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Documentation of class 'SoundStream':



Class: SoundStream



rev: 1.148 date: 2024/01/17 14:03:44
user: cg
file: SoundStream.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


Preliminary (unfinished) interface to an audio device.
Currently works with
    SUNs (and other) /dev/audio driver
    IRIX (indy).
    PORTAUDIO (osx).
On iris, the default setup is for 8 bit mono
so I can play the standard sound files I have here.
It needs much more work, for stereo, different sampling rates etc.

This is an experimental class - its interface & implementation may change in the future.

    this class was written in the early 90's to experiment with a cheap soundblaster board,
    to provide output for a modular synth at that time.
    It is not supported or to be taken serious...
    Actually, it seems to be broken.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

Signal constants
o  unsupportedOperationSignal

class initialization
o  debug: aBoolean

o  initialize

conversion helpers
o  aLawToLinear16: aLawValue
given an aLaw byte, return the decoded signed 16bit value.
aLaw is actually an 8 bit tinyfloat

Usage example(s):

     self aLawToLinear16:2r00000000    -8
     self aLawToLinear16:2r00000001    -24
     self aLawToLinear16:2r00010000    -264
     self aLawToLinear16:2r00100000    -528
     self aLawToLinear16:2r01000000    -2112
     self aLawToLinear16:2r11000000    2112
     self aLawToLinear16:2r01010111    -96256
     self aLawToLinear16:2r11010111    96256

o  linear16ToAlaw: a16bitSignedValue
given a 16it signed value, encode into aLaw byte

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:0)       => 8
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:32256)   => 32256
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:-32256)  => -32256
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:32767)   => 32256
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:-32767)  => -32256
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:100)     => 104
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:-100)    => -104
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:104)     => 104
     SoundStream aLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToAlaw:-104)    => -104

o  linear16ToUlaw: a16bitSignedValue
given a 16it signed value, encode into uLaw byte

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:0)       => 0
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:32256)   => 32256
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:-32256)  => -32256
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:32767)   => 32256
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:-32767)  => -32256
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:100)     => 96
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:-100)    => -96
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:104)     => 104
     SoundStream uLawToLinear16:(SoundStream linear16ToUlaw:-104)    => -104

o  uLawToLinear16: uLawValue
given a uLaw byte, return the decoded signed 16bit value.
Currently unused - but will be

default values
o  defaultAudioFormat

o  defaultBitsPerSample
minimum, supported by all audio systems

o  defaultNumberOfChannels
minimum, supported by all audio systems

o  defaultSampleRate
minimum, supported by all audio systems

instance creation
o  concreteClass
find a concrete soundStream class which is supported on this machine

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream concreteClass

o  determineConcreteClass
find a concrete soundStream class which is supported on this machine.
Return nil if there is none

Usage example(s):

     self determineConcreteClass

o  new
find a concrete soundStream class which is supported on this machine
and return an instance of it.
Raise an error if there is none

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream new

o  readWrite
create and return a new soundStream for readWrite (i.e. filtering)

Usage example(s):

SoundStream readWrite

o  reading
create and return a new soundStream for reading (i.e. recording)

Usage example(s):

SoundStream reading

o  writing
create and return a new soundStream for writing (i.e. playback)

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream writing

o  writing16Bit
just an example, has never been tried (I also
have no samples for this ... leave it as an exercise)

Usage example(s):

SoundStream writing16Bit

o  writing16BitStereo
just an example, has never been tried (I also
have no samples for this ... leave it as an exercise)

Usage example(s):

SoundStream writing16BitStereo

o  writingFloat
SoundStream writingFloat

o  writingFloatStereo
SoundStream writingFloatStereo

o  playSoundFile: aFilename
play a soundFile

Usage example(s):

