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Documentation of class 'HierarchicalList':



Class: HierarchicalList



rev: 1.39 date: 2019/02/13 15:22:12
user: cg
file: HierarchicalList.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
Claus Atzkern


Hierarchical Lists are mostly like List, but adding and removing
elements are handled by the items itself.
Special change notifications are emitted, 
whenever the list is changed.
I am used mostly by the HierarchicalListView widget;
see comments there.    

[Instance variables:]
    root        <HierarchicalItem>  first item into list
    showRoot    <Boolean>           show or hide root item
    application <Application>       the user is able to set an application
                                    which can be accessed by an item.

Related information:


Instance protocol:

o  showRoot
show or hide root item

o  showRoot: aBoolean
show or hide root item

accessing-monitoring task
o  monitoringTaskDelay
get the delay time of the monitoring task measured in seconds
or nil( monitoring disabled ). The task runs through all items
of the list performing #monitoringCycle and than at end of the
list the task is suspended for monitoringTaskDelay seconds.

o  monitoringTaskDelay: inSecondsOrNil
set the delay time of the monitoring task measured in seconds
or nil( monitoring disabled ). The task runs through all items
of the list performing #monitoringCycle and than at end of the
list the task is suspended for monitoringTaskDelay seconds.

o  addDependent: anObject
restart the monitoringTask if necessary

o  application
returns the responsible application; if no application is defined,
nil is returned

o  application: anApplication
set the responsible application

o  applicationsDo: aOneArgBlock
evaluate the block on each dependent application

o  removeDependent: anObject
stop the monitoringTask if no more dependencies exists

o  root
get the root item

o  root: aRootItem
set the root item

o  initContents: aSize
setup defaults

o  itemAddAll: aListOfItems afterIndex: anIndex
insert all items after an index

o  itemAddAll: aListOfItems beforeIndex: anIndex
insert all items before an index

o  itemChanged: what with: aPara from: anItem
catch notification from item; throw changeNotifications
to dependencies;
**** don't know what to do with a parameter and argument what
**** list protocol ****

o  itemRemoveFromIndex: start toIndex: stop
remove the items stored under startIndex up to and including
the items under stopIndex.

o  parentOrModel
always returns nil

o  refreshContents
for debugging - regenerate a fresh list, in case I am outdated

private-monitoring task
o  monitoringCycle
the block evaluated

o  startMonitoringTask
start the monitoring task; backgrund process finishes, when no (more) dependencies exist,
and the additionalItemsToMonitorSemaphore is not signalled
(aka: no more background children to read)

o  stopMonitoringTask
stop the monitoring task

o  triggerUpdateCycle

o  childrenFor: anItem
returns the children for an item or an empty list

o  iconFor: anItem
returns the icon for an item or nil

o  labelFor: anItem
returns the label for an item or nil

o  middleButtonMenuFor: anItem
returns the middleButton menu for an item or nil

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:18:40 GMT