Many things which are difficult or even impossible to solve in other programming
languages are simple or trivial in a highly reflective system such as Smalltalk.
Many of the patterns as collected and described by the gang of four are not needed
or are much simpler in Lisp or in Smalltalk.
This document will show some of this kind -
it is not about things you can do in Smalltalk which you can also do in any other
language, but about things which are very easily done in Smalltalk but drive you mad in
other languages.
Even if you are already a smalltalker, it may also be interesting to read and to get new ideas.
'patches' asFilename directoryContentsDo:[:eachFile |
Smalltalk fileIn:eachFile
And, each patchFile may contain a single method, a class or
a complete package; both as source or as compiled machine code.
Of course, in addition to new classes, you can add code extensions for any class - even system classes or Object. You can of course also add code for classes of which instances already exist. (and, because in ST/X there are no invisible primitives, you can even dynamically load or update primitive C coded methods)
Smalltalk provides very powerful reflection and manipulation features on the object
reference level. For example, it is possible to find all instances of a class:
all derived instances:
SomeClass allInstances
and get rid of them:
SomeClass allSubInstances
That single line would help firefox in its tab-remove code:
SomeClass allInstancesDo:[:inst | inst becomeNil]
Be assured that I am totally aware that the above is only a hack to fix bugs which are actually
elsewhere. However, quite obviously it seems to be *VERY* hard to fix those bugs in the first place.
Therefore, a cleanup action at tab-closing time would help a lot, and in my opinion, a workaround and
repair is much better than the current way to handle this kind of memory leak via a "crashing garbage collect".
allInstancesDo:[:inst |
(inst isOwnedBy:tabToBeClosed) ifTrue:[
inst becomeNil]]
In Common Lisp I have often wanted to iterate through the fields of a struct-- to comb out references to a deleted object, for example, or find fields that are uninitialized. I know the structs are just vectors underneath. And yet I can't write a general purpose function that I can call on any struct. I can only access the fields by name, because that's what a struct is supposed to mean.
In Smalltalk, you can access an object's slot via the "instVarAt:"
and "instVarNamed:"
The names of the slots are retrieved with "allInstanceVariableNames"
the number of slots via "instSize"
Thus, a debugging method to dump *ANY* object's contents could be:
of course, you can also write a block (aka-function) for this:
dump: someObject
someObject class allInstanceVariableNames
doWithIndex:[:name :idx |
show:' is ';
showCR:(someObject instVarAt:idx).
and iterate over a collection of objects to be dumped with:
dumper :=
[:someObject |
someObject class allInstanceVariableNames
doWithIndex:[:name :idx |
show:' is ';
showCR:(someObject instVarAt:idx).
to dump the Transcript, try:
objectsDoBeDumped do:dumper
Please DO NOT use such things in regular code - it should be restricted
only to debugging and support code. If overused, it may make the program hard to understand,
hard to debug and very hard to maintain. Also, you loose many of the IDE's nice and useful
help functions (senders, implementors, access-finders etc.).
dumper value:Transcript
|s b|
s := '[:a :b | (a squared + b squared) sqrt ]'.
b := (Block fromString:s).
Transcript showCR:(b value:3 value:4)
It's a bit of a pity, that the internal represenation differs much more
from the textual one. Things are more coherent in Lisp-like languages.
But fair enough for our needs...
You can (and should) analyze the code for the messages being sent, to make sure that no
bad messages (i.e. only allowed ones) are introduced if the codestring originates from a user:
for example, to verify that the user does not inject bad code into a scripting engine:
|s b allMessages|
s := '[:a :b | (a squared + b squared) sqrt ]'.
b := (Block fromString:s).
allMessages := b homeMethod literals.
Transcript show:'block contains messages: '; showCR:allMessages.
