Class: ClassDescription
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Kernel-Classes
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/02/17 11:41:45
- user: cg
- file: ClassDescription.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
ClassDescription conceptually adds some descriptive information to the basic
Behavior class. It is an abstract class used as a common superclass
for Metaclass and Class.
Subclasses must define the #name, #category and #comment methods.
[Instance variables:]
instvars <String> the names of the instance variables
| <Collection of words>
[Class variables:]
UpdatingChanges <Boolean> true if the changes-file shall be updated
(except during startup and when filing in, this flag
is usually true)
Please do no longer use this - see the two queries
UpdateChangeFileQuerySignal used as an upQuery from the change management.
Whenever a changeRecord is to be written,
this signal is raised and a handler (if present)
is supposed to return true or false.
If unhandled, the value of the global
UpdatingChanges is returned for backward
compatibility (which means that the old
mechanism is used if no query-handler
is present).
UpdateChangeListQuerySignal used as an upQuery from the change management.
Whenever a change is to be added to the changeSet,
this signal is raised and a handler (if present)
is supposed to return true or false.
If unhandled, the value of the global
UpdatingChanges is returned for backward
compatibility (which means that the old
mechanism is used if no query-handler
is present).
LockChangesFile <Boolean> if true, the change file is locked for updates.
Required when multiple users operate on a common
change file.
This is an experimental new feature, being evaluated.
FileOutErrorSignal raised when an error occurs during fileOut
CatchMethodRedefinitions if true, classes protect themself
MethodRedefinitionSignal (by raising MethodRedefinitionSignal)
from redefining any existing methods,
which are defined in another package.
(i.e. a signal will be raised, if you
fileIn something which redefines an
existing method and the packages do not
The default is (currently) true.
TryLocalSourceFirst If true, local source files are tried
first BEFORE the sourceCodeManager is
consulted. If false, the sourceCodeManager
is asked first.
Should be turned on, if you run an image from
local sources which have not yet been checked in.
NameSpaceQuerySignal used as an upQuery to ask for a namespace into
which new classes are to be installed.
PackageQuerySignal used as an upQuery to ask for a packageSymbol with
which new classes/methods are to be marked.
CreateNameSpaceQuerySignal used as an upQuery to ask if unknown namespaces
should be silently created (without asking the user)
MethodHistory if nonNil, this must be an OrderedCollection,
which is filled with method->previousversionMethod
associations. Can be used for undo-last-method-change
The number of remembered methods is controlled via the
Notice: this may fillup your memory over time,
the preferences are set too high.
MethodHistorySize the size of the methodHistory
(nil: unlimited)
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
Signal constants
return the signal used as an up-Info to change the current application to which
new classes/methods will be added.
Will is only used when filing in V'Age code
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class changeDefaultApplicationNotificationSignal raise
return the signal used as an upQuery for the current class category name.
Will be used when defining a class without a proper classCategory information
(JS or Ruby classes). The browser will answer with the currently selected category then.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class classCategoryQuerySignal raise
return the query signal raised when a class is about to be installed
(or changed) which violates conventions (such as upper case instVars).
This is raised in subclass creation and can be handled to suppress
dialog boxes popping up during fileIn
return the signal raised when a class is about to be redefined
differently from an existing class and the packages are not
equal. This helps when filing in alien code, to prevent existing
classes from being redefined by incompatible classes
(classVars, classInstVars or inheritance).
use #classRedefinitionNotification
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return the signal used as an upQuery if a new nameSpace should be
silently created without user confirmation.
Only used when installing autoloaded classes
return the signal used as an upQuery for the current application to which
new classes/methods are to be added.
Will is only used when filing in V'Age code
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class defaultApplicationQuerySignal raise
return the signal raised when an error occurs while fileing out.
