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Documentation of class 'DebugView':



Class: DebugView



rev: 1.938 date: 2024/04/26 23:18:30
user: cg
file: DebugView.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


This class implements a graphical debugger interface.
The debugger usually sits on top of the faulting process,
taking over its event processing.

(this is different from other Smalltalk debuggers, which control
 the debuggee as a separate process. Consider this an historic
 leftover - the debugger was one of the first applications written for ST/X.

 The whole setup might be changed, once the required process primitives
 are available, which allow control of another processes execution
 (i.e. single-step, restart & return). The setup will be changed then,
 to have the debugger control the debuggee (i.e. two processes).
 However, as it works as it is, and is reliable enough,
 why should we change it without a particular need...).

Only the 'stopped' debugged process is affected;
other processes continue to respond to events.
The one exception to this is when an error occurs within the dispatcher process
or in one of the eventhandler processes. In this case, the debugger
will sit on an exclusive display connection.

See additional information in 'doc/misc/debugger.doc'.

Notice & Warning (attention when changing things like menus, window spec etc. here):
    the DebugView class caches the last used debugger in a class variable,
    and hides/shows this window without recreating one from scratch. This is done to make
    the debugger come up faster when single stepping, or hopping from breakpoint to breakpoint.

    It may happen, that a malfunctioning debugger (for example, a halfway created/destroyed one)
    is kept there. You will notice this if a debugger comes up without showing any contents.
    In this case, close (or destroy) the broken debugView, and execute:
        Debugger newDebugger
    which removes the cached debugger and forces creation of a new one the next time.
    This is a temporary workaround - the debugger should be fixed to avoid this situation.

    You must also flush the cached debugger, if you change the debugger's
    initialization code (buttons, menu, etc.) or the debugger's class layout,
    and you want the new code to become effective 
    (otherwise, the already instantiated, cached debugger will be reused).


COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  lowSpaceCleanup
in low memory situations, give up cached debuggers

Usage example(s):

     DebugView lowSpaceCleanup

o  newDebugger
force creation of a new debugger (give up cached debuggers).
Call this, if you changed the debugger heavily, and you want to avoid
that an old, cached debugger gets reused when the next error comes around.

Usage example(s):

     DebugView newDebugger
     DebugView withAllSubclassesDo:#newDebugger

o  debuggerOnMainDisplayOnly

o  defaultIcon
return the browsers default window icon

o  defaultIconForAboutBox

o  defaultVerboseBacktrace

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  defaultVerboseBacktrace: aBoolean

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  maxNumberOfDebuggers
to prevent debuggers from flooding the screen,
in case of an error in an ever-forked background process
(such as tooltip process)

o  updateStyleCache
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables

ignoring halts
o  haltIgnoreInformationFor: haltingMethod atLineNr: lineNrInHaltingMethod
the information (if any) about the ignore-state of a halt

o  hasIgnoredHalts

o  ignoreAssertIn: haltingMethod at: lineNrOfHalt forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil
remember to ignore an assert in some method for some number of invocations
or until some time has elapsed.
With a count of -1, it is ignored forever (i.e. until reenabled via the settings).
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored assert is reactivated

o  ignoreBreakpointWithParameter: parameterOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil
remember to ignore a breakpoint with a parameter (i.e. breakpoint:#cg)
for some number of invocations or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored breakpoint is reactivated

o  ignoreHaltIn: haltingMethod at: lineNrOfHalt forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil
remember to ignore a halt in some method for some number of invocations,
or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored halt is reactivated

o  ignoreHaltIn: haltingMethod at: lineNrOfHalt forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil
remember to ignore a halt in some method for some number of invocations
or until some time has elapsed.
With a count of -1, it is ignored forever (i.e. until reenabled via the settings).
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored halt is reactivated

o  ignoreHaltOrBreakpoint: type method: methodOrNil line: lineNrOfHaltOrNil parameter: parameterOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil
remember to ignore a breakpoint with a parameter (i.e. breakpoint:#cg)
for some number of invocations or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored breakpoint is reactivated

o  ignoreHaltOrBreakpoint: type method: methodOrNil line: lineNrOfHaltOrNil parameter: parameterOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledFromMethodOrNil
remember to ignore a breakpoint with a parameter (i.e. breakpoint:#cg)
for some number of invocations or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored breakpoint is reactivated

o  isBreakpointToBeIgnoredForParameter: parameter context: aContext modifyEntryCount: modifyCount
should a breakpoint be ignored ?

