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List of Useful Selectors


The following is just a keyword list to give you a hint what to search for. Use the SystemBrowser to find implementors or senders of those messages.

Looking at the comments in the implementors will give you more information about what is done in those methods; looking at the senders code, you will learn more on how those messages are typically used.

Notice that the browser supports wildcard searches - thus you can search for patterns such as "at*" or even "n*ut*".

A note to beginners:

what you see below is NOT smalltalk syntax, but a small fraction of messages understood by classes in the system; there is much more.

For smalltalk syntax and the basic classes/messages, see

If you are new to Smalltalk and used to other programming languages, many binary selectors may look like syntax to you. Beside the obvious "+", "-" etc. the most noteworthy are "," (concatenation), "?" (default value), "@" (point instantiation) and "=>" (association instantiation). These are names for operations just like the others and are implemented as methods of their respective receiver classes (to the left of the operator).

Also, you will find demonstration code and examples for some concepts in the directory "doc/coding". All classes also contain a documentation category and many have an examples method there.
A step-by-step introduction into the view classes is found in the document 'introduction to view programming'.

In the list below, the characters '[' and ']' mean: optional; thus:

means that both methods for foo: and foo:bar: are provided.
(for beginners: this means that there are two methods in the system: foo: and foo:bar:)

This list is far from complete, currently there are about 40000 methods (try Method instanceCount) in more than 4500 classes (try Class allSubInstances size) to be found in the base system alone (not counting some additional goodies, demos etc. and many autoloaded methods).
It should be clear that the list below is only a very small extract.

Happy browsing ...

PS: a very useful tool to find which message delivers a given result, is theMethodFinder.

Most Useful Selectors

Creating Objects

new- message to a class - returns a new (typically initialized) instance
new: - (usually a ) message to a container class. Returns a container instance of (preallocated) size
basicNew - message to a class - returns a new definitely uninitialized instance

Copying Objects

shallowCopy - shallow copy (the copy references the same objects)
deepCopy - deep copy (referenced objects are also deep-copied)
Handles recursive and self-referencing structures.
copy - usually defaults to a shallow copy

General Queries

class - return an object's class
respondsTo: - ask if message is understood
isMemberOf: - ask if instance of a class (not recommended)
isKindOf: - ask if instance of a class or subclass (not recommeneded)
isNil - true if object is nil
notNil - true if object is not nil
isClass - true if object is a class
isNumber - true if object is a number
isXXXX - some more of this
respondsToArithmetic - true if object understands arithmetic messages
allOwners - returns a collection of objects referencing the receiver
allInstances - returns a collection of a class's instances
allDerivedInstances - returns a collection of a class's and subclass's instances



== - identical; i.e. the same object
~~ - not identical
= - equal; i.e. same structure and value(s)
~= - not equal
hash - return a key for hashing
identityHash - return a key for hashing on identity


> - greater than
>= - greater or equal
< - less than
<= - less or equal
between:and: - test if in a range
min: - minimum
max: - maximum

Arithmetic (Numbers)

+ - addition
- - difference
* - product
/ - division - tends to convert to float
// - truncating division - returns integer
\\ - modulo
abs - absolute value
negated - negated value (0 - receiver)
rounded - round to nearest integer
truncated - truncate towards zero
ceiling - round toward positive infinity
floor - round toward negative infinity
asFloat - coerce to float
asInteger - coerce to integer (i.e. truncates)
log: - logarithm
sin - sine
cos - cosine
raiseTo: - raise to power
sqrt - square root
even - true if even
odd - true if odd
sign - signum (-1, 0, 1)
positive - true if positive
negative - true if negative

Bitwise Operations (Integers)

bitAnd: - bitwise and
bitOr: - bitwise or
bitXor: - bitwise exclusive or
bitInvert - bitwise complement
bitShift: - shift

Logical Operations (Booleans)

& - logical and (evaluating)
| - logical or (evaluating)
not - logical not
and: - logical and (non evaluating)
or: - logical or (non evaluating)



size - number of elements
isEmpty / notEmpty - true/false if collection is empty
isEmptyOrNil / notEmptyOrNil - true/false if receiver is empty or nil


add: - add a new element
addAll: - add all elements of argument
at:put: - store element into collection
atAllPut: - fill
atAll:put: - fill parts
addFirst: - add at beginning
addLast: - add at end


remove:[ifAbsent:] - remove an element [with opt. error handler]
removeAll: - remove all
removeFirst - remove first element
removeLast - remove last element
removeKey: - remove a key


at: - retrieve at index/key
at:ifAbsent: - retrieve, with handler if index is absent
first - retrieve first element
last - retrieve last element


