method, which is implemented by all collections, returns a new collection
of the same type as the receiver, containing the collected results from applying a
block (lambda, anonymous function) to each element. It directly corresponds to the map
function of lisp/scheme, which also expects a lambda (closure) as processing argument.
"(1 to:10)"
expression, which
creates an interval object (1, 2, 3,..., 9, 10) without a special syntactic construct for list comprehension.
(1 to:10) collect:[:e | e * 2]
By the way: there is also a "to:collect:
" method found in the Number class, which allows for the above
to be also written as:
In contrast to the above, this version does not create a temporary
collection object, but enumerates the values directly (that is like a collecting for-loop).
1 to:10 collect:[:e | e * 2]
(1 to:1000) inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :e | sumSoFar + e]
of course, every collection also implements the sum method, so you can make it even more compact:
(1 to:1000) sum
wordList := #('scala' 'akka' 'play framework' 'sbt' 'typesafe').
tweet := 'This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt.'.
wordList contains:[:w | tweet includesString:w]
the contains: method expects a block argument and returns true,
if this block ever returns true, when applied to each element of the collection.
It does not proceed through the remaining elements, if any delivers a false.
wordList := #('scala' 'akka' 'play framework' 'sbt' 'typesafe').
tweet := 'This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt.'.
tweet asCollectionOfWords includesAny:wordList
fileText := 'data.txt' asFilename contents
or as one big string:
fileText := 'data.txt' asFilename contentsAsString
1 to:4 do:[:i | ('Happy Birthday ',((i == 3) ifTrue:['dear Tony'] ifFalse:['to You'])) printCR ]
|passed failed|
#(49 58 76 82 88 90) partition:[:e | e > 60] into:[:a :b| passed := a. failed := b].
passed printCR. failed printCR.
#(14 35 -7 46 98) reduceLeft:[:min :el | min min: el]
some Smalltalk dialects do not have reduceLeft:;
then, you can write:
#(14 35 -7 46 98) inject:nil into:[:minSoFar :el | (minSoFar ? el) min: el]
(the ?-operator returns the left side if it is non-nil, the right side if it is nil.
#(14 35 -7 46 98) min
#(14 35 -7 46 98) minMax
to find both minimum and maximum as a tuple.
'data.text' asFilename contentsAsString asCollectionOfWords occurrencesOf:'fred'
if the file is large, and you cannot hold its contents in memory, process it line-wise:
bag := Bag new.
'data.text' asFilename readingLinesDo:[:l | bag addAll:l asCollectionOfWords].
bag occurrencesOf:'fred'
(not a 1-liner, but we could have written in one longer line).
to pick a random element from a collection:
(1 to:30) collect:[:i | ($A to:$Z) atRandom] as:String
'abc_def_ghi_jkl' splitOn:$_
by substrings:
'abc==def==ghi==jkl' splitOn:'=='
or by a 'rule' block:
'abc1def2ghi3jkl' splitOn:[:ch | ch isDigit]
Copyright © 2002 Claus Gittinger, all rights reserved