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Documentation of class 'FontPanel':



Class: FontPanel



rev: 1.166 date: 2023/12/11 13:33:44
user: stefan
file: FontPanel.st directory: libwidg
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg


this class implements the font chooser.

    this is a very old dialog; 
    it was written before the UI-framework was available and the UI is completely
    programmed manually (see initialize method).
    Therefore, it desperately asks to be rewritten using the UIPainter...


COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  defaultAsciiSampleString

o  defaultExtent
return the default extent of my instances.
The value returned here is usually ignored, and
the value from preferredExtent taken instead.

o  defaultJIS0201SampleString
return the sample jis preview text

o  defaultJISSampleString
return the sample jis preview text

o  defaultLatin1SampleString
return the sample latin1 preview text

o  defaultSampleStringForEncoding: enc
substitute a default value for codes that cannot be represented
in the new character set

o  defaultUnicodeSampleString
return the sample unicode preview text

o  sampleStringWithAllLetters

help specs
o  helpSpec

menu specs
o  previewMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FontPanel andSelector:#previewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FontPanel previewMenu)) startUp

o  fontFromUser
open a fontPanel and return the selected font,
or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUser

o  fontFromUserInitial: aFont
open a fontPanel showing aFont initially,
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12)
     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:MenuPanel defaultFont

o  fontFromUserInitial: aFont title: someTitle
open a fontPanel with title and return the selected font,
or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock
open a fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding
open a fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding enabled: enabled
open a fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding enabled: enabled onChangeAll: actionToChangeAll
open a fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  openOn: aFont
open a fontPanel showing aFont initially.
This panel is for information only - no font selection is possible.

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel openOn:(Font family:'courier' size:12)
     FontPanel openOn:MenuPanel defaultFont
     FontPanel fontFromUser

Instance protocol:

o  action: aFourArgBlock
set the action to be evaluated on ok.
The block will be evaluated with family, face, style, size and encoding.

o  changeFontInAllViews
valid after closing

o  changeFontInAllViewsHolder

o  decorativeOnlyHolder

o  encoding: aPattern
set the encoding goal

o  encodingFilter: aOneArgBlockOrNil
set a filter

o  filter: aOneArgBlockOrNil
set a filter; if non-nil, only fonts for which the filterBlock
returns true will be offered

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  filterChanged
construct a combined a filter

o  initialFont: aFont
set the font to be selected initially

o  monospacedOnlyHolder

o  nonDecorativeOnlyHolder

o  nonMonospacedOnlyHolder

o  refreshFamilyList

o  withChangeFontInAllViewsCheckBoxVisibleHolder

o  withChangeFontInViewsAllCheckBox: aBoolean
to make that check box visible;
call before opening

o  xftFontsOnlyHolder

o  createFontSelectionBrowserIn: aView

o  enabled: aBoolean
FontPanel openOn:(Font family:'courier' size:12)
FontPanel openOn:MenuPanel defaultFont
FontPanel fontFromUser

o  initialize
sigh: hand-crafted box creation; TODO: rewrite using UI painter

o  listOfEncodingsInFilterCombo

o  postRealize
kludge for sco - xlsfont fails sometimes - try again here

o  previewMenu

o  rememberLastExtent
(comment from inherited method)
can be redefined in subclasses to return true
iff the default size should be the same as the size when last closed.
If false is returned, the default size is computed from the contents.
Remembering is useful for file-selection boxes,
when the user resized the box for many files.
It is NOT useful for generic box (like information:) which should just
adopt to their contents.
Here, false is returned as default, because I am abstract, not knowing what is
shown in me.

o  showEncodingFilter

o  clearPreview
clear the preview subview

o  extractFaceAndStyleFrom: aString
given a string, extract currentFace and currentStyle

o  fontForPreview
get the preview font

o  getFacesForFamily: aFamilyName filtering: filter
the list of font faces for a given family

o  getFamilyList
the list of font families

o  getSizesInFamily: aFamilyName face: face style: style filtering: filter
(filteredFonts anySatisfy:[:fntDescr | fntDescr isXftFont])

o  getStylesInFamily: aFamilyName face: aFace filtering: filter
the list of font styles for a given family-face

o  showPreview
show the preview text

o  showSelectedFont
sr: no comment why changed from #getFamilyList to #updateFamilyList
problem: #updateFamilyList will not set #fontsPerFamily and calls
myself #showSelectedFont again -> recursion -> stx crash

o  updateFamilyList

o  updateFamilyListAndDoShowSelectedFont: doShowSelectedFont
update the list of font families

o  updateSizeList
self halt.

o  xftFontsOnlyChanged
will update combinedFilter

o  characterSetViewClassAvailable

o  characterSetViewClassAvailableOrOSIsUNIX

o  computePreferredExtent
return the boxes preferredExtent

o  osIsUNIX

o  osIsUNIXAndXfdIsAvailable

o  xfdCanBeUsed

o  fontFromUser
open this fontPanel and return the selected font,
or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUser

     FontPanel new

o  fontFromUserInitial: aFont
open this fontPanel showing aFont initially,
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12)
     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:MenuPanel defaultFont

o  fontFromUserInitial: aFont title: someTitle
open this fontPanel with title and return the selected font,
or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock
open this fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding
open this fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding enabled: enabled
open this fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'.
     FontPanel new
        fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

o  fontFromUserInitial: initialFont title: someTitle filter: aFilterBlock encoding: encoding enabled: enabled withChangeAllOption: changeAllBoolean
open this fontPanel with title and font-filter
and return the selected font, or nil if abort is pressed

Usage example(s):

     FontPanel fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'.
     FontPanel new
        fontFromUserInitial:(Font family:'courier' size:12) title:'select some font'

user interaction
o  copyFontName

o  encodingFilterSelected: anEncodingPattern
another encoding was selected; find available fonts and update lists

o  faceSelected: aFaceAndStyleName
a fonts face was selected; find available sizes and update lists

o  faceSelected: aFaceAndStyleName showPreview: showPreview
a fonts face was selected; find available sizes and update lists

o  familySelected: aFamilyName
a fonts family was selected; find available faces and update lists

o  familySelected: aFamilyName showPreview: showPreview
a fonts family was selected; find available faces and update lists

o  flushListOfAvailableFonts
this may take some time, especially with X11 XFT fonts

o  fontAttributeFilterChanged
a filter toggled (decorative/monospaced etc.)

o  okPressed
ok was pressed; hide myself and evaluate the okAction, passing
family, face, style and size as arguments

o  previewBlackOnWhite

o  previewCopySelection

o  previewInspectFont

o  previewShowCharacterSet

o  previewShowCharacterSetUsingXFD

o  previewWhiteOnBlack

o  previewWhiteOnGreen

o  sizeSelected: aNumberOrString
a size was selected; update preview

o  sizeSelected: aNumberOrString showPreview: showPreview
a size was selected; update preview

o  sizeUnitSelected: unitSymbol


very simple:
    font := FontPanel fontFromUser.
    Transcript showCR:font
with initial font:

    font := FontPanel 
    Transcript showCR:font
with initial font & title:

    font := FontPanel 
                              title:'select a fooBar font'.
    Transcript showCR:font
full setup; setting a filter to only present iso fonts and callBack action:


    panel := FontPanel new.
    panel label:'hi there - which iso font ?'.
    panel filter:[:fd | fd encoding notNil
                        and:[fd encoding startsWith:'iso']].
    panel action:[:family :face :style :size | 
                    Transcript showCR:'family:' , family.
                    Transcript showCR:'face:' , face.
                    Transcript showCR:'style:' , style.
                    Transcript showCR:'size:' , size printString.
    panel open

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