o  isErrorToBeIgnoredIn: errorMethod atLineNr: lineNrInErrorMethod context: aContext modifyEntryCount: modifyCount
should an error be ignored ?
And if so, how.
Returns #proceed or #abort or nil

o  isHaltToBeIgnoredFor: aContext
see if the current halt (if any) is in the ignore-list

o  isHaltToBeIgnoredIn: haltingMethod atLineNr: lineNrInHaltingMethod context: aContext modifyEntryCount: modifyCount
should a halt be ignored ?

o  removeInactiveErrors
removes ignores for methods which are no longer present

o  removeInactiveIgnores
removes ignores for methods which are no longer present

o  stopIgnoringHalts
forget about all ignored halts

o  stopIgnoringHaltsFor: haltingMethod atLineNr: lineNrInHaltingMethod
remove the information (if any) about the ignore-state of a halt;
effectively reenables the breakpoint/halt

o  initialize
DefaultDebuggerBackgroundColor := nil.

o  reinitialize
reinitialize after an image-restart

instance creation / entering
o  enter
enter a debugger

o  enter: aContext withMessage: aString
enter a debugger

o  enter: aContext withMessage: aString mayProceed: mayProceed
enter a debugger; if this is a recursive invocation, enter
a MiniDebugger instead.
This is the standard way of entering the debugger;
sent from error- and halt messages.

o  enterException: ex
enter a debugger; if this is a recursive invocation, enter
a MiniDebugger instead.
This is the standard way of entering the debugger;
sent from error- and halt messages.

o  enterUnconditional: aContext withMessage: aString mayProceed: mayProceed
enter a debugger - do not check for recursive invocation

o  enterWithMessage: message
enter a debugger

o  new
return a new DebugView.
- return a cached debugger if it already exists.
Also, care for remote displays on which no debugger is wanted
(ask with mayOpenDebugger) - if so, open on the default screen.

o  newExclusive
return a debugger for exclusive display access

o  openDebuggerForActiveProcess
return an already open debugger for the active process, or nil, if there is none.
Open debuggers exist when stepping only, as then, the debugger is left open until the step
is reached, to avoid too much flickering and redrawing on the screen

o  openDebuggerForProcess: aProcess
if aProcess is being debugged and has an open debugger on it,
then return it, or nil, if there is none.
Open debuggers also exist as unmapped windows when single-stepping

o  openDebuggers

o  openOn: aProcess
start a debugger on aProcess
(actually not more than a good-looking inspector)

menu specs
o  additionalFileMenuItemsSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  additionalFileMenuItemsSpec2
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  breakPointMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#breakPointMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView breakPointMenuSpec)) startUp

o  classMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  contextMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#contextMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView contextMenuSpec)) startUp

o  fileMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#fileMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView fileMenuSpec)) startUp

o  helpMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#helpMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView helpMenuSpec)) startUp

o  menuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#menuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView menuSpec)) startUp

o  processMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#processMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView processMenuSpec)) startUp

o  selectorMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#selectorMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView selectorMenuSpec)) startUp

o  viewMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DebugView andSelector:#viewMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DebugView viewMenuSpec)) startUp

o  interestingContextFrom: aContext
return an interesting context to be shown in an error notifier.
We move up the calling chain, skipping intermediate Signal
and Exception contexts, to present the context in which the error
actually occurred.
Just for your convenience :-)

o  interestingContextIndexIn: aContextArray
return an interesting context's index, or nil.
This is the context initially shown (selected) in the walkback.
We move up the calling chain, skipping all intermediate Signal
and Exception contexts, to present the context in which the error actually occurred.
Just for your (my) convenience :-)

o  withDebuggingFlagSetDo: aBlock
mark this process as a process executing a debugger (or debugger-like code).
This can be used to not delay on certain operations (e.g. Lazy and Bridge proxies).
For example, the Inspector does this when showing values, to prevent remote objects from blocking it.

o  assertSelectors
these can be ignored via the menu

o  errorSelectors
these can be ignored via the menu

o  haltSelectors
these can be ignored via the menu

o  proceedableErrorSelectors
these can be ignored via the menu

o  debuggedMethodHistory

o  withOptionToIgnoreException: exceptionOrHandlerSet do: aBlock
execute aBlock;
if any from exceptionOrHandlerSet is raised during the execution,
open a confirmation dialog, asking if the debugger should be entered.
For halts/breakpoints, honors the ignored halt/break list;
also, two checkboxes are added, to also ignore them in the future