This is signalled to allow browsers some user feed back in case
a fileout fails (for example due to disk-full errors)
return the signal used as an upQuery whether the current
namespace should be prepended (as pragma) on fileOut.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class fileOutNameSpaceQuerySignal raise
return the signal raised when a method is about to be installed
which redefines an existing method and the method's packages are not
equal. This helps when filing in alien code, to prevent existing
methods to be overwritten or redefined by incompatible methods
use #methodRedefinitionNotification
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return the signal used as an upQuery for the current nameSpace.
Will be used when filing in code.
This could be used BEFORE initialize has been invoked - that's why we do not
simply return the class var here.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class nameSpaceQuerySignal raise
return the signal used as an upQuery for the current packages name.
Will be used when filing in code
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class packageQuerySignal raise
return the signal raised when a class or method is about to be installed
which redefines an existing method and the method's packages are not
equal. This helps when filing in alien code, to prevent existing
methods to be overwritten or redefined by incompatible methods
return the signal used as an upQuery if the changeFile should be updated.
If unhandled, the value of UpdatingChanges is returned by the signals
static handler.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal raise
return the signal used as an upQuery if the changeList should be updated.
If unhandled, the value of UpdatingChanges is returned by the signals
static handler.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:Class updateChangeListQuerySignal raise
return the signal used as an upQuery if the historyline of a method should be updated.
If unhandled, the history managers setting is returned by the signals
static handler.
Usage example(s):
Class updateHistoryLineQuerySignal raise
return the signal used as an upQuery for the used nameSpace.
Will be used when filing in code.
This could be used BEFORE initialize has been invoked - that's why we do not
simply return the class var here.
return the class-redefinition catching flag.
catchClassRedefinitions: aBoolean
turn on/off class redefinition catching.
If on, redefining classes from another package will show a
warning dialog. Useful, when filing in alien code to avoid defefinition
of system methods.
Return the prior value of the flag.
return the method-redefinition catching flag.
catchMethodRedefinitions: aBoolean
turn on/off method redefinition catching.
If on, redefining methods from another package will show a
warning dialog. Useful, when filing in alien code to avoid defefinition
of system methods.
Return the prior value of the flag.
keepMethodHistory: aBoolean
turn on/off oldMethod remembering. If on, a methods previous version
is kept locally, for later undo (or compare).
Usage example(s):
Class keepMethodHistory:true
Class keepMethodHistory:false
return true, if the change file is locked during update
lockChangesFile: aBoolean
turn on/off change-file-locking. Return the previous value of the flag.
flush any method->previousVersion associations,
all method history is lost.
return a dictionary containing method->previousVersion associations,
nil if method remembering has been turned off
Usage example(s):
allClassesInCategory: aCategory do: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for all classes in aCategory;
no specific order is defined.
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
allClassesInCategory: aCategory inOrderDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock for all classes in aCategory;
superclasses come first - then subclasses.
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
the classvariable 'UpdatingChanges' controls if changes are put
into the changes-file; normally this variable is set to true, but
(for example) during fileIn or when changes are applied, it is set to false
to avoid putting too much junk into the changes-file.
Usage example(s):
This could be used BEFORE initialize has been invoked - that's why we initialize
the class var there.
Usage example(s):
This could be used BEFORE initialize has been invoked - that's why we initialize
the class var there.
Usage example(s):
ClassDescription initialize
return true if this class is known by the run-time-system.
Here, true is returned for myself, false for subclasses.
categoriesFor: aMethodSelector ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
this method allows fileIn of Dolphin methods -
return a MethodCategoriesReader to read in a methods categories for me.
Since Dolphin uses a different way to assign method categories,
loaded methods are temporarily categorized as 'Dolphin methods'
and later reassigned, when a categoriesFor: message arrives.
categoriesForClass ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
this method allows fileIn of Dolphin classes -
return a ClassCategoriesReader to read in a classes categories for me.
Since Dolphin uses a different way to assign class categories,
the loaded classes are temporarily categorized as 'ST/V classes'
and later reassigned, when a categoriesForClass message arrives.
this method allows fileIn of Dolphin methods -
return a ClassCategoryReader to read in and compile methods for me.
