Class: InfoBox
- Package:
- stx:libwidg
- Category:
- Views-DialogBoxes
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/02/13 14:39:34
- user: stefan
- file: InfoBox.st directory: libwidg
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg
Historic note:
originally, ST/X had separate classes for the various entry methods;
there were YesNoBox, EnterBox, InfoBox and so on.
In the meantime, the DialogBox class (and therefore its alias: Dialog)
is going to duplicate most functionality found in these classes.
In the future, those existing subclasses' functionality is going to
be moved fully into Dialog, and the subclasses will be replaced by dummy
delegators. (They will be kept for backward compatibility, though).
this class implements a pop-up box to show an information message.
It has a single ok-Button, which closes the box.
Also entering return has (by default) the same effect as pressing
the ok-button.
InfoBox is a superclass of some other boxes - see WarningBox, YesNoBox etc.
most of them simply redefine the icon shown in the upper left or
add buttons.
[instance variables:]
formLabel <Label> shows a bitmap (warning, question-mark)
textLabel <Label> shows the boxes text
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
return the boxes default window title.
return the bitmap shown as icon in my instances.
This is the default image; you can overwrite this in a concrete
instance with the #image: message
iconBitmapFromStyle: styleName orStyleFile: styleFile orFilename: fileName
return the bitmap shown as icon in my instances.
This is the default image; you can overwrite this in a concrete
instance with the #image: message
image specs
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.
Usage example(s):
self iconWithAlpha inspect
ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#iconWithAlpha
Icon flushCachedIcons
instance creation
title: titleString
create a new infoBox with title, aTitleString
Usage example(s):
(InfoBox title:'hello') open
title: titleString label: labelString
create a new infoBox with label, labelString
Usage example(s):
(InfoBox title:'hello' label:'Attention' ) open
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables.
Here, the cached infoBitmap is simply flushed.
form: aFormOrImage
historical leftover - define a form to be displayed left of the title
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return the formLabel = can be used to change its appearance
image: aForm
define a form to be displayed left of the title
- usually left as defaulted:
an exclamation-mark here, warn-sign in warningBox,
others in other subclasses.
return the textLabel = can be used to change its appearance
return the boxes label string
title: aString
set the boxes label string
title: labelString label: windowTitleString
set the boxes label string
addHTMLViewWith: htmlText
addHTMLViewWith: htmlText height: numPixelsOrNil
otherView width:1.0.
setup the bitmap shown in the upper left -
extracted into a separate method for easier redefinition
in subclasses
setup the icon shown in the infoBox.
Can be redefined in subclasses.
must be called if redefined
(comment from inherited method)
if any inputFields were added, activate the first one
Dialog information:'hello'
Dialog warn:'hello'
Dialog error:'hello'
Notice, the preferred use is via the DialogBox class messages,
such as
Dialog information:'Time to go home'
| these (DialogBox) messages are compatible with VW and should therefore
be used for portability.
Direct use of InfoBox is only required for highly specialized boxes.
InfoBoxes are created with:
aBox := InfoBox title:'some title'.
and shown with:
aBox showAtPointer
aBox open
The default box shows 'yes' in its button; this can be changed with:
aBox okText:'some string'.
the boxes bitmap-image can be changed with:
aBox image:aForm
Since this type of information is pretty common, a convenient information
method has been added to Object.
Thus, you can use:
self information:'hello world'
everwhere in your program.
for ST-80 compatibility, you can also use:
Dialog information:'hello world'
standard box:
box := InfoBox title:'hello world '.
box open
changing the buttons label:
box := InfoBox title:'hello world '.
box okText:'wow'.
box open
changing the icon:
box := InfoBox title:'hello world '.
box image:(Image fromFile:'smiley_cool.xpm' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/xpmBitmaps/smileys').
box okText:'wow'.
box open
or even:
box := InfoBox title:'hello garfield '.
box image:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedTo:200@100).
box okText:'wow'.
box open
If you plan to use boxes as in the last example, you may want to
keep the box around for reuse (since the image magnification takes some time).
box := InfoBox title:'hello garfield '.
box image:((Image fromFile:'garfield.gif' inPackage:'stx:goodies/bitmaps/gifImages') magnifiedTo:200@100).
box okText:'wow'.
box open.
box title:'hello again'.
box open