Instance protocol:

o  canAbort

o  contextInfo: aString
shown in the middle context info (typically: interrupt: ...)

o  contextInspector

o  exitAction

o  inspectedProcess

o  stepHow

o  breakpointMenuVisible

o  contextMenuVisible

o  receiverMenuVisible

o  selectorMenuVisible

o  verboseBacktraceHolder

o  enableDisableActions

o  enter
enter a debugger

o  enter: aContextOrNil select: initialSelectionOrNil
enter the debugger - get and display the context, then start an
exclusive event loop on top of eveything else

o  exit_abort
cannot simply raise an abort here, because if there is an abortHandler somewhere,

o  exit_abortAll
cannot simply raise an abort here, because if there is an abortHandler somewhere,

o  exit_quickTerminate

o  exit_resend
have to catch errors occuring in unwind-blocks

o  exit_restart
have to catch errors occuring in unwind-blocks

o  exit_return
if there is a selection in the codeView,
evaluate it and use the result as return value

o  exit_terminate
have to catch errors occuring in unwind-blocks

o  exit_unwindThenDo: aBlock
cannot simply raise an abort here, because if there is an abortHandler somewhere,

o  initialSelectionOnEntry: initialSelectionOrNil context: aContext
and find the one context to show initially
- if we came here by a send (single step), its the top context;
- if we came here by a step (i.e. bigStep), its the top context
(for ifs and whiles) or the sender (for regular sends).
- otherwise, we came here by some signal raise, and we are interested
in the context where the raise actually occurred.

o  isInspecting

o  isNotInspecting

o  openOn: aProcess
enter the debugger on a process -
in this case, we are just inspecting the context chain of the process,
not running on top of the debugged process, but as a separate
one. (think of it as an inspector showing more detail, and offering
some more control operations)

o  redefinedEnableStepInterruptForReentry: aContext

o  selectContextWithIndex: index

o  setInitialSelectionOnEntry: initialSelectionOrNil context: aContext

o  turnOffAllButtons

o  flyByHelpDependsOnPositionIn: aView
subclasses where the help-text depends upon the pointer position might
want to redefine this.
In the codeView, we follow the token under the mouse pointer...

o  helpTextFor: aComponent
s := 'Stop'

o  helpTextFor: aComponent at: aPointOrNil

initialization & release
o  addToCurrentProject
ignored here

o  additionalLocationInfo
subclasses may provide additional info for the executionInfoLabel
(such as repreat count of an activity)

o  destroy
closing the debugger implies an abort or continue

o  destroyWithConfirmation: withConfirmation
closing the debugger implies an abort or continue

o  initialize
Debugger newDebugger

o  initializeAbortButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeButtons1In: bpanel
creates the top button row,
consisting of 'continue', 'abort', 'terminate'...

o  initializeButtons2In: bpanel
creates the second button row,
consisting of 'next', 'step', 'return'...

o  initializeButtonsIn: bpanel

o  initializeCodeViewIn: panel
for active help

o  initializeContextInspectorViewIn: hPanel
two inspectors near the bottom

o  initializeContextListViewIn: panel

o  initializeContextViewsMiddleButtonMenu

o  initializeContinueButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeDefineButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeFlags
ignore halts/breakpoints in doIts of

o  initializeGotoApplicationActionMethodButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeGotoDialogOpenerButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeGotoRaisingMethodButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeGotoUnitTestMethodButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeInfoPanelIn: aView
info at the bottom

o  initializeInspectorViewsIn: panel
two inspectors near the bottom

o  initializeNextButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeReceiverInspectorViewIn: hPanel
two inspectors near the bottom

o  initializeReportButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeResendButtonIn: bpanel
if we have this, we do not need the restart button

o  initializeRestartButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeReturnButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeSendButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeStepButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeStepInButtonIn: bpanel

o  initializeTerminateButtonIn: bpanel
terminateButton foregroundColor:Color red.

