Class: QDouble
- Package:
- stx:libbasic2
- Category:
- Magnitude-Numbers
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/08/08 11:12:49
- user: cg
- file: QDouble.st directory: libbasic2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
ATTENTION: ongoing, unfinished work.
No warranty that this works correctly...
QDoubles represent rational numbers with extended, but still limited precision.
In contrast to Floats (which use the C-compiler's native 64bit 'double' format),
QDoubles give you roughly 200 bit or approx. 60 decimal digits of precision.
QDoubles use 4 IEEE doubles, each keeping 53 bits of precision.
A qDouble's value is the sum of those 4 doubles,
and a qDouble keeps this unevaluated sum as its state.
(due to overlap and rounding, the final precision is less than 53*4)
The exponent range is still the double exponent range,
but the number of mantissa bits is rougly multiplied by 4;
qDoubles can also represent the sum of upto 4 wildly distant numbers,
such as 1e200 + 1e-200 (but only up to 4 such terms).
Range and Precision of Storage Formats: see LimitedPrecisionReal >> documentation
The number of decimal digits:
OctaFloat decimalPrecision -> 71
QDouble decimalPrecision -> 61
QuadFloat decimalPrecision -> 34
LongFloat decimalPrecision -> 19
Float decimalPrecision -> 16
ShortFloat decimalPrecision -> 7
LargeFloat decimalPrecision -> any (default is 60)
The number of bits:
OctaFloat precision -> 237
QDouble precision -> 204
QuadFloat precision -> 113
LongFloat precision -> 64
Float precision -> 53
ShortFloat precision -> 24
LargeFloat precision -> any (default is 200)
QDoubles are able to represent sums of wildly distant numbers:
1e200 + 1e-15 + 1e-100 -> 1E+200 (loosing all small addends)
(1e200 + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 -> 0
(1e200 + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-15 -> -1e-15
(1e200 + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-100 -> -1E-100
(1e200 + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-15 - 1e-100 -> -1E-015
1e200 asQDouble + 1e-15 + 1e-100 -> 1E+200 (but small addends are still there)
(1e200 asQDouble + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 -> 1.0e-15
(1e200 asQDouble + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-15 -> 1E-100
(1e200 asQDouble + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-100 -> 1E-015
(1e200 asQDouble + 1e-15 + 1e-100) - 1e200 - 1e-15 - 1e-100 -> 0.0
when assigning a converted double precision number as in:
qd := 0.1 asQDouble.
you still get only a regular double precision approximation to 0.1
because the error is already inherit in the double.
For a full precision constant, you (currently) need to convert from a string
(because the compilers do not know about them, yet):
qd := QDouble readFrom:'0.1'.
To see the error of the double precision version, compute:
(0.1 asQDouble) - (QDouble readFrom:'0.1')
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2017 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
coercing & converting
coerce: aNumber
convert the argument aNumber into an instance of the receiver (class) and return it.
return a QDouble which represents not-a-Number (i.e. an invalid number)
return the constant e as quad precision double.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
self e printfPrintString:'%.61f'
-> '2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676'
Wolfram says:
return the largest value that instances of me can represent
Usage example(s):
Float fmax 1.797693134862316e+308
Float fmax asQDouble 1.79769313486232e+308
QDouble fmax 1.7976931348623140116810111328051981204942367928321477092558725e+308
the larges denormalized value which can be represented by instances of this class;
should actually be sent to the instance,
because of IEEEFloat, which has instance-specific representation.
Usage example(s):
QDouble fmaxDenormalized
Float fmaxDenormalized
the smallest normalized non-zero value which can be represented by instances of this class;
should actually be sent to the instance,
because of IEEEFloat, which has instance-specific representation
Usage example(s):
QDouble fmin -> 2.2250738585072e-308
Float fmin -> 2.2250738585072e-308
the smallest non-zero value which can be represented by instances of this class;
should actually be sent to the instance,
because of IEEEFloat, which has instance-specific representation
Usage example(s):
QDouble fminDenormalized
Float fminDenormalized
return the constant pi/2 as quad precision double.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
self halfPi printfPrintString:'%.60f'
Wolfram says:
(QDouble readFrom:'1.5707963267948966192313216916397514420985846996875529104874722961539082031431044993140174126710585339910740432566411533235469223047752911158626797040642405587251420513509692605527798223114744774651909822144054878329667230642378241168933915826356009545728243')
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself which represents positive infinity (for my instances).
Warning: do not compare equal against infinities;
instead, check using isFinite or isInfinite
return the constant natural logarithm log(10) as a qDouble.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
QDouble ln10 printfPrintString:'%.61f'
self ln10 printfPrintString:'%.61f'
-> '2.3025850929940456840179914546843642076011014886287729760333279'
Wolfram says:
return the constant e as quad precision double.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
self ln2 printfPrintString:'%.61f'
-> '0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755001343602552541206800'
Wolfram says:
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself which represents negative infinity (for my instances).