includes: - true if element is in the collection
includesIdentical: - not just the same - but that particular object
includesAny: - true if any is in the collection
includesAll: - true if all are in the collection
occurrencesOf: - return number of occurrences of an element
includesKey: - return true if key is valid
indexOf:[ifAbsent:] - search and return position using = (indexable collections)
identityIndexOf:[ifAbsent:] - search and return position using == (indexable collections)


do: - enumerate collection elements
keysAndValuesDo: - same, but pass keys and values to block
reverseDo: - in reverse order
collect: - enumerate elements, collect results
select:[ifNone:] - enumerate elements, collect some elements
reject: - enumerate elements, collect some elements
inject:into: - enumerate and accumulate some result
findFirst: - find first/last element for which a check returns true
with:do: - enumerate two collections in one loop
contains: - check if any element applies


asArray - return an array with the same elements
asOrderedCollection - return an orderedCollection with the same elements
asSortedCollection - return a sortedCollection with the same elements
asSet - return a set with the same elements
asBag - return a bag with the same elements
readStream - return a stream to read the elements
writeStream - return a stream to write into the collection


sort[:] - inplace sort [with optional sort criteria]
topologicalSort[:] - full search (slow) [with optional sort block]
reverse - reverse elements order

Copy (Copy & Replace - Non Destructive)

copyFrom: - copy to the end
copyTo: - copy from beginning
copyFrom:to: - copy part
copyWith: - copy and append
copyWithout: - copy and remove
copyWithoutIndex: - copy and remove (indexable collections)
copyWithoutLast: - copy except last elements
copyReplaceFrom:[to:][with:][startingAt:] - copy and replace in the copy
copy - copy all

Replacing (Destructive)

replaceFrom:[to:][with:][startingAt:] - replace elements
replaceAll:by: - search & replace

String Specials

, - concatenation
paddedTo:[with:] - padding [with optional fill character]
asUppercase - copy and make copy uppercase
asLowercase - copy and make copy lowercase
asUppercaseFirst - copy and make the first character uppercase
asNumber - read number from string
asFilename - convert to a filename
match: - (simple) regular expression match
startsWith: - query for prefix
endsWith: - query for suffix
findString:[startingAt:[ifAbsent:]] - substring search
spellAgainst - spelling difference
sameAs: - compare ignoring case
countWords - simple scanning
asCollectionOfWords - separate into individual words
asCollectionOfLines - separate at line boundaries
asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy: - separate at other boundaries
withoutSpaces - copy & remove leading & trailing spaces
withoutSeparators - copy & remove leading & trailing whitespace
indexOfSeparator[StartingAt:] - search for any whitespace
indexOfNonSeparator - search for non whitespace
asStringWith:from:to:compressTabs:final:- concatenate many strings

Printing & Storing


printOn: - basic low level object printing
Does NOT output quotes around strings, so it
can be used directly to print into a file.
print - print receiver on standard output (Stdout)
printCR - same, followed by a newline
errorPrint - print receiver on standard error (Stderr)
errorPrintCR - same, followed by a newline
infoPrint - like above; can be turned off with --infoPrint
infoPrintCR - same, followed by a newline
printString - returns a string for printing (uses #printOn:)
displayString - same as printString, but used when &lt;anObject>
is to be shown in a view (such as an inspector).
Different from printString in some classes.
printStringRadix: - integers) returns a printString in different radix
Number displayRadix: - set the default radix used in displayString

Formatted Printing

printOn:paddedTo:[with:] - print and pad output on the right
[with optional fill character]
printOn:leftPaddedTo:[with:] - print and pad output on the left
printStringPaddedTo:[with:] - return a right padded printstring
printStringLeftPaddedTo:[with:] - return a left padded printstring
bindWith:[with:[with:]] - slice printStrings into a format string


storeOn: - store a textual representation.
Warning: this is slow, creates huge files and
does not handle self references.
readFrom: - retrieve an object stored with 'storeOn:'
storeBinaryOn: - stores &lt;anObject> in a binary representation
(handles recursive and self referencing objects)
readBinaryFrom: - retrieves an object stored with 'binaryStoreOn:'

Object Dependencies

addDependent: - make another object be a dependent
removeDependent: - remove a dependent
dependents - get dependents
changed:[with:] - notify dependents of a change
broadcast:[with:] - broadcast a message
update:[with:][from:] - sent to dependents
onChangeSend:to: - send a particular message on change
onChangeEvaluate: - evaluate a block on change