o  initializeVerboseBacktraceHolder

o  initializeViews
old layout; will vanish

o  inspectorViewClassForContext

o  inspectorViewClassForReceiver

o  inspectorViewClassForStack

o  postRealize
set prio somewhat higher (by 2, to allow walkBack-update process
to run between mine and the debugged processes prio)

o  reinitialize
redefined - since the debugView runs on top of

o  releaseDebuggee
We have to be careful to release all refs to the debuggee,
because we may be in the cache.
Otherwise, the GC will not be able to release it

o  setLabelFor: errorDescriptionMessage in: aProcess

o  setLabelFor: errorDescriptionMessage in: aProcessOrNil orElseInLocation: aLocationStringOrNil
set the window-title and the exceptionInfo label's string

o  terminateButtonLabel

interrupt handling
o  contextInterrupt

o  stepInterrupt
' in ' print. thisContext sender fullPrint.

o  stepOrNext
DebuggingDebugger := true

menu & button actions
o  addBrowserBookmark
add a browser-bookmark for the selected contexts method

o  autoRaiseView
if true, the debugger raises itself automatically when entered.

o  autoRaiseView: aBoolean

o  autoUpdateOff
stop the update process

o  autoUpdateOn
fork a subprocess which updates the contextList in regular intervals

o  browseBlocksHome
browse the receiver block's home method (if a value-like send is selected)

o  browseClass
browse the receiver's class (of the selected context's message)

o  browseClassHierarchy
browse the receiver's classHierarchy (of the selected context's message)

o  browseFullClassProtocol
browse the receiver's full protocol (of the selected context's message)

o  browseImplementingClass
browse the implementing class (of the selected context's message)

o  browseImplementors
open a browser on the implementors of the selected method's selector

o  browseImplementorsOf
open a browser on the implementors of some selector

o  browseProcessesApplication
browse the application class (of the process, if it is a GUI process)

o  browseReceiversClass
browse the receiver's class (of the selected context's message)

o  browseSenders
open a browser on the senders of the selected method's selector

o  browseSendersOf
open a browser on the senders of some selector

o  clearRememberedCallchain
clear the remembered callchain.

o  closeAllDebuggers

o  closeAllOtherDebuggers

o  configureX: x y: y width: newWidth height: newHeight
(comment from inherited method)
my size has changed by window manager action

o  copyWalkbackText
place the contents of the walkback view into the copy-paste buffer.
This allows pasting it into some other view for printing.

Show the full verbose context without filtering.

o  copyWalkbackTextWithVariables
place the contents of the walkback view into the copy-paste buffer.
This allows pasting it into some other view for printing.

Show the full verbose context without filtering.

o  copyWalkbackTextWithVariables: withVariables
place the contents of the walkback view into the copy-paste buffer.
This allows pasting it into some other view for printing.

Show the full verbose context without filtering.

o  doAbort
abort - send Object>>abortSignal, which is usually caught
at save places (for example: in the event loop) and returns back
from whatever the process is doing, but does not terminate it.

o  doAbortAll
abortAll - send Object>>abortAllSignal, which is usually caught
at save places (for example: in the event loop) and returns back
from whatever the process is doing, but does not terminate it.

o  doAbortWithoutConfirmation
abort - send Object>>abortSignal, which is usually caught
at save places (for example: in the event loop) and returns back
from whatever the process is doing, but does not terminate it.

o  doChangeProcessPriority
ask for and change the process's priority

o  doContinue
continue from menu

o  doContinueAfterDelay

o  doDefine
when we hit an unimplemented message, the 'define' button becomes visible.
This is the action of it, when clicked.
Define a new halting method in the faulting class,
and restart the context so we end up in the halt of the new method

o  doGotoApplicationActionMethod
select the first application-model context.
This is another great helper, when you hit an exception,
to quickly navigate to the responsible code of you application

o  doGotoDialogOpener
select the context where the dialog was opened.
This is a great helper, when you press interrupt while a modal dialog is open,
to quickly navigate to the corresponding opening code of your application

o  doGotoRaisingMethod
select the (next) context where the exception was raised.
This is a great helper, to quickly navigate to the code which is responsible for the error

o  doGotoUnitTestMethod
select the unitTest method from where we come from.
This is a great helper, when you get a debugger inside a unit test run,
to quickly navigate to the corresponding test of the suite

o  doInspectProcess

o  doMicroSend
single send; reenter with next message send

o  doNext
skip for next source-code line; entering blocks

o  doNextAfterDelay

o  doNextOut
skip for next source-code line; leaving blocks

o  doNextOver
skip for next source-code line; skip over blocks

o  doNoTrace

o  doOpenReportMailApp
open a mail report tool

o  doRedefineMethodInReceiverClass

o  doResend
resend - the selected context is unwound and its message resent.
To be done after a cde change, to get nto the new method