Warning: do not compare equal against infinities;
instead, check using isFinite or isInfinite
return the constant pi as quad precision double.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
self pi printfPrintString:'%.60f'
Wolfram says:
(QDouble readFrom:'3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253')
return sqrt(2) as a qDouble.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
Sqrt2 := nil
Number sqrt2Digits -> '1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379907324784621070388503875343276415727350138462309122970249248360558507372126441214970999358314132226659275055927557999505011527820605714701095599716059702745345968620147285174186408891986095523292304843087143214508397626036279952514079896872533965463318'
QDouble sqrt2 -> '1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667974'
return sqrt(3) as a qDouble.
(returns approx. 200 bits of precision)
Usage example(s):
Sqrt3 := nil
Number sqrt3Digits -> '1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381038062805580697945193301690880003708114618675724857567562614141540670302996994509499895247881165551209437364852809323190230558206797482010108467492326501531234326690332288665067225466892183797122704713166036786'
QDouble sqrt3 -> '1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381038062805580698'
return the neutral element for multiplication (1.0) as QDouble
Usage example(s):
return the neutral element for addition (0.0) as QDouble
Usage example(s):
instance creation
return a new quad-precision double - here we return 0.0
Notice that numbers are usually NOT created this way ...
It's implemented here to allow things like binary store & load
of floats. (but even this support will go away eventually, it's not
a good idea to store the bits of a float - the reader might have a
totally different representation - so floats should be
binary stored in a device independent format.
Usage example(s):
d0: d0 d1: d1 d2: d2 d3: d3
return a new quad-precision double from individual double components
Usage example(s):
self d0: 3.141592653589793116e+00
d1: 1.224646799147353207e-16
d2: -2.994769809718339666e-33
d3: 1.112454220863365282e-49
fromDoubleArray: aDoubleArray
return a new quad-precision double from coercing a double array
fromFloat: aFloat
return a new quad-precision double from coercing aFloat
Usage example(s):
self fromFloat:1.0
self fromFloat:0.2
self fromFloat:(1.0 asLongFloat + (1.0 asLongFloat / (2 raisedTo:40)))
self fromFloat:(1.0 asLongFloat + (1.0 asLongFloat / (2 raisedTo:53)))
self fromFloat:(1.0 asLongFloat + (1.0 asLongFloat / (2 raisedTo:60)))
Float fmax asQDouble 1.79769313486232e+308
Float NaN asQDouble nan
Float infinity asQDouble inf
Float negativeInfinity asQDouble -inf
fromInteger: anInteger
return a new quad-precision double from coercing anInteger
Usage example(s):
self fromInteger:2
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFF -- 32bit 4294967295.0
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 48bit 281474976710655.0
self fromInteger:16r7FFFFFFFFFFFF -- 51bit 2.25179981368525e+15
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 52bit 4.5035996273705e+15
self fromInteger:16r1FFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 53bit 9.00719925474099e+15
self fromInteger:16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 54bit 1.8014398509481983e+16
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 56bit 72057594037927935.0
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 60bit 1152921504606846975.0
self fromInteger:16r1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 61bit 2305843009213693951.0
self fromInteger:16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 62bit 4611686018427387903.0
self fromInteger:16r7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 63bit 9223372036854775807.0
self fromInteger:16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 64bit 18446744073709551615.0 / 1.8446744073709551615e19
self fromInteger:16r1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 65bit 36893488147419103231.0 / 3.6893488147419103231e19
self fromInteger:16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 66bit 73786976294838206463.0 / 7.3786976294838206463e19
self fromInteger:(10 raisedToInteger:1000) -> INF
self fromInteger:(10 raisedToInteger:1000) negated -> -INF
self fromInteger:(MetaNumber NaN) -> nan
self fromInteger:-16r7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 63bit 9223372036854775807.0
self fromInteger:-16rFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 64bit 18446744073709551615.0 / 1.8446744073709551615e19
self fromInteger:-16r1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 65bit 36893488147419103231.0 / 3.6893488147419103231e19
self fromInteger:-16r3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 66bit 73786976294838206463.0 / 7.3786976294838206463e19
fromLongFloat: aLongFloat
return a new quad-precision double from coercing aLongFloat
Usage example(s):
self fromLongFloat:1.0 asLongFloat
1.0 asLongFloat asQDouble 1.