Since Dolphin uses a different way to assign method categories,
the loaded methods are temporarily categorized as 'Dolphin methods'
and later reassigned, when a categoriesFor: message arrives.
Answer the receiver's source manager.
variableByteSubclass: nameSymbol classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable byte-sized nonpointer variables (but no instance variables)
addInstVarName: anotherInstVar
addInstVarName: anotherInstVar afterIndex: indexOrNil
Jan Vrany: I replaced original Claus code.
See comment at the end of this method
for ST80 compatibility;
read the documentation in ClassOrganizer for more info.
preSave: aParcel
Allow additional process of a Parcel before writing. This method works
with the matching method postLoad:, to handle additional processing
after loading a Parcel. The typical operation to do here is to save
named objects to aParcel (and retrieve them in postLoad:).
removeInstVarName: anInstVar
for ST80 compatibility;
nothing done here.
reorganizeFromString: orgString
for ST80 compatibility but without functionality
compile: code classified: cat withStamp: stamp ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
compile: code classified: cat withStamp: stamp notifying: requestor logSource: doLog ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
Make it working even if Monticello is not loaded
compileSilently: source classified: category ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarNameString package: packageName
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
Squeak uses the category as package
variableSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarNameString package: packageName
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
Squeak uses the category as package
categoriesFor: aSelector are: listOfCategories
to allow fileIn of V'Age code.
Set the category of the method which is installed under aSelector.
Since ST/X only supports a single category, take the first one
found in the listOfCategories.
commentFor: aSelector is: aString
to allow fileIn of V'Age code.
Set the comment of the method which is installed under aSelector.
For now, this is ignored
description: aString in: anApplication
to allow fileIn of V'Age code.
Set the description of the class.
descriptionFor: aSelector is: aString
to allow fileIn of V'Age code.
Set the description of the method which is installed under aSelector.
this message is sent after fileIn of a V'Age class
compile: aString classified: protocol attributes: attributes
compile some method-code
return an expression-string to define myself
Usage example(s):
Object definition
Point definition
Array definition
ByteArray definition
FloatArray definition
OpenGLConstantImporter definition
return an expression-string to define myself (but not the package)
instVarAtOffset: index
return the name of the instance variable at index
return a collection of my instance variable name-strings
(excluding inherited instVar names).
Ask for allInstVarNames, to get all of them.
Traditionally, this was called instVarNames, but newer versions of squeak
seem to have changed to use instanceVariableNames.
So you probably should use the alias
Usage example(s):
Point instVarNames
SortedCollection instVarNames
SortedCollection allInstVarNames
returns a dictionary containing the instance variable index
for each instVar name
Usage example(s):
Point instanceVariableOffsets
GraphicsContext instanceVariableOffsets
return a string of the instance variable names
Usage example(s):
Point instanceVariableString
should be redefined in concrete subclass(es)
return the project definition of the classes' package.
Here, nil is returned. Only full classes have one.
renameCategory: oldCategory to: newCategory
rename a category (changes category of those methods).
Appends a change record and notifies dependents.
sharedPoolNamed: aPoolName
this returns a resolved real pool (i.e. a PoolDictionary),
This cares for the namespace in which the class is located
Notice, that for source compatibility with other smalltalks,
the pool's namespace in a class definition is not in the pool name,
as to make it is easy to fileIn an alien class into an ST/X namespace,
and also to allow filing out smalltalk-namespace classes for import into
another smalltalk.
However, then we must resolve the actual pool later - i.e. here
this returns a collection of the plain (non-namespace aware) pool names
this returns a collection of the real pools (i.e. the PoolDictionaries),
not their names (see sharedPoolNames).
This cares for the namespace in which the class is located
Notice, that for source compatibility with other smalltalks,
the namespace is not in the pool name, as to make it is easy to fileIn an alien class
into an ST/X namespace.