     SoundStream playSoundFile:'/usr/local/lib/sounds/laugh.snd'
     SoundStream playSoundFile:'/usr/local/lib/sounds/spacemusic.snd'
     SoundStream playSoundFile:'../../goodies/sound/resources/sampleFiles/pluck-pcm16.aiff'

o  defaultClass
SoundStream defaultClass => PortAudio (private in SoundStream)
SoundStream defaultClass:(SoundStream::JackAudio)
SoundStream defaultClass:(SoundStream::PortAudio)

o  defaultClass: aClass
SoundStream defaultClass => PortAudio (private in SoundStream)
SoundStream defaultClass:(SoundStream::JackAudio)
SoundStream defaultClass:(SoundStream::PortAudio)
SoundStream defaultClass:(SoundStream::CoreAudio)

o  isSupported
SoundStream::PortAudio isSupported => true
SoundStream::CoreAudio isSupported => false
SoundStream::DevAudio isSupported => false
SoundStream::JackAudio isSupported => false
SoundStream::Win32DirectSound isSupported => false
SoundStream::Win32WaveSound isSupported => false

o  noteToHertz: noteName
notename is one of:
a1, b2, f3, c#3 etc.
without an explicit octave, it defaults to 4.
The max. octave is 99

o  usedAudio
returns a symbol describing which audio system is used;

Usage example(s):

     self usedAudio

Instance protocol:

o  text
intentionally ignored

catching invalid methods
o  pathName: filename
catch pathname access - its fixed here

o  pathName: filename in: aDirectory
catch pathname access - its fixed here

error handling
o  lastErrorString
return a message string describing the last error

o  initialize
initialize for least common mode

mode setting
o  bitsPerSample
return the number of bits per sample - usually 8

o  bitsPerSample: aNumber
set the number of bits per sample

o  numberOfChannels
return the number of channels (1 or 2; usually 1)

o  numberOfChannels: aNumber
set the number of channels
- on some devices, this is a nop

o  sampleRate
return the sample rate

o  sampleRate: aNumber
set the sample rate in hertz
- on some devices, this is a nop

o  dumpSettings
debugging interface - dump the current settings

Usage example(s):

     self writing dumpSettings; close

o  fileDescriptorOrNil

o  resetSoundCard
debugging interface - reset the soundCard

Usage example(s):

     self writing resetSoundCard; dumpSettings; close

o  setAudioFormat: aSymbol
set the format of the audio data as specified by aSymbol.
Returns true if sucessful - may fail with some formats on many sound devices.

Usage example(s):

     self writing dumpSettings; close
     self writing setAudioFormat:#'MU_LAW'; close
     self writing setAudioFormat:#'U8'; dumpSettings; close
     self writing setAudioFormat:#'MPEG'; dumpSettings; close

o  setChannels: nChannels
set the number of channels (1 -> mono; 2 -> stereo).
Returns true if sucessful - may fail with many sound devices.

Usage example(s):

     self writing setChannels:2; dumpSettings; close
     self writing setChannels:2; setSampleRate:10000; dumpSettings; close
     self writing setChannels:2; setSampleRate:40000; dumpSettings; close

o  setFragmentSize: blockSize
set the soundDriver's fragmentSize

o  setSampleRate: hz
set the sample rate

Usage example(s):

     self writing setSampleRate:10000; dumpSettings; close
     self writing setSampleRate:1000; dumpSettings; close
     self writing setSampleRate:8000; dumpSettings; close

o  setSampleRate: hz channels: numChannels
set the sample rate and number of channels

o  outputBytesPending

o  supportedAudioFormats
return a collection of supported audio formats.
possibly returned symbols are:
U8 unsigned 8bit samples
S8 signed 8bit samples
U16 unsigned 16bit samples in native format
U16_LE unsigned 16bit big endian samples
U16_BE unsigned 16bit big endian samples
S16 signed 16bit little endian samples in native format
S16_LE signed 16bit little endian samples
S16_BE signed 16bit big endian samples
S24 signed 24bit little endian samples in native format
S24_LE signed 24bit little endian samples
S24_BE signed 24bit big endian samples
S32 signed 32bit little endian samples in native format
S32_LE signed 32bit little endian samples
S32_BE signed 32bit big endian samples
F16 float samples
F32 float samples
MPEG audio mpeg encoded
MU_LAW u-law encoded 8bit samples
A_LAW a-law encoded 8bit samples
IMA_ADPCM adpcm encoded
the set of returned symbols depends on the underlying sound hardware.