o  doRestart
restart - the selected context will be restarted

o  doReturn
return - the selected context will do a ^nil

o  doSend
single send; reenter with next message send

o  doStep
skip for next send in selected method

o  doStep: lineNrOrNilOrMinus1
common helper for step, skip & next.
Arrange for single-stepping until we pass lineNr (if nonNil)
or to next line (if nil) or to next send (if -1)

o  doStepAfterDelay

o  doStepIn
step into the just called method;
same as selecting one above the current selected context
and then doing a step

o  doStepIn: lineNrOrNilOrMinus1
common helper for step, skip & next.
Arrange for single-stepping until we pass lineNr (if nonNil)
or to next line (if nil) or to next send (if -1)

o  doStop
stop the process (if it's running, otherwise this is a no-op)

o  doTerminate
terminate - the process has a chance for cleanup

o  doTrace
tracing - not really implemented ...

o  doTraceStep
tracestep - not implemented yet

o  doubleClickOnListEntry: lineNr

o  exit
exit from menu: immediate exit from smalltalk

o  findActiveHandler
find out active handlers, let user choose one of them,
and select the context

o  findContextForWhich: aBlock thenDo: additionalAction

o  findContextWithStringInSource

o  findContextWithValueInVariable

o  findHandlerFor
let user choose an exception class;
find and select the handling context for it

o  findHomeContext
still have to find it - home could be elsewhere (another process)

o  findNextExceptionHandlerContext

o  inspectContext
launch an inspector on the currently selected context

o  inspectContextsMethod
launch an inspector on the currently selected context's method

o  inspectProcessesApplication
inspect the application (of the process, if it is a GUI process)

o  inspectReceiver
launch an inspector on the currently selected context's receiver

o  inspectWidgetHierarchy

o  menuCloseAllDebuggers

o  menuCloseAllOtherDebuggers

o  middleButtonMenu
old leftover code for contextList's middleButtonMenu

o  notShowingDenseWalkbackHolder

o  notShowingSupportCode

o  openAboutThisApplication
opens an about box for this application.

o  openSettingsDialog

o  processesApplication
if the debugged process is a GUI process,
AND it has an application, return it.
Otherwise, return nil

o  quickTerminate
quick terminate - the process will get no chance for cleanup actions

o  rememberCallchain
remember the callchain in a classvar.
When entered the next time, highlight already entered contexts.
This makes it possible to identitfy the caller as the first common context
along the chain (i.e. the context which is responsible for the debugger to be entered)

o  selectContext: aContext
some contexts hidden?

o  selectedContext
could already be gone

o  showFullWalkback
double the number of contexts shown

o  showMore
double the number of contexts shown

o  showSupportCode

o  showingDenseWalkback

o  showingDenseWalkback: aBoolean

o  showingDenseWalkbackHolder

o  showingSupportCode

o  showingSupportCode: aBoolean
now only one flag!

o  showingVerboseWalkback

o  sizeChanged: how from: oldExtentOrNil
my view has changed the size (not the contents)

o  skip
skip for cursor line in selected method

o  skipForReturn
skip until the selected context is left.

o  skipUntilEntering
skip until some particular method is invoked.

o  toggleShowSupportCode

o  toggleVerboseWalkback

o  updateMenuItems
enable/disable some menu items, depending on the current selected context

menu & button actions-breakpoints
o  addBreakpoint
add a breakpoint on the selected context's method - if any

o  allowBreakPointsInDebugger

o  allowBreakPointsInDebugger: aBoolean

o  breakPointMenuSpec
change the label of the item named 'For Another Timeduration'
into 'For Another xxx', where xxx is the actual time duration it was
ignored before

o  doIgnoreBreakpoints

o  doNotIgnoreBreakpoints

o  ignoreAllAssertsForCurrentProcess

o  ignoreAllAssertsForThisReceiverClass

o  ignoreAllAssertsForever

o  ignoreAllAssertsIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreAllAssertsUntilShiftKeyIsPressed

o  ignoreAllErrorsIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreAllErrorsIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod action: actionSymbol

o  ignoreAllHaltsForCurrentProcess

o  ignoreAllHaltsForThisReceiverClass

o  ignoreAllHaltsForever

o  ignoreAllHaltsIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreAllHaltsUntilAnotherTimeDurationElapsed

o  ignoreAllHaltsUntilShiftKeyIsPressed

o  ignoreAssertForCurrentProcess

o  ignoreAssertForThisReceiverClass

o  ignoreAssertForever

o  ignoreAssertIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreAssertUntilAnotherTimeDurationElapsed

o  ignoreAssertUntilShiftKeyIsPressed

o  ignoreBreakpointsWithThisParameterForever
self addIgnoredHaltForCount:-1 orTimeDuration:nil orUntilShiftKey:false forAll:false.