However, then we must resolve the actual pool later - i.e. here
Usage example(s):
an example for a pool inside a namespace (in this case: a private pool):
UnixOperatingSystem::ELFFileHeader sharedPools
Smalltalk allClasses
collect:[:cls | cls -> cls sharedPools]
thenSelect:[:assoc | assoc value notEmptyOrNil].
OSI::ASN1_Coder sharedPoolNames
ZipArchive sharedPools
Croquet::OpenGL sharedPools
OpenGLRenderingContext sharedPools
Character sharedPools
Win32OperatingSystem sharedPools
typeOfClassVarNamed: classVarName
option to return a collection of types which are considered
legal for classVarName.
This is pure documentation, and has (currently) no semantic implications.
If present, it is used by the code completer's type inferer,
to make better guesses.
Subclasses may redefine it to return a class, interface or a set of classes.
typeOfInstVarNamed: instVarName
option to return a collection of types which are considered
legal for instVarName.
This is pure documentation, and has (currently) no semantic implications.
If present, it is used by the code completer's type inferer,
to make better guesses.
Subclasses may redefine it to return a class, interface or a set of classes.
Usage example(s):
Class typeOfInstVarNamed:'instSize' -> SmallInteger
adding & removing
addSelector: newSelector withMethod: newMethod
add the method given by 2nd argument under the selector given by
1st argument to the methodDictionary.
Append a change record to the changes file and tell dependents.
basicAddSelector: newSelector withMethod: newMethod
add the method given by 2nd argument under the selector given by
1st argument to the methodDictionary.
This does NOT append a change record to the changes file and tell
dependents. Also, no methodHistory is kept or redefinition is checked.
removeSelector: aSelector
remove the selector, aSelector and its associated method
from the methodDictionary.
Append a change record to the changes file and tell dependents.
c function interfacing
cInterfaceFunction: selector calling: cFunctionNameString args: argTypeArray returning: returnType
create an interface to an existing (i.e. already linked in) c function.
The function can be called by sending selector to the receiver class.
The c-function has the name cFunctionNameString, and expects parameters as specified in
argTypeArray. The functions return value has a type as specified by returnType.
this interface is EXPERIMENTAL - it may change or even be removed.
Usage example(s):
Object subclass:#CInterface
CInterface cInterfaceFunction:#printfOn:format:withFloat:
args:#(ExternalStream String Float)
CInterface printfOn:Stdout format:'this is a float: %g' withFloat:(Float pi). Stdout cr
changes management
addChangeRecordForMethod: aMethod
add a method-change-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
addChangeRecordForMethod: aMethod fromOld: oldMethod
add a method-change-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeRecordForMethodCategory: aMethodOrSelector category: aString
add a methodCategory-change-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeRecordForMethodPackage: aMethodOrSelector package: aPackageSymbol
add a methodPackage-change-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeRecordForMethodPrivacy: aMethod
add a method-privacy-change-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeRecordForRemoveSelector: aSelector fromOld: oldMethod
add a method-remove-record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeRecordForRenameCategory: oldCategory to: newCategory
add a category-rename record to the changes file and to the current changeSet
addChangeTimeStampTo: aStream
a timestamp - prepended to any change, except infoRecords
addInfoRecord: aMessage
add an info-record (snapshot, class fileOut etc.) to the changes file
return a Stream for the writing changes file.
This returns a regular stream or a locked stream - according to
the LockChangesFile settings
(recommended if multiple images operate on a common changes file)
withoutUpdatingChangeSetDo: aBlock
turn off changeSet update while evaluating aBlock.
Returns the block's evaluated value.
withoutUpdatingChangesDo: aBlock
turn off change file update while evaluating aBlock.
Returns the block's evaluated value.
compile: code classified: category
compile code, aString for this class;
if successful update the method dictionary.
The method is classified under category.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
compile: code classified: category logged: logged
compile code, aString for this class;
if successful update the method dictionary.
The method is classified under category.
If logged is true, a changeRecord is written.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
compile: code classified: cat notifying: requestor
compile code, aString for this class; on any error, notify
requestor, anObject with the error reason.