(1.0 + 1e-16) - 1.0 -> 0.0
(1.0 asLongFloat + 1e-16) - 1.0 -> 9.996344030316350881E-17
(1.0 asLongFloat + 1e-16) asQDouble - 1.0
-> 9.99634403031635016638603121124e-17
LongFloat NaN asQDouble NAN
LongFloat infinity asQDouble INF
LongFloat negativeInfinity asQDouble -INF
(10 raisedTo:400) asLongFloat asQDouble
the default number of digits when printing
Usage example(s):
ShortFloat defaultPrintPrecision 5
Float defaultPrintPrecision 6
LongFloat defaultPrintPrecision 8
QDouble defaultPrintPrecision 10
QuadFloat defaultPrintPrecision 9
OctaFloat defaultPrintPrecision 11
LargeFloat defaultPrintPrecision 12
the default number of digits when printing with printf's %f format
return the maximum relative spacing of instances of mySelf
(i.e. the value-delta of the least significant bit)
according to ISO C standard;
Ada, C, C++ and Python language constants;
Mathematica, MATLAB and Octave; and various textbooks
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon
Usage example(s):
Float epsilon -> 2.22044604925031e-16
ShortFloat epsilon -> 1.192093e-07
LongFloat epsilon -> 1.084202172485504434e-19
QuadFloat epsilon -> 1.92592994438723e-34
QDouble epsilon -> 7.77876909732643e-62 / (1.215432671457250056532e-63 read comment in precision)
answer the number of bits in the exponent.
I use regular IEEE doubles to store the value,
thus my exponent bits are the same as double's exponent bits
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble numBitsInExponent
answer the number of bits in the mantissa (the significant).
Here, a fake number is returned.
the hidden bit is not counted here
Usage example(s):
1.0 asFloat numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asShortFloat numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asLongFloat numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asQDouble numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asQDouble class numBitsInMantissa
Float numBitsInMantissa
ShortFloat numBitsInMantissa
QDouble numBitsInMantissa
answer the precision (the number of bits in the mantissa) of my elements (in bits)
If my elments are IEEE floats, where only the fraction from the normalized mantissa is stored,
there will be a hidden bit and the mantissa will be actually represented by 1 more binary digits
(i.e. the number returned is 1 plus the actual number of bits stored)
Usage example(s):
^ (Float precision) * 4 - 3 + 1.
Usage example(s):
ShortFloat precision -> 24
Float precision -> 53
LongFloat precision -> 64
QDouble precision -> 204
QuadFloat precision -> 113
OctaFloat precision -> 237
1.0 class numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asShortFloat class numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asLongFloat class numBitsInMantissa
1.0 asQDouble class numBitsInMantissa
Float numBitsInMantissa
ShortFloat numBitsInMantissa
QDouble numBitsInMantissa
answer the radix of a QDouble's exponent
This is an IEEE float, which is represented as binary
* aNumber
return the product of the receiver and the argument, aNumber
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:1e20) * 2.0
(QDouble fromFloat:1e20) * 1e20
(QDouble fromFloat:1e20) * (QDouble fromFloat:1e20)
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) * (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1e-20) * (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:2.0) * (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)) asDoubleArray
+ aNumber
return the sum of the receiver and the argument, aNumber
Usage example(s):
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) + 1.0) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) + (1.0 asQuadFloat)) asDoubleArray
- aNumber
return the sum of the receiver and the argument, aNumber
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:1e20) - 1.0
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
(QDouble fromFloat:1e-20) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1e-20) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:2.0) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:2.0) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0) + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1e-20) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0) + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asDoubleArray
/ aNumber
return the quotient of the receiver and the argument, aNumber
Usage example(s):
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) / (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1.2345) / (QDouble fromFloat:10.0)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1.2345) / 10.0) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1.2345) / 10) asDoubleArray
Usage example(s):
Modified (comment): / 13-10-2021 / 14:52:10 / cg
coercing & converting
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) asDoubleArray
(1.0 asQDouble + 1e-40) asDoubleArray
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:2.e300) + 2.0) asDoubleArray
(2e300 + 2.0) - 2e300 -> 0.0 you loose with floats
((QDouble fromFloat:2e300) + 2.0) - 2e300 -> 2.0 better with QDouble
((2e300 asLargeFloatPrecision:500) + 2.0) - 2.e300 -> 2.0 better with QDouble
return a Float (i.e. an IEEE double) with same value as the receiver.
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) asFloat -> 1.0
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) asFloat -> 2.0
(2.0 asQDouble + 1e-14) asFloat -> 2.00000000000001
(2.0 + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.02140518265514E-14
(2.0 + 1e-15) - 2.0 -> 8.88178419700125E-16
(2.0 + 1e-16) - 2.0 -> 0.0
Does not raise an error for non-finite numbers (NaN or INF)
Usage example(s):
Float NaN asInteger
Float infinity asInteger
Float negativeInfinity asInteger
Float NaN asIntegerChecked
Float infinity asIntegerChecked
Float negativeInfinity asIntegerChecked
QDouble NaN asInteger
QDouble infinity asInteger
QDouble negativeInfinity asInteger
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) asLargeFloat -> 1.000000000000000000000000000000
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) asLargeFloat -> 2.000000000000000000000000000000
(2.0 asQDouble + 1e-14) asLargeFloat -> 2.000000000000010214051826551440
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000010214051826551440
(2.0 + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.02140518265514E-14
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000010214051826551440
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-15) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000000888178419700125
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-16) - 2.0 -> 0.0
(2QL + 1QL-14) - 2QL -> 0.000000000000010000000000000000
asLargeFloatPrecision: precision
return a large float with (approximately) my value.