Log Messages

Logger - defaults to a Transcript logger; can be changed
Logger info:[with:...] - generate an info message in the log
Logger warn:[with:...] - generate a warning message in the log
Logger error:[with:...] - generate an error message in the log
Logger trace:[with:...] - generate a trace message in the log

Transcript messages

Transcript show: - shows an object's printString on the Transcript
Transcript showCR: - same, but appends a carriage return (line end)
Transcript cr - only appends a carriage return (line end)
Transcript flash - wakeup the user
Transcript clear - clear the Transcript


warn: - pops up a warning box - suppressible
information: - pops up an information box - suppressible
notify: - pops up a notifier - not suppressible
confirm: - asks yes/no questions


halt - raise halt signal - usually ends in debugger
halt: - halt with message
error - raise error signal - usually ends in debugger
error: - error with message
assert: - assert that some condition is true
inspect - to have a deeper look into any object

Advanced Debugging

MessageTracer trace:selector: - to trace sends of a selector to an object
MessageTracer trap:selector: - to trape send of a selector to an object
MessageTracer untrap:[selector:] - remove trace or trap
MessageTally spyOn: - execution profile
MessageTally spyDetailOn: - same, with higher clock resolution

Special Object Manipulations

instSize - returns number of named instance variables
instVarAt: - returns a named instance variable (do not use)
instVarAt:put: - set a named instance variable (never use)
become: - become another object - and vice versa
becomeSameAs: - one-way become
becomeNil - effectively destroy an object
changeClassTo: - for dynamic inheritance

Handling Errors

handle:do: - define a signal handler for an evaluation
handler does #return, #returnWith:, #restart or #resume
(see Exception)
catch: - catch signals while evaluating (i.e. abort execution)
ignore: - catch signals and continue evaluation
handlerBlock: - defines a handler block for a signal
ex return[:] - return from an exception [with optional value]
ex restart - restart execution after an exception
ex proceed[With:] - continue execution from an exception [with optional value]
signal raise - raise an exception
signal isHandled - query if currently handled
Object doesNotUnderstandSignal - some common signals
Number divisionByZeroSignal
Float domainErrorSignal
PipeStream brokenPipeSignal
Socket brokenConnectionSignal
Object abortSignal
Object noHandlerSignal - raised for unhandled signals
Object errorSignal - parent of all signals handling this one als handles all others
Number arithmeticSignal - parent of all arithmetic signals

Queries & Notifications

answer:do: - answer a query inside a block evaluation
query - request an answer from someone above in the
calling hierarchy
QuerySignal default: - define a default answer to a query

Program Control

Basic Control

ifTrue:[ifFalse:] - simple if
whileTrue: - loop test at entry
whileTrue - condition only
doUntil: - loop test at end
loop - loop forever
loopWithExit - and with exit
timesRepeat: - counted loop
to:[by:]do: - loop with index
do: - loop over elements of a collection
keysAndValuesDo: - loop with index &amp; element
reverseDo: - the other way
? - nil check; used with lazy initialized variables

Evaluating Blocks

value - evaluate without
value:[value:[value:]] - evaluate with arguments (up to 4)
valueWithArguments: - evaluate with arguments from an array
valueWithExit - evaluate with exit possibility
valueOnUnwindDo: - with cleanup actions on unwind
valueNowOrOnUnwindDo: - with cleanup in any case
valueUninterruptably - evaluate with interrupts blocked

Message Sending / Method Evaluation

perform:[with:[with:]] - perform; for non-constant selector sends
perform:withArguments: - with arguments from an array
perform:ifNotUnderstood: - save perform with handler
perform:inClass:withArguments: - perform, with class for lookup (super-send)

Processes (also called "threads")


fork - create a process to execute in parallel
forkAt:prio - with any priority
newProcess - create, but don't run
Processor activeProcess - get the current process
Processor activePriority - get the current priority


suspend - suspend a process
resume - resume a process
terminate - terminate a process
terminateNoSignal - quick terminate a process
priority[:] - get/set priority
interruptWith: - interrupt a process

Semaphores, SharedQueues and Delays

wait[WithTimeout:] - suspend process to wait on semaphore [with optional timeout]
signal - wakeup processes waiting on semaphore
signalIf - wakeup, but only if being waited upon
signalOnce - signal, but only if count is zero
critical: - critical regions (mutual exclusion)
next - controlled access to sharedQueues
Delay forSeconds: - create a Delay object
Delay forMilliseconds:
wait - suspend process to wait on delay
resume - premature wakeup of a delay