Install the method under the category, cat.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
compile: code notifying: requestor ifFail: failBlock
compile code, aString for this class; on any error, notify
requestor, anObject with the error reason.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
compileSilently: code classified: category notifying: requestor
Compile the code and classify the resulting method in the given category,
leaving no trail in the system log, nor in any change set,
nor in the 'recent submissions' list.
This should only be used when you know for sure that the compilation will succeed.
recompile all methods
used when a class changes instances and therefore all methods
have to be recompiled
Usage example(s):
recompile all methods
used when a class changes instances and therefore all methods
have to be recompiled
recompile: aSelector
recompile the method associated with the argument, aSelector;
used when a superclass changes instances and we have to recompile subclasses.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
recompile: aSelector usingCompiler: aCompiler
recompile the method associated with the argument, aSelector;
used when a superclass changes instances and we have to recompile subclasses.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
recompile: aSelector usingCompilerClass: aCompilerClass
recompile the method associated with the argument, aSelector;
used when a superclass changes instances and we have to recompile subclasses.
Returns the new method or nil (on failure).
recompile this class and all subclasses
recompileForSpeed: aSelector
recompile the method associated with the argument, aSelector;
for highest speed (i.e. using the stc compiler, if supported by the architecture).
recompile all invalidated methods
recompileMethodsAccessingAny: setOfNames
recompile all methods accessing a variable from setOfNames
recompileMethodsAccessingAny: setOfNames orSuper: superBoolean
recompile all methods accessing a variable from setOfNames,
or super (if superBoolean is true).
Also recompiles methods with possibly inlined instVarIndexFor:
recompileMethodsAccessingAnyClassvarOrGlobal: aCollection
recompile all methods accessing a global or classvar in aCollection
recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal: aGlobalKey
recompile all methods accessing the global variable aGlobalKey
recompile all methods which have non-dynamic machineCode
(i.e. those, which were loaded from a compiled classLibrary)
recompileUsingCompilerClass: aCompilerClass
recompile all methods
used when a class changes instances and therefore all methods
have to be recompiled
fileIn interface
commentStamp: aStamp prior: whatever ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
return a ClassCategoryReader to read in and compile methods for me.
This was added to allow squeak code to be filedIn.
ignoredMethodsFor: aCategory
this is a speciality of ST/X - it allows quick commenting of methods
from a source-file by replacing the 'methodsFor:' by 'ignoredMethodsFor:'.
Returns a ClassCategoryReader to read in and skip methods.
this method allows fileIn of ST/V methods -
return a ClassCategoryReader to read in and compile methods for me.
Since ST/V does not support method categories, the loaded methods are
categorized as 'ST/V methods'.
methodsFor: aCategory
return a ClassCategoryReader to read in and compile methods for me.
methodsFor: aCategory stamp: time
return a ClassCategoryReader to read in and compile methods for me.
This was added to allow squeak code to be filedIn.
methodsForUndefined: categoryString
ST-80 compatibility.
I don't yet know what this does - it was encountered by some tester.
For now, simply forward it.
this method allows fileIn of V'Age methods
The privateMethods keyword is for documentation only;
by default, methods are public (for backward compatibility)
(although, they could be made private here).
privateMethodsFor: aCategory
this method allows fileIn of ENVY and ST/X private methods.
The following methods are only allowed to be executed if sent from a method
within the current class. Subclass sends or out-of-class sends will raise
a privatMethodError exception.
protectedMethodsFor: aCategory
this method allows fileIn of ENVY and ST/X protected methods.
The following methods are only allowed to be executed if sent from a method
within the current class or a subclass. Out-of-class sends will raise
a privatMethodError exception.
this method allows fileIn of V'Age methods
The publicMethods keyword is for documentation only;
by default, methods are public anyway (for backward compatibility).
publicMethodsFor: aCategory
this method allows fileIn of ENVY methods
The publicMethods keyword is for documentation only; my default, methods
are public anyway (for backward compatibility).
fileOutCategory: aCategory
create a file 'class-category.st' consisting of all methods in aCategory.