If the LargeFloat class is not present, a regular float is returned
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble asLargeFloatPrecision:10
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) asLongFloat -> 1.0
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) asLongFloat -> 2.0
(2.0 asQDouble + 1e-14) asLongFloat -> 2.00000000000001
(2.0 asLongFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.00000303177028016E-14
(2.0 + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.02140518265514E-14
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000010214051826551440
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-15) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000000888178419700125
(2.0 asLargeFloat + 1e-16) - 2.0 -> 0.0
(2QL + 1QL-14) - 2QL -> 0.000000000000010000000000000000
return a QDouble with same value as myself.
return a QuadFloat with same value as the receiver.
You may loose bits when doing this.
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) asQuadFloat -> 1.0
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) asQuadFloat -> 2.0
(2.0 asQDouble + 1e-14) asQuadFloat -> 2.00000000000001
(2.0 asQuadFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.00000303177028016E-14
(2.0 + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 1.02140518265514E-14
(2.0 asQuadFloat + 1e-14) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000010214051826551440
(2.0 asQuadFloat + 1e-15) - 2.0 -> 0.000000000000000888178419700125
(2.0 asQuadFloat + 1e-16) - 2.0 -> 0.0
(2QL + 1QL-14) - 2QL -> 0.000000000000010000000000000000
(QDouble NaN) asQuadFloat -> nan
(QDouble infinity) asQuadFloat -> inf
(QDouble negativeInfinity) asQuadFloat -> -inf
Usage example(s):
1e10 asTrueFraction -> 10000000000
1e20 asTrueFraction -> 100000000000000000000
(1e20 + 1) asTrueFraction -> 100000000000000000000 ouch!
1e10 asQDouble asTrueFraction -> 10000000000
1e20 asQDouble asTrueFraction -> 100000000000000000000
(1e20 asQDouble + 1) asTrueFraction -> 100000000000000000001
(1e40 asQDouble + 1e20 + 1) asTrueFraction -> 10000000000000000303886028427003666890753
(1e40 asQDouble + 1e20) asTrueFraction
extract a normalized float's (unbiased) exponent.
The returned value depends on the float-representation of
the underlying machine and is therefore highly unportable.
This is not for general use.
This assumes that the mantissa is normalized to
0.5 .. 1.0 and the float's value is: mantissa * 2^exp
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble exponent => 1
1e20 asQDouble exponent => 67
QDouble NaN exponent -> error
return the generality value - see ArithmeticValue>>retry:coercing:
extract a normalized float's mantissa (as QDouble).
That is a float of the same type as the receiver,
such that:
(f mantissa) * (2 ^ f exponent) = f
The returned value depends on the float-representation of
the underlying machine and is therefore highly unportable.
This is not for general use.
This assumes that the mantissa is normalized to 0.5 .. 1.0
Usage example(s):
1.0 exponent -> 1
1.0 mantissa -> 0.5
12345.0 exponent -> 14
12345.0 mantissa -> 0.75347900390625
-1.0 exponent -> 1
-1.0 mantissa -> -0.5
-12345.0 exponent -> 14
-12345.0 mantissa -> -0.75347900390625
(1e40 + 1e-40) exponent -> 133
(1e40 + 1e-40) mantissa -> 0.918354961579912
0.0 asQDouble exponent -> 0
0.0 asQDouble mantissa -> 0.5
1.0 asQDouble exponent -> 1
1.0 asQDouble mantissa -> 0.5
1.0QD exponent -> 1
1.0QD mantissa -> 0.5
16QD exponent -> 5
16QD mantissa -> 0.5
9QD exponent -> 4
9QD mantissa -> 0.5625
-9QD exponent -> 4
-9QD mantissa -> -0.5625
12345.0 asQDouble exponent -> 14
12345.0 asQDouble mantissa -> 0.75347900390625
-1.0 asQDouble exponent -> 1
-1.0 asQDouble mantissa -> -0.5
-12345.0 asQDouble exponent -> 14
-12345.0 asQDouble mantissa -> -0.75347900390625
(1e40 + 1e-40) asQDouble exponent -> 133
(1e40 + 1e-40) asQDouble mantissa -> 0.918354961579912
self assert:(1.0 asQDouble mantissa * (2 raisedTo:1.0 asQDouble exponent)) = 1.0 asQDouble.
self assert:(100.0 asQDouble mantissa * (2 raisedTo:100.0 asQDouble exponent)) = 100.0 asQDouble.
self assert:(10e15 asQDouble mantissa * (2 raisedTo:10e15 asQDouble exponent)) = 10e15 asQDouble.
self assert:(10e-15 asQDouble mantissa * (2 raisedTo:10e-15 asQDouble exponent)) = 10e-15 asQDouble.