Use this as a basis to write your own spread-sheet;
if required, write your own parser which adds proper operator precedence,
or use the built-in JavaScript parser.
|s b codeString allowedMessages|
allowedMessages := #( + - * / sqrt squared sin cos value ).
codeString := Dialog request:'Give an expression on a and b.
Use parenthesis as in (a*5) + (b sin):'.
codeString notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
s := '[:a :b | ',codeString,']'.
b := (Block fromString:s).
((b homeMethod literals)
contains:[:msg |
(allowedMessages includes:msg) not
Transcript showCR:'Sorry - the block contains a bad message'.
] ifFalse:[
Transcript show:'The value of "',codeString,'" for a=4,b=5 is '; showCR:(b value:4 value:5).
For check-code like the above, the builtin Parser or RBParser frameworks can be used. Then, reflect on the parseTree instead of either source- or byte-code.
compile:'cubed ^ self * self * self'
and can be used immediately as in:
5 cubed
or with a floating point number, as in
5.0 cubed
or, it can be forgotten:
Number removeSelector:#cubed
(retry the above example after the removal, to see that integers really no longer know
how to compute volumes...)
cls := Object
instanceVariableNames:'firstName lastName'
cls compile:'firstName ^firstName'.
cls compile:'firstName:s firstName := s'.
cls compile:'lastName ^lastName'.
cls compile:'lastName:s lastName := s'.
((cls new firstName:'hello') lastName:'world') inspect.
Anonymous classes are very helpful to represent objects as read from external specifications.
For example, instances of IDL, XML or ASN1 specified types can be represented as instances of
such dynamically created classes. Of course, you would also generate access methods to the
individual fields dynamically.
Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
cls compile:'...'
... more to be added here ...
" method allows for all kinds of additional
functionality. A singleton class is simply one, which remembers the very first
instance it ever created and returns that again. The best place to remember that instance
is a classInstance variable (called "theOneAndOnlyInstance" in the example below).
theOneAndOnlyInstance isNil ifTrue:[
theOneAndOnlyInstance := super new.
^ theOneAndOnlyInstance
instanceCount := instanceCount + 1.
^ self new
In Smalltalk, closures are called blocks, and are written simply
by placing the expression(s) to be closed over in square brackets,
possibly with arguments.
b := [ do something ]
This is much more convenient than writing:
b := [:arg | do something with arg ]
and even a little more convenient than the modern variant:
b = (function(arg) {
return do something with(arg);
which has the limitation of not allowing multiple statements inside.
b = arg => do something with(arg);
But Smalltalk blocks can do more than just evaluate an expression:
they can also return from their containing method context.
For example, consider a method which has to search for something and
return the first match, given a collection and a block to do the
matching. Eg.:
There are a whole number of things to look at in the above code:
findFirstMatch:matchBlock in:aCollection
aCollection do:[:eachElement |
(match value:eachElment) ifTrue:[
^ eachElement
^ self proceedableError:'nothing found'.
findFirstMatch:matchBlock in:aCollection
^ aCollection
ifNone:[ self proceedableError:'nothing found' ]
How much code is needed for that in your favourite programming language?
^ self controllerClass new
where controllerclass
can be as simple as returning the class reference:
^ VeryStrictController
or do some fancy decision making:
(Time now hour between:18 and:20) ifTrue:[
^ FriendlyControllerForHappyHour
^ super controllerClass
(where "VeryStrictController
" and "FriendlyControllerForHappyHour
would be the classes to instantiate)
The advantage of being a fully dynamically typed language ensures that this code even works unchanged in ten years, when fifty new classes and subclasses for controlling have been added in various parts of a bigger system.
Some have argued "why would one want to proceed after a raise" - but that's the typical "I am a hammer - everything must be a nail" attitude - or in other words: "if all I can use raising for is to signal non-proceedable hard error situations, why would I want to proceed after an exception?".
A more intelligent aproach is to see an exception as "something unexpected happened - can anyone help?". or even: "something unexpected happened - is anyone interested?".
