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Documentation of class 'FixedDecimal':



Class: FixedDecimal



rev: 1.22 date: 2023/12/12 14:37:13
user: stefan
file: FixedDecimal.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
Chris Cunningham
ported to ST/X by cg;
added handling of scale 0,
reading from string w.o. decimal point,
different coercing scheme in ST/X


A FixedDecimal is similar to a ScaledDecimal, but different in certain ways.  
It's primary purpose was to be able to represent precise decimals 
for such things as representing money 
- where ScaledDecimals leave something to be desired.  

For instance, with ScaledDecimals, you get:
    (33.333s withScale:2) + (33.333s withScale:2)   
and print it yields: 
but with FixedDecimals, you would get:
    (33.333 asFixedDecimal: 2) + (33.333 asFixedDecimal: 2)         
and print it yields: 

So, FixedDecimals automatically round the numbers to the exact scale you specify,
whereas ScaledDecimals keep the correct value internally and only round when printing
or when asked explicitly via roundedToScale.

Converting a float to a FixedDecimal and back will not necessarily 
return the starting number, unlike ScaledDecimals.

Instance Variables
    negative:       Indicates wheither the FixedDecimal is negative.  
                    Used for printing internally.
    scaledNumber:   A raw scaled integer representing the number multiplied by 10^scale.
    integerPart:    The integer part of the number.
    fractionPart:   The non-integer part of the number.
    scale:          The scale of the FixedDecimal

Based on Squeak public domain code.

Class protocol:

coercing & converting
o  coerce: aNumber
convert the argument aNumber into an instance of the receiver (class) and return it.

o  generality
when combined with a ScaledDecimal, we generate FixedDecimals

Usage example(s):

     FixedDecimal generality    66
     ScaledDecimal generality   65

o  zero
(comment from inherited method)
return something which represents the zero element (for my instances).
That is the neutral element for addition.

instance creation
o  newFromFixedDecimal: aDecimal scale: newScale
Answer a new instance of me with a possibly different scale.
If the new scale is smaller than aDecimal's scale,
the new fixedDcimal is rounded to that smaller scale

o  newFromFixedDecimal: aDecimal scale: newScale truncated: truncatedBoolean
Answer a new instance of me with a possibly different scale.
If the new scale is smaller than aDecimal's scale,
the new fixedDcimal is rounded (or truncated) to that smaller scale

o  newFromNumber: aNumber scale: scaleIn
Answer a new instance of me.

Usage example(s):

     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:3 -> 1.234
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:2 -> 1.23
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:1 -> 1.2
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:0 -> 1

     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:3 -> 1.987
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:2 -> 1.99
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:1 -> 2.0
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:0 -> 2

o  newFromNumber: aNumber scale: scaleIn truncated: truncatedBoolean
Answer a new instance of me.

Usage example(s):

     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:3 -> 1.234
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:2 -> 1.23
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:1 -> 1.2
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.234 scale:0 -> 1

     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:3 -> 1.987
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:2 -> 1.99
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:1 -> 2.0
     FixedDecimal newFromNumber:1.987 scale:0 -> 2

o  newFromString: aNumberString
Answer a new instance of me.
String is assumed to be of the format: '293492.230', '293492.' or '293492'

Usage example(s):

     self newFromString:'1234.56'  -> 1234.56 
     self newFromString:'1234.5'   -> 1234.5
     self newFromString:'1234.'    -> 1234
     self newFromString:'1234'     -> 1234

o  newFromString: aNumberString scale: scaleIn
Answer a new instance of me.
String is assumed to be of the format: '293492.230', '293492.' or '293492'

Usage example(s):

     self newFromString:'1234.56' scale:2
     self newFromString:'1234.56' scale:nil

o  newFromString: aNumberString scale: scaleIn decimalPointCharacters: decimalPointCharacters
Answer a new instance of me.
String is assumed to be of the format:
'293492.230', '293492.' or '293492'