< aNumber
return true, if the argument, aNumber is greater than the receiver
Usage example(s):
1.0 < (1.0 + 1e-40) -> false
1.0 < (1.0 asQDouble + 1e-40) -> true
1.0 asQDouble < (1.0 asQDouble + 1e-40) -> true
1.0 asQDouble < 1.0 asQDouble -> false
1.0 asQDouble < 1.1 asQDouble -> true
1.0 asQDouble < 1.0 -> false
1.0 < 1.0 asQDouble -> false
1.1 asQDouble < 1.0 -> false
1.1 < 1.0 asQDouble -> false
1.0 asQDouble < 1.1 -> true
1.0 < 1.1 asQDouble -> true
1.0 asQDouble < 1.0 -> false
0.9 asQDouble < 1.0 -> true
(1.0 asQDouble + 1e-20) < 1.0 -> false
(1.0 asQDouble + 1e-20) < 1.1 -> true
(1.0 asQDouble - 1e-20 + 1e-40) < 1.0 -> true
1.0 asQDouble < 1 -> false
0.9 asQDouble < 1 -> true
= aNumber
return true, if the argument, aNumber has the same value as the receiver
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble = 1.0 asQDouble -> true
1.0 asQDouble = 1.0 -> true
1.0 asQDouble = 1.0 asShortFloat -> true
1.0 asQDouble = 1 -> true
1.0 asQDouble = 2.0 asQDouble -> false
1.0 asQDouble = 2.0 -> false
1.0 asQDouble = 2.0 asShortFloat -> false
1.0 asQDouble = 2 -> false
> aNumber
return true, if the argument, aNumber is greater than the receiver
double dispatching
differenceFromFloat: aFloat
aFloat - selfQDouble
differenceFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble - selfQDouble
equalFromFloat: aFloat
aFloat = selfQDouble
equalFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble = selfQDouble
lessFromFloat: aFloat
aFloat < selfQDouble
lessFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble < selfQDouble
sent when aQDouble does not know how to compare to the receiver..
Return true if aQDouble < self
productFromFloat: aFloat
aFloat * selfQDouble
productFromInteger: anInteger
anInteger * selfQDouble
productFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble * selfQDouble
quotientFromFloat: aFloat
Return the quotient of the argument, aFloat and the receiver.
Sent when aFloat does not know how to divide by the receiver.
Return aFloat / self
quotientFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble / selfQDouble
Usage example(s):
2.0 / (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)
2.0 / (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)
1e20 / (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)
1e20 / (QDouble fromFloat:2.0)
(2.0 / (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asFloat
(1e20 / (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) asFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:2.0) / 2.0
(QDouble fromFloat:1e20) / 2.0
((QDouble fromFloat:1.0) / 2.0) asFloat
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20 / 2.0)) asFloat
((1e20 + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0) + 1e-20) / 2.0) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:10.0) quotientFromQDouble: (QDouble fromFloat:1.234)) asDoubleArray
((QDouble fromFloat:1.234) / (QDouble fromFloat:10.0)) asDoubleArray
sumFromFloat: aFloat
aFloat + selfQDouble
sumFromInteger: anInteger
anInteger + selfQDouble
sumFromQDouble: aQDouble
aQDouble + selfQDouble
inspectorExtraAttributes ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
extra (pseudo instvar) entries to be shown in an inspector.