Accessing the Context Chain

thisContext - the context of the current method
(this is not a message, but a pseudo variable)
thisContext sender - the caller's context
return[:] - return from a context (with value); no cleanup
restart - restart a context
resume - continue execution in a context
unwind[:] - return from context with cleanup actions

Files (Filenames)

asFilename - convert string to filename
exists - check existence of a file
isReadable - check if readable
isDirectory - check if directory
copyTo: - copy a file
renameTo: - rename a file
remove - remove a file or directory (must be empty)
delete - remove a file (ST-80 compatibility)
recursiveRemove - remove a directory and all of its contents
filesMatching: - match filenames
filenameCompletion - search for best match
directoryContents - ask directory for its entries
contentsOfEntireFile - get all of a file's contents
makeDirectory - create a new directory
Filename newTemporary - create unique temporary file names in /tmp
Filename newTemporaryIn: - create unique temporary file names somewhere

File- and Stream-I/O

FileStream oldFileNamed: - open an existing file
FileStream readonlyFileNamed: - open read-only
FileStream newFileNamed: - open/create for writing
aFilename readStream - stream on a file (given the name) for reading
aFilename writeStream - for writing
aCollection readStream - stream on a collection for reading
aCollection writeStream - for writing
binary - read bytes (as opposed to characters)
atEnd - check for end-of-stream


next[:] - read next (n) element(s)
peek - look ahead
nextPeek - read and look ahead
peekFor: - look ahead and compare
upTo: - read up to some element
upToEnd - read till end is reached
skip: - skip
skipFor: - skip up to
skipThrough: - skip up to and including
skipAny: - skip all from a collection
skipToAll: - skip until arg matches (string search)


nextPut: - append an element
next:put: - append an element repeated
nextPutAll:[startingAt:to:] - append (part of) a collection

ExternalStream Specials

readWait[WithTimeout:] - wait for data to become available for reading
writeWait[WithTimeout:] - wait until write is possible without blocking
canReadWithoutBlocking - check for data being available for reading
canWriteWithoutBlocking - check if write is possible
ioctl:[with:] - perform ioctl
blocking: - turn on/off blocking I/O
buffered: - turn on/off buffered I/O

Reading/Writing Character Streams

nextLine - read a line (external streams)
nextWord - read a word (external streams)
nextChunk - read a chunk in fileIn format (external streams)
nextPutLine: - append a line plus newline character
peekForLineStartingWith: - search for &amp; return next matching line
peekForLineStartingWithAny: - same, but match any of a collection
upToSeparator - read up to next whitspace (character streams)
skipSpaces - skip all spaces (character streams)
skipSeparators - skip whitespace (character streams)
skipSeparatorsExceptCR - skip whitespace, stop at line end (character streams)
skipLine - skip one line (i.e. up to newline)

Reading/Writing Binary Data

nextByte - read a byte
nextShortMSB: - read a signed short (2 bytes) specifying msb or lsb
nextUnsignedShortMSB: - read an unsigned short (2 bytes) specifying msb or lsb
nextLongMSB: - read a signed long (4 bytes) specifying msb or lsb
nextUnsignedLongMSB: - read an unsigned long (4 bytes) specifying msb or lsb
nextBytes:into: - read some bytes
nextPutByte: - write a byte
nextPutShort:MSB: - write a signed short (2 bytes), specifying msb or lsb
nextPutLong:MSB: - write a signed long (4 bytes), specifying msb or lsb
nextPutBytes:from: - write some bytes

List of Most Useful Classes

Collection - protocol should be known; most other
collections implement part or all of
its protocol.
OrderedCollection - most often used indexable collection
Array - second most often used indexable collection
String - it's all about text
Set - often overlooked by beginners
Dictionary - often overlooked by beginners
Number - common protocol for all numbers
Stream - common protocol for both, internal and
ExternalStream external streams
Filename - implements all kinds of filename queries
Block - all control structures use them;
if you understand blocks, you understand
Smalltalk ;-)
Process - threads and synchronization

List of Interesting Globals

Smalltalk - contains all globals (name&lt;->object associations)
Logger - to repord depug/info/warning messages
(configurable to redirect the output)
Transcript - to send informal messages to the user
Stdout - standard output stream (i.e. xterm or console)
Stderr - standard error stream (i.e. xterm or console)
Stdin - standard input stream (i.e. xterm os console)
Display - default display Workstation
(Screen current) - current display (use with multi display applications)
Processor - for process scheduling
OperatingSystem - for system queries

Copyright © 1995 Claus Gittinger, all rights reserved

<cg at exept.de>

Doc $Revision: 1.38 $ $Date: 2021/03/13 18:24:51 $