Usage example(s):

     self newFromString:'1234.563' scale:2  -> 1234.56
     self newFromString:'1234.567' scale:2  -> 1234.57
     self newFromString:'1234.567' scale:5  -> 1234.56700
     self newFromString:'1234.56 ' scale:5  -> 1234.56000
     self newFromString:'1234.56' scale:nil -> 1234.56
     self newFromString:'1234.5' scale:nil  -> 1234.5
     self newFromString:'1234.' scale:nil   -> 1234.0
     self newFromString:'1234' scale:nil    -> 1234
     self newFromString:'1234' scale:-1     -> 1234

o  readFrom: aString
compatability with ScaledDecimal

Usage example(s):

     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123.456'   -> 123.456
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123.45'    -> 123.45
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123.4'     -> 123.4
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123.'      -> 123
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123'       -> 123

     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123.456'    -> 123.456
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123.45'     -> 123.45
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123.4'      -> 123.4
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123.'       -> 123
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123'        -> 123

o  readFrom: aString decimalPointCharacters: decimalPointCharacters
compatability with ScaledDecimal

Usage example(s):

     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123,456' decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.456
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123,45'  decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.45
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123,4'   decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.4
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123,'    decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123
     ScaledDecimal readFrom: '123'     decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123

     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123,456'  decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.456
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123,45'   decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.45
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123,4'    decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123.4
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123,'     decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123
     FixedDecimal readFrom: '123'      decimalPointCharacters:','  -> 123

Instance protocol:

o  negative
return true if the receiver is less than zero.

o  scale

o  * operand
(comment from inherited method)
return the product of the receiver and the argument.

o  + operand
(comment from inherited method)
return the sum of the receiver and the argument

o  - operand
another fixed decimal and same scale

o  / operand
Modified (format): / 08-11-2021 / 15:26:31 / Stefan_Vogel

o  // operand
Anser the integer quotient after dividing the receiver by operand
with truncation towards negative infinity.

o  asInteger
(comment from inherited method)
return an integer with same value - might truncate

o  asSignedInteger

o  negated
0.050 asFixedDecimal:2 -> 0.05
(0.050 asFixedDecimal:2) negated -> -0.05

0.054 asFixedDecimal:2 -> 0.05
(0.054 asFixedDecimal:2) negated -> -0.05
(0.054 asFixedDecimal:2) negated asFloat -> -0.05

(0.0 asFixedDecimal:2) -> 0.00
(0.0 asFixedDecimal:2) negated -> 0.00

o  reciprocal
0.050 asFixedDecimal:2 -> 0.05
(0.050 asFixedDecimal:2) reciprocal -> 20.00

0.054 asFixedDecimal:2 -> 0.05
(0.054 asFixedDecimal:2) reciprocal -> 20.00

Usage example(s):

     0.050 asScaledDecimal:2                -> 0.05
     (0.050 asScaledDecimal:2) reciprocal   -> 20.00

     0.054 asScaledDecimal:2                ->  0.05
     (0.054 asScaledDecimal:2) reciprocal   -> 18.52

coercing & converting
o  coerce: aNumber
convert the argument aNumber into an instance of the receiver's class and return it.

Usage example(s):

     '1.234' asFixedPoint scale 
     ('1.234' asFixedDecimal) coerce:1  

o  generality
when combined with a ScaledDecimal, we generate FixedDecimals

Usage example(s):

     FixedDecimal generality    66
     ScaledDecimal generality   65

o  < aNumber
(comment from inherited method)
Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
receiver is less than the argument. Otherwise return false.

o  = aNumber
(comment from inherited method)
Compare the receiver with the argument and return true if the
receiver is equal to the argument. Otherwise return false.

o  hash
(comment from inherited method)
instances, for which #= answers true must answer the same hash

o  asAbbreviatedString
Show us in [normal], MIL, BIL, TRIL, as appropriate.