If the current project is not nil, create the file in the projects
fileOutCategory: aCategory except: skippedMethods only: savedMethods methodFilter: methodFilter on: aStream
file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream.
If skippedMethods is nonNil, those are not saved.
If savedMethods is nonNil, only those are saved.
If both are nil, all are saved. See version-method handling in
fileOut for what this is needed.
fileOutCategory: aCategory except: skippedMethods only: savedMethods on: aStream
file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream.
If skippedMethods is nonNil, those are not saved.
If savedMethods is nonNil, only those are saved.
If both are nil, all are saved. See version-method handling in
fileOut for what this is needed.
fileOutCategory: aCategory methodFilter: methodFilter on: aStream
file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream
fileOutCategory: aCategory on: aStream
file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString onto aStream
fileOutMethod: aMethod
create a file 'class-method.st' consisting of the method, aMethod.
If the current project is not nil, create the file in the projects
fileOutMethod: aMethod on: aStream
file out aMethod onto aStream. Used for example to write individual changeChunks
fileOutMethods: methods on: aStream
WARNING: will be obsoleted by SmalltalkChunkFileSourceWriter
fileOutXMLCategory: aCategory methodFilter: methodFilter on: aStream
file out all methods belonging to aCategory, aString in xml format onto aStream.
fileOutXMLMethod: aMethod on: aStream
file out a method in xml format onto aStream.
if implemented, send #initialize to myself and any private
class which does so.
This is sent to a class after it
has been loaded into the system.
Statically compiled classes are initialized by the VM
misc ui support
iconInBrowserForVariableNamed: varName ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
variables for which an entry is found in the xml-spec (if any) are marked
with an <xml>-icon.
For now, this is expecco-specific, but should be somehow lifted to the base system
printing & storing
displayOn: aGCOrStream
return a string for display in inspectors
return my name's printString,
with nameSpace prefix (even if it's the Smalltalk namespace)
Usage example(s):
a public class:
Array name
Array nameWithoutPrefix
Array nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Array nameWithNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a private class:
Method::MethodWhoInfo name
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutPrefix
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a namespace class:
CodingExamples::TopClass name
CodingExamples::TopClass nameWithoutPrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass nameWithNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a private class in a namespace class:
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass name
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass nameWithoutPrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass nameWithNameSpacePrefix
helper for fileOut and others - return my names printString,
without any nameSpace prefix (but with owningClasses prefix)
Usage example(s):
a public class:
Array name
Array nameWithoutPrefix
Array nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a private class:
Method::MethodWhoInfo name
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutPrefix
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a namespace class:
CodingExamples::TopClass name
CodingExamples::TopClass nameWithoutPrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a private class in a namespace class:
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass name
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass nameWithoutPrefix
CodingExamples::TopClass::SubClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
helper for fileOut and others - return my name's printString,
without any owningClass or nameSpace prefix
Usage example(s):
a public class:
Array name => #Array
Array nameWithoutPrefix => #Array
Array nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix => #Array
Usage example(s):
a private class:
Method::MethodWhoInfo name => #'Method::MethodWhoInfo'
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutPrefix => 'MethodWhoInfo'
Method::MethodWhoInfo nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix => 'Method::MethodWhoInfo'
Usage example(s):
a namespace class:
Demos::WalkingGirl name
Demos::WalkingGirl nameWithoutPrefix
Demos::WalkingGirl nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
Usage example(s):
a private class in a namespace class:
Demos::WalkingGirl::AnimationView name
Demos::WalkingGirl::AnimationView nameWithoutPrefix
Demos::WalkingGirl::AnimationView nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
printClassNameOn: aStream
helper for fileOut - print my name.