mathematical functions
return the absolute value of the receiver
Usage example(s):
(0.0 asQDouble) abs
(1.0 asQDouble) abs
(-1.0 asQDouble) abs
((1e20 asQDouble) + (1.0 asQDouble)) negated abs asDoubleArray
return the cubic root of the receiver
Usage example(s):
27 asQDouble cbrt -> 3.0
27 cbrt -> 3.0
return the cosine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)
Usage example(s):
1.0 cos 0.5403023058681398
(1.0 asQDouble) cos 0.54030230586813971740093660744297660373231042061792222767009726
0.5 cos 0.8775825618903728
(0.5 asQDouble) cos 0.87758256189037271611628158260382965199164519710974405299761087
0.001 cos 0.9999995000000417
(0.001 asQDouble) cos 0.99999950000004166666525696112433708989692354983014650257798907
0.000001 cos 0.9999999999995
(0.000001 asQDouble) cos 0.99999999999950000000000004171191855483938397608693482028181867
0.000000001 cos 1.0
(0.000000001 asQDouble) cos 0.99999999999999999949999999999999993776007520888680831865015707
1e-40 cos 1.0
(1e-40) asQDouble cos 1.0 (1.0 -5e-81 -4.22137477370303e-97 4.16666666666667e-162)
1e-80 cos 1.0
(1e-80 asQDouble) cos 1.0 (1.0 -5e-161 3.28930062667053e-177 4.15015142506647e-322)
1e-160 cos 1.0
(1e-160 asQDouble) cos 1.0 (1.0 -4.99994433591342e-321 0.0 0.0)
1e-300 cos 1.0
(1e-300 asQDouble) cos 1.0 (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
0.0 cos 1.0
(0.0 asQDouble) cos 1.0
return e raised to the power of the receiver
Usage example(s):
1.0 exp
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) exp
3.0 exp 20.08553692318767
3.0 asQDouble exp 20.0855369231876677409
3.0 asOctaFloat exp 20.08553692318766774092
return the truncation of log10 of the receiver.
The same as (self log:10) floor (for positive logs).
Used eg. to find out the number of digits needed
to print a number/and for conversion to a LargeInteger.
Usage example(s):
QDouble fmax log nan
QDouble fmax d0 log 308.254715559917
QDouble fmax asLargeFloat log10 308.2547155599167434408130815850692389219714904949318632324
QDouble fmax log10 nan
QDouble fmax d0 log10 308.254715559917
QDouble fmax integerLog10 308
QDouble fmax asLargeFloat integerLog10 308
QDouble fmin log -307.65265556858878150844115040843187335709005885427492921925687
QDouble fmin integerLog10 -307
QDouble fmin d0 log -307.652655568589
QDouble fmin asLargeFloat log -307.65265556858878150844115040843187335709005885427492921925
QDouble fminDenormalized log10 -324.60909878882553993607722183831515182047975976376543480675132
QDouble fminDenormalized d0 log10 -323.306215343116
QDouble fminDenormalized integerLog10 -323
QDouble fminDenormalized asLargeFloat log10 -323.30621534311580356312282627877681038320678144778928338082
QDouble fminDenormalized asLargeFloat integerLog10 -323
4.94065645841247q-324 log10 -323.3062153431158033
QDouble fminDenormalized asLargeFloat asQDouble 4.94065645841247e-324
QDouble fmin asLargeFloat asQDouble 2.2250738585072e-308
QDouble fmaxDenormalized asLargeFloat asQDouble 4.4501477170144e-308
QDouble fmax asLargeFloat asQDouble 1.79769313486231e+308
ldexp: exp
multiply the receiver by an integral power of 2.
I.e. return self * (2 ^ exp).
This is also the operation to reconstruct the original float from its
mantissa and exponent: (f mantissa ldexp:f exponent) = f
Usage example(s):
|f| f := 1 asQDouble. (f mantissa ldexp:f exponent) -> 1.0
|f| f := (1e40 asQDouble + 1e-40). (f mantissa ldexp:f exponent) -> (1e40 asQDouble + 1e-40)
1.0 ldexp:16 -> 65536.0
1.0 asQDouble ldexp:16 -> 65536.0
1.0 ldexp:100 -> 1.26765060022823E+30
1.0 asQDouble ldexp:100 -> 1.26765060022823E+30
return the natural logarithm of myself.
Raises an exception, if the receiver is less or equal to zero.
Not sure if this is really faster than using a taylor right away:
the three exp-computations at the end are done in qDouble and are tailors themself...
return the receiver negated
Usage example(s):
(0.0 asQDouble) negated
(1.0 asQDouble) negated
((1e20 asQDouble) + (1.0 asQDouble)) negated asDoubleArray
(((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0))
+ ((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0))) asDoubleArray
nextFloat: n
answer the next float count places (ulps) after (or before if count is negative) myself.
One ulp is the distance to the next/previous representable float,
and this returns the float which is countUlps away from me.
Notice that ulps depend on the receiver: an ulp away from 1e100 has a different
value than 1 ulp away from 1e-100.
Thus, ulps are perfect for 'almost equal' comparisons.
Usage example(s):
(1e20 + Float fmin) - 1e20 0.0
(1.0 nextFloat:1) - 1.0 2.22044604925031E-016
(1e20 nextFloat:1) - 1e20 16384.0
(1e-20 nextFloat:1) - 1e-20 1.50463276905253E-036
((QDouble fromFloat:1.0) nextFloat:1) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)
((QDouble fromFloat:1.0) + QDouble fmin) - (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)
((QDouble fromFloat:1e20) nextFloat:1) - (QDouble fromFloat:1e20)
((QDouble fromFloat:1e-20) nextFloat:1) - (QDouble fromFloat:1e-20)
(1.0 + Float fmin) - 1.0
(1e20 + Float fmin) - 1e20
(1e-20 + Float fmin) - 1e-20
raisedToInteger: n
return the receiver raised to an integer exp.