Usage example(s):

     (123456 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString          -> '123456'
     (1234567 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString         -> '1.23 MIL'
     (12345678 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString        -> '12.35 MIL'
     (123456789 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString       -> '123.46 MIL'
     (1234567890 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString      -> '1.23 BIL'
     (12345678901 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString     ->'12.35 BIL'
     (123456789012 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString    -> '123.46 BIL'
     (1234567890123 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString   -> '1.23 TRIL' 
     (12345678901234 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString  -> '12.35 TRIL'  
     (123456789012345 asFixedDecimal:2) asAbbreviatedString -> '123.46 TRIL'   

o  asAbbreviatedStringUsing: milBilTrilSuffixArray
Show us in [normal], MIL, BIL, TRIL, as appropriate.

o  asFloat
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) -> 1.23
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) asFloat -> 1.23
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) negated -> -1.23
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) negated asFloat -> -1.23

o  asFraction
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) -> 1.23
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) asFraction -> (123/100)
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) negated -> -1.23
(1.23 asFixedDecimal:2) negated asFraction -> (-123/100)

o  withScale: newScale
return a new FixedDecimal with my value but a different scale

double dispatching
o  equalFromFixedDecimal: decimal
(comment from inherited method)
aFixedDecimal does not know how to compare to the receiver -
retry the operation by coercing to higher generality

o  lessFromFixedDecimal: aFixedDecimal
(1000 asFixedDecimal:1) > 60
(60 asFixedDecimal:1) > 60
(1000 asFixedDecimal:1) > (60 asFixedDecimal:2)
(60 asFixedDecimal:1) > (60 asFixedDecimal:2)
(1000 asFixedDecimal:2) > (60 asFixedDecimal:1)
(60 asFixedDecimal:2) > (60 asFixedDecimal:1)

o  inspectorExtraAttributes
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
extra (pseudo instvar) entries to be shown in an inspector.

mathematical functions
o  cbrt
return the cubic root of myself.

o  exp
return e raised to the power of the receiver

Usage example(s):

     (1 asFixedDecimal:100) exp

o  sqrt
return the square root of myself.

o  printOn: aStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a printed description of the receiver to aStream

o  printOn: aStream base: base
(comment from inherited method)
return a string representation of the receiver in the specified
radix (without the initial XXr)

o  printOn: aStream precision: precise

o  printOn: aStream precision: precise reserveSign: boolean
ReserveSign, if true, means that if we are not negative, then we should preceed the number with a 0. So that the numbers will ALWAYS be the same size when printed.

o  printString
(comment from inherited method)
return a string for printing the receiver.
Since we now use printOn: as the basic print mechanism,
we have to create a stream and print into it.

o  greaterThanFixedDecimal: decimal scaleDiff: scaleDiff

o  integerPart

o  scaledFractionPart

o  scaledNumber

o  setPart1: part1In part2: part2In scale: scaleIn negative: aBoolean

o  setPart1: part1In part2: part2In scale: scaleIn negative: aBoolean number: realNumber

o  usedMagnitude

o  usedScale

o  isFixedDecimal

truncation and round off
o  asFixedDecimal: aScale
return a fixedDecimal approximating the receiver's value
to scale fractional digits

o  fractionPart
the fractionPart represents the part after the decimal point
such that:
(self truncated + self fractionPart) = self

o  roundedToScale: newScale
return a new fixedDecimal, rounded to another scale.

Usage example(s):

     1.235 asFixedDecimal:3                      -> 1.235
     (1.235 asFixedDecimal:3) roundedToScale:2   -> 1.24
     (1.235 asFixedDecimal:3) roundedToScale:3   -> 1.235

     1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3                    -> 1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) roundedToScale:2 -> 1.24

o  truncated
return the receiver truncated towards zero as an integer

Usage example(s):

     (12.345 asFixedDecimal:3) truncated    -> 12
     (-12.345 asFixedDecimal:3) truncated   -> 12

o  truncatedToScale
I am already rounded to my scale, so this is a noop.
This is provided for protocol compatibility with ScaledDecimals

Usage example(s):

     1.23456 asScaledDecimal:3                    1.235
     (1.23456 asScaledDecimal:3) roundedToScale   1.235

     1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3                     1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) roundedToScale    1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) truncatedToScale  1.235

o  truncatedToScale: newScale
return a new fixedDecimal, truncated to another scale.

Usage example(s):

     1.23456 asScaledDecimal:3                    1.235
     (1.23456 asScaledDecimal:3) roundedToScale   1.235

     1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3                       1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) roundedToScale      1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) truncatedToScale    1.235
     (1.23456 asFixedDecimal:3) truncatedToScale:2  1.23

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:19:57 GMT