If you look at exceptions from this perspective, it makes sense to send notifications, warnings, progress-information etc. all using the exception mechanism. For example, in Smalltalk/X, all info- and progress notifications are performed by raising a Notification.
Even more convenient is the situation if some object deep down in the calling hierarchy needs additional information to handle an unnormal situation. For example, a compiler might need to know if it is ok to compile code with ugly or old style code in it. If the compiler is executed in the interactive IDE, and a user has originated the compile operation, it is convenient to open a little dialog window and ask the user. However, if the compilation is within a batch operation, and 3000 files are to be compiled, you better not ask the user for every method. In Smalltalk/X, a so called Query is used - this is a kind of exception which - if unhandled, proceeds with a default value, but can be handled and return a value as requested from the user. In all languages without proceedable exceptions, you would have to pass such information down either via arguments along every called function, or by setting global or other static flags, which will later make it hard to use the compiler in a multithreaded operation.
It may sound esotheric, but in practice a thread may run into an endless loop if your program allows for user code to be executed which does so, or f you have a programming error in a system which should not be stopped as a whole, but only the affected thread should so (a controlling application or server, with a bug in a less critical print utility or menu function).
In Smalltalk you can interrupt any thread and push a continuation stack from onto its call chain while it is stopped, and let it execute eg. an exception raise or call stack unwind.
Of course, this is a completely save operation, and the thread will perform all of its unwind (i.e. ensure) operations. And even if any of those are missing, the garbage collector will eventually cleanup any leftovers.
If you compute values in a 32bit environment, you have to be very careful to not
generate incorrect results. The situation is less of a problem with 64bit integers (but still present),
However, it requires the programmer to always think about the consequences and never forget to
write "long long" instead of "int". Programmers must also always know the value range of their integers -
something which can be hard if you write a reusable library component, and you have no control over the incoming
Another problem are rounding errors due to floating point arithmetic.
A programmer has to always think not only about the type ("int
", vs, "long
", vs. "long long
but also the values of intermediate results.
To illustrate this, try to evaluate a trivial expression like "a / b * c
" with a,b,c being integers.
Without much thinking, you'd write in C:
(yes, you would write it that way, wouldn't you ?)
int a, b, b;
result = a / b * c;
Now, how about "a=1", "b=2", "c=5" ?.
Every kid tells you: "well, the result is 5/2 (or 2.5, if you like).
But not so the advanced programmer; he'd say:
"well, in theory. But in the real world, the result is zero, because of integer truncation".
Programmers tend to "make virtues out of necessities" and blame themself for obvious
deficiencies of the language system. Real programmers know their system's limitations.
BTW, the situation is not better in the C++, Java and C# world.
Let us continue for our amusement; you might think about how to fix this and write:
good try.
int a, b, b;
result = (int)((float)a / (float)b * c);
But what do you expect as answer, if you give it
"a=100000001", "b=100000000", "c=100000000" ?
Surprise, surprise: we get "100000000". Well, fair enough; who cares for that little error. Who cares for that lost penny - simply transfer it to my account (yeah, that's what banks do usually) !
Ok, you say, lets get rid of the rounding error, and go back to integer code.
To avoid the truncation, let's multiply first:
sounds better, what do we get ?
int a, b, b;
result = a * c / b;
Wow, 277 !
The problem with these languages is that the code looks ok, but computes something radically different from
what you read. The operation which is performed in the above code is actually:
In Smalltalk, you can compute such a wierd thing - but then you'd also write it down that way !
result = trunc( (int)(unsigned(a * c) mod 4294967295) / b);
Conclusion: without a proper numeric class hierarchy, it is VERY difficult (but not impossible) to write mathematical correct computations.
|a| a := '[:a | Transcript show:''|a| a := '';showCR:a storeString,''.'';showCR:''(Block readFrom:a) value:a'' ]'.
(Block readFrom:a) value:a
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