o  ignoreBreakpointsWithThisParameterUntilShiftKeyIsPressed

o  ignoreErrorForCurrentProcess: actionSymbol

o  ignoreErrorForThisReceiverClass: actionSymbol

o  ignoreErrorForever: actionSymbol

o  ignoreErrorIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreErrorIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod action: actionSymbol

o  ignoreErrorUntilAnotherTimeDurationElapsed: actionSymbol

o  ignoreErrorUntilShiftKeyIsPressed: actionSymbol

o  ignoreHaltForCurrentProcess

o  ignoreHaltForThisReceiverClass

o  ignoreHaltForever

o  ignoreHaltIfCalledFromMethod: aMethod

o  ignoreHaltUntilAnotherTimeDurationElapsed

o  ignoreHaltUntilShiftKeyIsPressed

o  menuForIgnoreAllBreakpointsIfCalledFromAnyOf

o  menuForIgnoreAllErrorsIfCalledFromAnyOf

o  menuForIgnoreBreakpointIfCalledFromAnyOf

o  menuForIgnoreBreakpointIfCalledFromAnyOfForAll: forAllHaltsBoolean

o  menuForIgnoreErrorAndProceedIfCalledFromAnyOf

o  menuForIgnoreErrorAndProceedIfCalledFromAnyOfForAll: forAllHaltsBoolean

o  menuForIgnoreErrorIfCalledFromAnyOf

o  menuForIgnoreErrorIfCalledFromAnyOfForAll: forAllHaltsBoolean

o  menuForIgnoreErrorIfCalledFromAnyOfForAll: forAllHaltsBoolean action: actionSymbol

o  openBreakPointBrowser

o  openIgnoreAllHaltsUntilTimeElapsedDialog

o  openIgnoreBreakpointsWithThisParameterNTimesDialog

o  openIgnoreBreakpointsWithThisParameterUntilTimeElapsedDialog

o  openIgnoreErrorNTimesDialog: actionSymbol

o  openIgnoreErrorUntilTimeElapsedDialog: actionSymbol

o  openIgnoreHaltNTimesDialog

o  openIgnoreHaltUntilTimeElapsedDialog

o  removeAllBreakpoints
remove all trace & breakpoints - if any

o  removeBreakpoint
remove breakpoint on the selected contexts method - if any

o  stopIgnoringHalts

o  interestingContextIndexIn: arg

o  abortAllIsHandled

o  busy

o  exclusive: aBoolean

o  goodSkipUntilSelector

o  interruptProcessWith: aBlock
let inspected process do something, then update the context list

o  mayProceed: aBoolean

o  processPerform: aMessage
do something, then update the context list

o  redisplayBacktrace
force redisplay of the walkBack list; invoked when the
verbose-flag setting is changed

o  setContext: aContext releaseInspectors: releaseInspectors
show calling chain from aContext in the walk-back listview.
Most complications here arise from filtering less-interesting contexts
if not in verbose-context mode or when hiding implementation contexts.
There is a lot of heuristic magic here, to make the debugger as useful
as possible for the user (but not particularly for the debugger-developer).
On the fly, as we move along the contexts, update the isStoppedAtXXX booleans.

