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Documentation of class 'UnixPTYStream':



Class: UnixPTYStream



rev: 1.17 date: 2023/08/22 19:15:27
user: cg
file: UnixPTYStream.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


These are much like PipeStreams, but allow bi-directional communication
with a Unix command. (i.e. everything written to the PTYStream is seen
by the commands standard-input, everything written by the command to its
stdErr or stdOut can be read from me.

In addition, sending control characters (such as INTR or QUIT),
will be handled by the command as a signal (unless the command changed
its standard input to raw mode).


COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

blocked instance creation
o  readingFrom: commandString
(comment from inherited method)
create and return a new pipeStream which can read from the unix command
given by commandString.
The command's error output is send to my own error output.

o  readingFrom: commandString errorDisposition: handleError inDirectory: aDirectory
(comment from inherited method)
similar to #readingFrom, but changes the directory while
executing the command. Use this if a command is to be
executed in another directory, to avoid any OS dependencies
in your code.
errorDisposition may be a stream or one of #discard, #inline or #stderr (default).
#discard causes stderr to be discarded (/dev/null),
#inline causes it to be merged into the PipeStream and
#stderr causes it to be written to smalltalk's own stderr.
a stream causes stderr to be sent to that stream (internal or external)
Nil is treated like #stderr

o  readingFrom: commandString inDirectory: aDirectory
(comment from inherited method)
similar to #readingFrom, but changes the directory while
executing the command. Use this if a command is to be
executed in another directory, to avoid any OS dependencies
in your code.
The command's error output is send to my own error output.

o  writingTo: commandString
(comment from inherited method)
create and return a new pipeStream which can write to the unix command
given by command.

o  writingTo: commandString inDirectory: aDirectory
(comment from inherited method)
create and return a new pipeStream which can write to the unix command
given by commandString. The command is executed in the given directory.

instance creation
o  to: commandString
create and return a new ptyStream which can read/write to the unix command
given by commandString.

Instance protocol:

o  openPTYFor: aCommandString withMode: openMode inDirectory: aDirectory
open a pty to the unix command in commandString

o  to: command
setup the receiver to read/write to command

o  atEnd
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if position is at end.
Notice: this is a blocking operation, as we do not know in advance,
if there will be anything to read
(i.e. if the partner will send more or close the stream).
If you want to check for available data,
use nextAvailable:, or canReadWithoutBlocking


that one is not special (could be done with a PipeStream):

  pty := UnixPTYStream to:'ls -l'.
  [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
      Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
  pty close.
prove (done with a PipeStream):

  pty := PipeStream readingFrom:'ls -l'.
  [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
      Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
  pty close.
but that one is not possible with a PipeStream (simulating an editor session):

  pty := UnixPTYStream to:'ed'.
      [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
          Transcript showCR:(pty nextLine).
      pty close.
  ] forkAt:9.

  pty nextPutLine:'r Make.proto'.
  pty nextPutLine:'1,2d'.
  pty nextPutLine:'1,$s/#/+++++++/'.
  pty nextPutLine:'w xxx'.
  pty nextPutLine:'q'.
and that one is even better ... (simulating a login session):
  |pty password command|

  pty := UnixPTYStream to:'ssh'.
      [pty atEnd] whileFalse:[
          Transcript show:(pty next).
      pty close.
  ] forkAt:9.

  password := Dialog requestPassword:'password'.
  pty nextPutLine:password.
  command := Dialog request:'command'.
  pty nextPutLine:command.
  pty nextPutLine:'exit'.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:08:07 GMT