The caller must ensure that the arg is actually an integer
Usage example(s):
(4.0 ) raisedToInteger:4
(4.0 asQDouble) raisedToInteger:4
(10.0 asQDouble) raisedToInteger:10
(10.0000000000001 asQDouble) raisedToInteger:10 -> 1.00000000000009947598300641847898399518914650009505862356046819e10
10.0000000000001 raisedToInteger:10
return the sine of the receiver (interpreted as radians)
Usage example(s):
1.0 sin 0.8414709848078965
1.0 asQDouble sin 0.84147098480789650665250232163029899962256306079837106567275171
0.0 sin 0.0
0.0 asQDouble sin 0.0
Float pi sin 1.224646799147353e-16
QDouble pi sin -0.0
Return the square root of the receiver
Usage example(s):
(4.0 asQDouble) sqrt 2.0
(2.0 asQDouble) sqrt 1.4142135624
(1e20 asQDouble) sqrt 1.0e10
(-4.0 asQDouble) sqrt -> error
Number trapImaginary:[ (-4.0 asQDouble) sqrt ] -> (0+2.0i)
return receiver * receiver
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:4.0) squared
(1e20 + (QDouble fromFloat:1.0)) squared
return the tangens of the receiver (interpreted as radians)
Usage example(s):
1.0 tan
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) tan
printing & storing
digitsWithPrecision: precision
generate digits and exponent.
if precision is >0, that many digits are generated.
If it is 0 the required number of digits is generated
(but never more than the decimalPrecision, which is 65)
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
printOn: aStream
return a printed representation of the receiver.
this code was adapted from an ugly piece of c++ code,
which was obviously hacked.
It does need a rework.
As an alternative, use the printf functions, which should also deal wth QDoubles
printOn: aStream precision: precisionIn width: width fixed: fixed showPositive: showPositive uppercase: uppercase fillChar: fillChar
return a printed representation of the receiver.
This is a parametrized entry, which can be used by printf-like functions.
this code was adapted from an ugly piece of c++ code,
which was obviously hacked.
It does need a rework.
As an alternative, use the printf functions, which should also deal wth QDoubles
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
round_string_qd: str at: precisionIn offset: offsetIn
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return the receiver truncated towards negative infinity
destructive renormalization
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:1.0) renorm
private accessing
the most significant (and highest valued) 53 bits of precision
the next most significant (and next highest valued) 53 bits of precision
the least significant (and smallest valued) 53 bits of precision
return true, if the receiver is a finite float (not NaN and not +/-INF)
Usage example(s):
0.0 asQDouble isFinite -> true
1.0 asQDouble isFinite -> true
Float NaN asQDouble isFinite -> false
Float infinity asQDouble isFinite -> false
Float negativeInfinity asQDouble isFinite -> false
Float posiiveInfinity asQDouble isFinite -> false
return true, if the receiver is an infinite float (+Inf or -Inf).
return true, if the receiver is an invalid float (NaN - not a number)
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
0.0 asQDouble isNaN -> false
1.0 asQDouble isNaN -> false
Float NaN asQDouble isNaN -> true
return true, if the receiver is zero
Usage example(s):
0.0 asQDouble isZero
1e-100 asQDouble isZero
return true if the receiver is negative (< 0).
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
0.0 asQDouble negative
1.0 asQDouble negative
-1.0 asQDouble negative
Float positiveInfinity asQDouble negative -> false
Float negativeInfinity asQDouble negative -> true
Float NaN asQDouble negative -> false
0.0 asQDouble negative -> false
0.0 negated asQDouble negative -> false
0.0 negated asQDouble isNegativeZero -> true
return true, if the receiver is greater or equal to zero (not negative)
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble positive -> true
0.0 asQDouble positive -> true
-1.0 asQDouble positive -> false
(1.0 asQDouble + 1e-100) positive -> true
(0.0 asQDouble + 1e-100) positive -> true
(0.0 asQDouble - 1e-100) positive -> false
return the sign of the receiver (-1, 0 or 1)
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
Float nan sign
QDouble nan sign
QDouble infinity sign
QDouble infinity negated sign
0 asQDouble sign
1 asQDouble sign
-1 asQDouble sign
return true, if the receiver is greater than zero (not negative or zero)
Usage example(s):
1.0 asQDouble strictlyPositive -> true
0.0 asQDouble strictlyPositive -> false
-1.0 asQDouble strictlyPositive -> false
(1.0 asQDouble + 1e-100) strictlyPositive -> true
(0.0 asQDouble + 1e-100) strictlyPositive -> true
(0.0 asQDouble - 1e-100) strictlyPositive -> false
truncation & rounding
return the smallest integer which is greater or equal to the receiver.
