Class: ReadOnlySequenceableCollection
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- Collections-Abstract
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2021/11/26 13:55:59
- user: cg
- file: ReadOnlySequenceableCollection.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
Abstract class which blocks some write access operations.
See concrete subclasses (such as Interval).
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2001 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.
blocked access
add: newObject
catch add message - cannot add elements
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) add:11
(1 to:10) addAll:#(11 12)
(1 to:10) remove:9
(1 to:10) remove:9 ifAbsent:nil
(1 to:10) removeAll:#(1 4)
(1 to:10) atAllPut:1
at: index put: anObject
catch at:put: message - cannot store elements
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) at:5 put:10
(1 to:10) atAllPut:5
(1 to:10) replaceFrom:1 to:4 with:#(10 20 30 40)
remove: anObject ifAbsent: exceptionalValue
catch remove message - cannot remove elements
Usage example(s):
(1 to:10) remove:9 ifAbsent:nil