o  stepping

o  unstep

o  updateButtonsAndMenuItemsForContext: aContext

o  updateContext

private queries
o  canBrowseClassHierarchy

o  canBrowseFullClassProtocol

o  canBrowseImplementingClass

o  canBrowseProcessesApplication

o  canBrowseReceiversClass

o  canCloseAllDebuggers

o  canDefineMethod

o  canIgnoreBreakPoint

o  canInspectWidgetHierarchy
isKindOf: ApplicationModel

o  canRedefineMethodInReceiverClass
true if a context is selected, where an inherited method was called.
Used to enable the redefine menu option

o  canRestart

o  canReturn

o  canSendEmail

o  canShowMore

o  hasBlockContextSelected
even thoug we have a selection (hasSelection),

o  hasContextSelected

o  hasHaltsToIgnore

o  isAborting

o  isStoppedAtAssert

o  isStoppedAtBreakPointWithParameter

o  isStoppedAtError
^ self isStoppedAtHaltOrBreakPoint not

o  isStoppedAtErrorOrProceedableError

o  isStoppedAtHaltOrBreakPoint

o  isStoppedAtHaltOrBreakPointOrSelectedContextIsWrapped

o  isStoppedAtHaltOrBreakPointOrSelectedContextIsWrappedAndHasPreviousIgnoreTime

o  isStoppedAtProceedableError

o  isStoppedAtStatementBreakpoint

o  selectedContextIsWrapped

o  setOfHiddenCallingSelectors

o  setOfHiddenCallingSelectors: aCollectionOfSymbols

o  addIgnoredAssertForCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orThisReceiverClass: forThisReceiverClass orCurrentProcess: forCurrentProcess orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil forAll: aBoolean

o  addIgnoredErrorForCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orThisReceiverClass: forThisReceiverClass orCurrentProcess: forCurrentProcess orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil forAll: aBoolean

o  addIgnoredErrorForCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orThisReceiverClass: forThisReceiverClass orCurrentProcess: forCurrentProcess orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil forAll: aBoolean action: actionSymbol

o  addIgnoredHaltForCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orThisReceiverClass: forThisReceiverClass orCurrentProcess: forCurrentProcess orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil forAll: aBoolean

o  canAddBreakpoint

o  canRemoveAllBreakpoints

o  canRemoveBreakpoint

o  findAssertingContext

o  findContextWithAnySelector: selectors orMClass: mClass orWrapped: orWrappedBoolean
contextArray keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :con |

o  findErrorContext

o  findHaltingContext

o  findProceedableErrorContext

o  getIgnoredErrors

o  getIgnoredHalts

o  ignoreBreakpoints

o  ignoreErrorIn: methodOrNil line: lineNrOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledFromMethodOrNil
remember to ignore an error, either forEver, for some number of invocations,
or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored error is reactivated

o  ignoreErrorIn: methodOrNil line: lineNrOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledFromMethodOrNil action: actionSymbol
remember to ignore an error, either forEver, for some number of invocations,
or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored error is reactivated.
actionSymbol is either #abort or #proceed

o  ignoreHaltIn: haltingMethod at: lineNrOfHalt forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledForMethodOrNil

o  ignoreHaltOrBreakpoint: type method: methodOrNil line: lineNrOfHaltOrNil parameter: parameterOrNil forCount: countOrNil orTimeDuration: dTOrNil orUntilShiftKey: untilShiftKey orReceiverClass: receiverClassOrNil orProcess: processOrNil orIfCalledFromMethod: ifCalledFromMethodOrNil
remember to ignore a breakpoint with a parameter (i.e. breakpoint:#cg)
for some number of invocations or until some time has elapsed.
With nil count and time arguments, such an ignored breakpoint is reactivated

o  removeInactiveIgnores
removes ignores for methods which are no longer present

o  setIgnoredErrors: aCollection

o  setIgnoredHalts: aCollection

private-cache handling
o  cacheMyself
remember myself for next debug session

o  isCached
tell whether we are a cached debugger

o  uncacheMyself
do not remember myself any longer for next debug session

private-code generation helpers
o  argumentNamesForNewMethodOfContext: context
generate argument names for a prototypeMethod for the message in context.
Used by doDefine and doRedefine

private-code view
o  codeAspect

o  explainSelection

o  findNodeForInterval: interval

o  findNodeIn: tree forInterval: interval

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  selectedInterval

o  withNodeValueAtInterval: interval do: aBlock
helper for tooltips and explain-selection;
evaluate aBlock with its value (if known) and a description of what it is

o  withValueAndDescriptionOfMessageNode: node do: aBlock
helper for tooltips and explain-selection;
evaluate aBlock with its value (if known) and a description of what it is.
Here, a value is only known iff the receiver class is known
or if there is exactly one implementor, AND the implementation returns a constant

o  withValueAndDescriptionOfVariableNode: node do: aBlock
helper for tooltips and explain-selection;
evaluate aBlock with its value (if known) and a description of what it is