Usage example(s):
(4.0 asQDouble) ceiling -> 4
(4.1 asQDouble) ceiling -> 5
(0.1 asQDouble) ceiling -> 1
(0.1 + (1.0 asQDouble)) ceiling -> 2
(1e20 + (1.0 asQDouble)) ceiling -> 100000000000000000001
(1.5 asQDouble) ceiling -> 2
(0.5 asQDouble) ceiling -> 1
(-0.5 asQDouble) ceiling -> 0
(-1.5 asQDouble) ceiling -> -1
return the smallest integer-valued float greater or equal to the receiver.
This is much like #ceiling, but avoids a (possibly expensive) conversion
of the result to an integer.
It may be useful, if the result is to be further used in another float-operation.
Usage example(s):
(4.0 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> 4.0
(4.1 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> 5.0
(0.1 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> 1.0
(0.1 + (1.0 asQDouble)) ceilingAsFloat -> 2.0
(1e20 + (1.0 asQDouble)) ceilingAsFloat -> 1.00000000000000000001e20
(1.5 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> 2.0
(0.5 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> 1.0
(-0.5 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> -0.0
(-1.5 asQDouble) ceilingAsFloat -> -1.0
return the receiver truncated towards negative infinity
Usage example(s):
(4.0 asQDouble) floor -> 4
(4.1 asQDouble) floor -> 4
(0.1 asQDouble) floor -> 0
(0.1 + (1.0 asQDouble)) floor -> 1
(1e20 + (1.0 asQDouble)) floor -> 100000000000000000001
(1e20 asQDouble + 1e-20 asQDouble) floor -> 100000000000000000000
(1e100 asQDouble + 0.5 asQDouble) floor
(1.5 asQDouble) floor -> 1
(0.5 asQDouble) floor -> 0
(-0.5 asQDouble) floor -> -1
(-1.5 asQDouble) floor -> -2
return the receiver truncated towards negative infinity.
This is much like #floor, but avoids a (possibly expensive) conversion
of the result to an integer.
It may be useful, if the result is to be further used in another float-operation.
return the receiver rounded to the nearest integer
Usage example(s):
(1e100 asInteger)
(1e100 asQDouble) roundedAsFloat 1e+100
(1e100 asQDouble) rounded
(1e100 asQDouble + 0.5 asQDouble) roundedAsFloat
(1e100 asQDouble + 0.5 asQDouble) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:4.0) rounded -> 4
(QDouble fromFloat:4.6) rounded -> 5
(QDouble fromFloat:4.50000001) rounded -> 5
(QDouble fromFloat:4.5) rounded -> 5
(QDouble fromFloat:4.49999999) rounded -> 4
(QDouble fromFloat:4.4) rounded -> 4
(QDouble fromFloat:4.1) rounded -> 4
(QDouble fromFloat:0.1) rounded -> 0
(QDouble fromFloat:0.5) rounded -> 1
(QDouble fromFloat:0.49999) rounded -> 0
(QDouble fromFloat:0.50001) rounded -> 1
(QDouble fromFloat:0.4) rounded -> 0
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.0) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.6) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.4) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.499999999) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.5) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.5000000001) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.1) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.1) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.5) rounded
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.4) rounded
return the receiver rounded to the nearest integer.
This is much like #rounded, but avoids a (possibly expensive) conversion
of the result to an integer.
It may be useful, if the result is to be further used in another float-operation.
Usage example(s):
(QDouble fromFloat:4.0) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.6) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.50000001) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.5) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.49999999) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.4) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:4.1) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:0.1) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:0.5) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:0.49999) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:0.4) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.0) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.6) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.4) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.499999999) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.5) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.5000000001) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-4.1) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.1) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.5) roundedAsFloat
(QDouble fromFloat:-0.4) roundedAsFloat
Floats, LongFloats suffer from loosing bits:
(Float readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-(Float readFrom:'0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-> 0.0
(Float readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
= (Float readFrom:'0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-> true
(Float readFrom:'0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
= (Float readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-> true
1000 0110 1000 0101 1000 0101 1000 0101 1000 0101 1000 0101 1101 0101 0011 1111
(Float readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
= (Float readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
(LongFloat readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-(LongFloat readFrom:'0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-> 0.0
(LongFloat readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
= (LongFloat readFrom:'0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-> 0.0
(QDouble readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-(QDouble readFrom:'0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
(QDouble readFrom:'0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-(QDouble readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
(QDouble readFrom:'0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')
-(QDouble readFrom:'0.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333')