodChange

o  silentDeleteChange: changeNr
delete a change; do not update the changeListView

o  silentDeleteInternalChange: changeNr
delete a change do not update changeListView

o  sourceOfChange: changeNr
answer a changes source

o  streamForChange: changeNr
answer a stream for change

user actions
o  compareChange: changeNr showResult: doShowResult
compare a change with current version.
Return the result of the compare
same -> true,
different -> false,
uncomparable -> nil.
If doShowResult is true, the outcome is shown in a dialog/diffViewer.

o  doCompareWithPrevious
oops - must fetch it

o  doInspectChange
(comment from inherited method)
inspect the selected change(s)

o  doSaveBack

o  doSendToRemote
evaluate the writeBack action

o  doUpdate
(comment from inherited method)
reread the changes-file

o  menuCheckinClass

o  menuSortChanges

o  openChangeSetBrowserV2

o  openClassNameMapDialog

o  sortChangesByDependency
sort the changes into an order which defines superclasses
and owningclasses before subclasses/private classes.
Warn if there are any undefined classes

o  updateDiffViewFor: changeNr
(comment from inherited method)
not a method-change

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