private-context handling
o  contextListEntryFor: aContext
save generation of a single list entry of the context list

o  is: aHomeContext inCallingChainOf: aContext

o  isEnteredDueToBreakpointOrHalt
see if we came here due to a step interrupt

o  isHaltToBeIgnored
see if the current halt (if any) is in the ignore-list

o  isHaltToBeIgnoredFor: aContext
see if the current halt (if any) is in the ignore-list

o  setContext: aContext
show calling chain from aContext in the walk-back listview

o  setContextSkippingInterruptContexts: aContext
show calling chain from aContext in the walk-back listview.
Ignore any non-interesting interrupt-context.

o  showingContext1: aContext calling: calledContext
return false, if this context is to be skipped in the presented list.
Here, we hide some well known methods, which are usually not too interesting
(for example, intermediate performs, ensures or raise helpers);
the set of methods which are suppressed is my (claus's) own choice.

o  showingContext2: aContext nesting: nesting
return false, if this (intermediate) context is to be skipped.
Here, we hide some well known methods, which are usually not too interesting;
the set of methods which are suppressed is my (claus's) own choice.

o  stopShowingMoreContextsAfter: aContext
return true, if followup calling contexts are to be skipped.
False is returned here, as the regular debugger shows all contexts
up to the very first caller (in Process start).
Redefinable in special debuggers (expecco), which want to stop after
the activity >> execute context.

private-control loop
o  controlLoop
this is a kludge:
start a dispatchloop which exits when
either continue, return or step is pressed

o  controlLoopCatchingErrors
this is the debuggers own private event handling loop;
errors are caught, to prevent recursive debugger-invocations.

o  showError: message
consider this a kludge:

o  showTerminated

o  showValue: aValue

o  showWarning: aString

o  canDefineForCallee: callee
again, pure heuristics here

o  canInstallCode
can we accept new code?
redefinable to return false in debuggers for remote code (bridged code)

o  showingAlreadyModifiedCode

o  isDebugView

user interaction
o  checkIfCodeIsReallyModified
see if there is really a difference between the editor's contents
and the current method's source.

o  checkIfCodeIsReallyModifiedAndConfirmWith: questionString
if code was not modified or confirmation answered with 'ok',
return true (i.e. whatever user wants to do should be done).
Otherwise, return false

o  checkSelectionChangeAllowed

o  checkSelectionChangeAllowed: newSelection
check if the code was modified, when the selection changes.
Return true, if the selection SHOULD be changed (in the caller)

o  codeAccept: someCode
user wants some code to be recompiled

o  codeAccept: someCode inClass: aClass unwind: doUnwind category: category onCancel: cancelAction
user wants some code to be recompiled.
Optionally unwind stack to right above the changed method.
This undwind option is a leftover from times, when the debugger had no chance to
show the original code.
Now, it can, and got a choice-field to select between original and changed code.
So the undwind option is not longer used and probably completely obsolete now
(aka: this method is always called with doUnwind==false, these days)

o  codeAccept: someCode unwind: doUnwind category: givenCategoryOrNil onCancel: cancelAction
user wants some code to be recompiled

o  codeCompletion
I found this code 3 times (CodeView2, NewSystemBrowser and DebugView) - smell?

o  confirm: aString
open a modal yes-no dialog.
Redefined here, to answer true, if exclusice Debugger, which cannot handle popup boxes

o  doIt: theCode using: evaluatorClass in: aContext receiver: rec
called when user hits 'doIt' in the codeView.
Redefinable in subclasses (bridged code debuggers)

o  doShowSelection: lineNr
user clicked on a header line - show selected code in textView.
Also sent to autoselect an interesting context on entry.

o  hideStackInspector

o  methodCodeToggleChanged

o  processEvent: anEvent
filter keyboard events for popUp variable value display.
Return true, if I have eaten the event.

o  setCurrentMethod: aMethodOrNil

o  showSelection: lineNr
user clicked on a header line - show selected code in textView.
Also sent to autoselect an interesting context on entry.

o  showStackInspectorFor: con

o  updateContextInfoFor: aContext
additional info as-per selected context;
for now:
update:with:from: - show who was responsible

o  updateForContext: lineNr
show selected code for lineNr in contextList in textView.
Also used to autoselect an interesting context on entry.
CAVEAT: please, please refactor this beast.

Private classes:


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