Usage example(s):

     |s formats|

     s := self writing.
     formats := s supportedAudioFormats.
     s close.

o  close
(comment from inherited method)
Close the stream.
No error if the stream is not open.

o  protected closeFile
a stream has been collected - close the file

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  flush
wait until all sound has been played

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  isOpen
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if this stream is open

o  nextBytes: count into: anObject startingAt: start
read the next count bytes into an object and return the number of
bytes read or nil on error.
Use with ByteArrays only.

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  nextPutBytes: count from: anObject startingAt: start
write count bytes from an object starting at index start.
return the number of bytes written or nil on error.
Redefined, since IRIS audio library cannot be used with stdio.
(at least I don't know). Use with ByteArrays only.

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  openWithMode: aMode attributes: attributeSpec
(comment from inherited method)
open the file;
openmode is the string defining the way to open as defined by the stdio library
(i.e. the 2nd fopen argument).

attributeSpec is an additional argument, only used with VMS - it allows a file to
be created as fixedRecord, variableRecord, streamLF, streamCR, ...
In VMS, if nonNil, it must consist of an array of strings (max:10), giving additional
attributes (see fopen description).
Passing a nil specifies the default format (streamLF) - ST/X always invokes this with nil.
This argument is ignored in UNIX & MSDOS systems.

This is a private entry, but maybe useful to open/create a file in a special mode,
which is proprietrary to the operatingSystem.

Raise an exception on error.
Return nil, when proceeding from the error, self otherwise.

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

sine wave generation
o  pause: nSeconds
output noting for nSeconds

o  playSine16: freq forSeconds: nSeconds
output some tone for some time
in S16 audioFormat - a test method

o  playSine: freq forSeconds: nSeconds
output some tone for some time - a test method

o  playSineF32: freq forSeconds: nSeconds
output some tone for some time
in F32 audioFormat - a test method

o  testMelody
self writing testMelody; close

o  testOctaves
self writing testOctaves; close
self writing playSine:440 forSeconds:1; close

o  tuneTone
SoundStream debug:true
SoundStream writing tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44000; tuneTone; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; dumpSettings; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; dumpSettings; close

o  tuneTone16: freq seconds: nSeconds
output some tone for nSeconds in S16 audioFormat - a test method

Usage example(s):

of course, the frequency should be below half the
     sampleRate - hear below ...

     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone16:440 seconds:3; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone16:440 seconds:3; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone16:440 seconds:1; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone16:440 seconds:1; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone16:440 seconds:3; close
     SoundStream writing tuneTone16:440 seconds:1; close

o  tuneTone8: freq seconds: nSeconds
output some tone for nSeconds in U8 audioFormat - a test method

o  tuneTone: freq
SoundStream writing tuneTone:880; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:1760 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:3520 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:7020 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:14040 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:1760 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:3520 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:7020 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:14040 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; dumpSettings; close

o  tuneTone: freq seconds: nSeconds
SoundStream writing tuneTone:880; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:4000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:110 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:220 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:1760 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:3520 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:7020 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneTone:14040 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:40 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:55 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:80 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:110 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:150 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:220 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:440 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:880 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:1760 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:3520 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:7020 seconds:1; close
SoundStream writing setSampleRate:44100; tuneTone:14040 seconds:1; close

SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; dumpSettings; close

o  tuneToneF32: freq seconds: nSeconds
output some tone for nSeconds in F32 audioFormat - a test method

o  tuneToneMU: freq seconds: nSeconds
output some tone for nSeconds in MU_LAW audioFormat - a test method

Usage example(s):

of course, the frequency should be below half the
     sampleRate - hear below ...

     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:8000; tuneToneMU:440 seconds:1; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:10000; tuneToneMU:440 seconds:1; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:20000; tuneToneMU:440 seconds:1; close
     SoundStream writing setSampleRate:40000; tuneToneMU:440 seconds:1; close

Private classes:


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