Private classes always print their owning-class as nameSpace
prefix; non-private ones print without, except if the
FileOutNameSpaceQuery returns true. The last feature is used
with changefile updates - here, the full name is wanted.
printHierarchyAnswerIndentOn: aStream
print my class hierarchy on aStream - return indent
recursively calls itself to print superclass and use returned indent
for my description - used in the browser
printHierarchyOn: aStream
print my class hierarchy on aStream
printInstVarNamesOn: aStream indent: indent
print the instance variable names indented and breaking at line end
printNameArray: anArray on: aStream indent: indent
print an array of strings separated by spaces; when the stream
defines a lineLength, break when this limit is reached; indent
every line; used to printOut instance variable names
return my name as printed in the hierarchy
printOutCategory: aCategory on: aPrintStream
print out all methods in aCategory on aPrintStream, which should understand emphasis
Usage example(s):
ClassDescription printOutCategory:'queries' on:Transcript
printOutSource: aString on: aPrintStream
print out a source-string; the message-specification is printed bold,
comments are printed italic
private-changes management
addChangeRecordForMethod: aMethod to: aStream
append a method-change-record to aStream
addChangeRecordForMethodCategory: aMethod category: newCategory to: aStream
append a methodCategory-change-record to aStream
addChangeRecordForMethodPackage: aMethod package: newPackageSymbol to: aStream
append a methodPackage-change-record to aStream
addChangeRecordForMethodPrivacy: aMethod to: aStream
append a method-privacy-change-record to aStream
addChangeRecordForRemoveSelector: aSelector to: aStream
append a method-remove-record to aStream
addChangeRecordForRenameCategory: oldCategory to: newCategory to: aStream
append a category-rename record to aStream
addInfoRecord: aMessage to: aStream
append an info-record (snapshot, class fileOut etc.) to aStream
writingChangeDo: aBlock
common helper to write a change record.
Opens the changefile and executes aBlock passing the stream
as argument. WriteErrors are caught and will lead to a warning.
The changefile is not kept open, to force the change to go to disk
as soon as possible - thus, in case of a crash, no changes should
be lost due to buffering.
writingChangePerform: aSelector with: anArgument
writingChangeWithTimeStamp: doStampIt do: aBlock
common helper to write a change record.
Opens the changefile and executes aBlock passing the stream
as argument. WriteErrors are caught and will lead to a warning.
The changefile is not kept open, to force the change to go to disk
as soon as possible - thus, in case of a crash, no changes should
be lost due to buffering.
Access to the change file is serialized via the accessLock;
this prevents the changefile to be corrupted when multiple users
accept in the browser in a multi-display (or timesliced) configuration
writingChangeWithTimeStamp: stampIt perform: aSelector with: anArgument
addAllCategoriesTo: aCollection
helper - add categories and all superclasses categories
to the argument, aCollection
addAllPrivateClassesTo: aCollection
add all of my private classes to aCollection
addCategoriesTo: aCollection
helper - add categories to the argument, aCollection.
aCollection should be a set.
protocol printOut
printOutCategoryProtocol: aCategory on: aPrintStream
ClassDescription printOutCategoryProtocol:'queries' on:Transcript
Usage example(s):
ClassDescription printOutCategoryProtocol:'queries' on:Transcript
printOutMethodProtocol: aMethod on: aPrintStream
given the source in aString, print the method's message specification
and any method comments - without source.
Used to generate documentation pages
Usage example(s):
Float printOutProtocolOn:Stdout
Float printOutMethodProtocol:(Float compiledMethodAt:#coerce:) on:Transcript
Return a collection of all method-categories known in class
and all superclasses. This does NOT include the metaclass categories.
The returned collection is not sorted by any order.
Usage example(s):
Point categories
Point allCategories
Point class categories
Point class allCategories
Return a collection of the method-categories known in the receiver class.
This does NOT include the metaclasses categories or the superclass categories.
The returned collection is not sorted by any order.
Usage example(s):
Point categories
Point class categories
return either the classes documentation-method's comment
or its plain comment or nil
Usage example(s):
Array commentOrDocumentationString
definesInstanceVariable: aString
directlyDefinesInstanceVariable: aString
return true, if the receiver is obsolete
(i.e. has been replaced by a different class or was removed,
but is still referenced by instances)
Return a collection of the method-categories known in the receiver class.
