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Cryptographic Library


This package consists of a set of Smalltalk classes which implement various cryptographic functions; especially, hashing, encryption, decryption, random number generation, certificate handling and public key ring file parsing.

In addition, a sub-package implementing the SSL protocol (completely in Smalltalk, not using any C-code, and therefore immune to buffer overruns) is also available.

Supported Hash Algorithms

The cryptographic library includes implementations of the following hash algorithms:

Supported Password Hash Algorithms

Algorithms for password handling:

Supported Encryption/Decryption Algorithms

The cryptographic library includes implementations of the following crypt algorithms:

Key Handling and Support functions

Additional support is provided for:


This document is available upon request.


These addOn packages are licensed separately from the base ST/X system.
Please contact eXept for license information & pricing.

MDC-2 used to be covered by a patent which was not renewed in 2003 and would have expired anyway in 2007. It can therefore be used without royalties.
IDEA is provided for non-commercial use only (see details in the PGP licence conditions);
for commercial use, a licence agreement with the IDEA patent holder may be required. Notice: the patent was applied in 1991, therefore expires in 2011-2012.
RC6 is covered by a patent which expires 2018.
It is not guaranteed that RC6 can be used royalty-free, as the patent holder has not clearly stated his strategy. For commercial use, a licence agreement with the RC6 patent holder may be required.

Copyright © 1999-2019 eXept Software AG


Doc $Revision: 1.35 $