This does NOT include the metaclasses categories or the superclass categories.
The returned collection is not sorted by any order.
Usage example(s):
Point methodCategories
Point class methodCategories
methodsInCategory: aCategory
helper for fileOut:
return an unsorted collection of methods from a given category
Usage example(s):
ClassDescription methodsInCategory:'queries'
methodsInCategory: aCategory forWhich: methodFilter
helper for fileOut: return an unsorted collection of methods from a
given category, for which a filterblock evaluates to true
Usage example(s):
ClassDescription methodsInCategory:'queries' forWhich:[:m | m selector startsWith:'w']
sourceCodeForMethod: aMethod at: aSelector
return the nameSpace of my topOwningClass (if private) or my own nameSpace.
whichCategoryIncludesSelector: aSelector
return the category under which the method for aSelector is
whichClassDefinesInstVar: aVariableName
return the class which defines the instance variable
named aVariableName. This method should not be used for
repeated searches (i.e. in the compiler/parser), since it creates
many throw away intermediate objects.
Usage example(s):
StandardSystemView whichClassDefinesInstVar:'label'
StandardSystemView whichClassDefinesInstVar:'paint'
StandardSystemView whichClassDefinesInstVar:'foo'
whichPoolDefinesPoolVar: aVariableName
return the shared pool which defines the pool variable named aVariableName
or nil if that is no pool variable.
Usage example(s):
ZipArchiveConstants classVariableNames
ZipArchive sharedPools
ZipArchive whichPoolDefinesPoolVar:'ECREC_SIZE'
ZipArchive class sharedPools
whichSelectorsAccess: instVarName
return a collection of selectors for methods which access
an instance variable
Usage example(s):
Point whichSelectorsAccess:'x'
special accessing
setInstVarNames: aCollectionOfStrings
set the instance variable names from a collection of strings.
No recompilation or updates are done and no changeList records are written.
This is NOT for general use.
setInstVarNamesArray: anArrayOfSymbols
set the instance variable names from an Array of Symbols.
No recompilation or updates are done and no changeList records are written.
This is NOT for general use.
setInstanceVariableString: aString
set the classes instvarnames string.
No recompilation or updates are done and no changeList records are written.
This is NOT for general use.
subclass creation
subclass: nameSymbol
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat classInstanceVariableNames: classInstanceVariableNames
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat inEnvironment: aNameSpace
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
subclass: nameSymbol uses: aTraitOrTraitsCollection instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString package: packageName
squeak style class definition with traits
variableByteSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable byte-sized nonpointer variables
variableDoubleSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable double-sized nonpointer variables
variableFloatSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable float-sized nonpointer variables
variableLongLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable unsigned long-long-sized nonpointer variables
variableLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable long-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedLongLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable signed long-long-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable signed long-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedWordSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable word-sized signed nonpointer variables
variableSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable pointer variables
variableSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat classInstanceVariableNames: classInstanceVariableNames
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable pointer variables
variableWordSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool category: cat
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable word-sized nonpointer variables
subclass creation-private classes
subclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: ownerClassArg
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver).
The subclass will have indexed variables if the receiving-class has.
variableByteSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: ownerClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable byte-sized nonpointer variables
variableDoubleSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable double-sized nonpointer variables
variableFloatSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable float-sized nonpointer variables
variableLongLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable longlong-sized nonpointer variables
variableLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable long-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedLongLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable signed longlong-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedLongSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable signed long-sized nonpointer variables
variableSignedWordSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable word-sized signed nonpointer variables
variableSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: ownerClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable pointer variables
variableWordSubclass: nameSymbol instanceVariableNames: instVarNameString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: pool privateIn: aClass
create a new class as a subclass of an existing class (the receiver)
in which the subclass has indexable word-sized nonpointer variables