What's New in the Documentation
This page lists major changes made to the documentation in
chronological order. This helps those who have already read
some documentation to find new and/or changed things.
(And therefore avoids you having to browse everything for news
when updates arrive).
This document only lists documentation changes;
new major system features are listed in "newFeatures.html";
bugfixes are found in the "release notes".
- [jun-2021]
Jupyter and ZeroMQ interface described in
jupyter interface
Zeromq interface
- [aug-2020]
Added the "Syntax Cheat Sheet"
- [aug-2020]
New string sytax features described in
"Smalltalk/X Language Definition"
- [jan-2017]
Describe new features
in "Using the Image Editor".
- [oct-2016]
Describe more details on the scripting options
in "Scripting Command Line Options".
- [oct-2016]
Describe the implications of the autoload option and changed quick option
in "Quickstart Command Line Option (--quick)".
- [jan-2015]
UI guidelines in "GUI Coding Guidelines".
- [nov-2014]
Short info on the XML Inspector in "The XML Inspector".
- [jun-2014]
Updated the "Smalltalk for Java Guys" document.
- [may-2014]
Describe the new
token delimited comments.
- [dec-2013]
more info on scripting support
- [aug-2013]
A lot of additional information and update on new debugging features in
"Advanced Debugging Support in ST/X"
- [mar-2013]
Thrift overview in
"Thrift IDL Support"
- [feb-2013]
Updated the coding style document.
- [oct-2012]
Describe the browser's code coverage support in
"Code Coverage Analysis"
- [mar-2010]
Describe the XML-RPC package in the
"XML-RPC Documentation"
- [dec-2009]
Updated the "Reading List to include Canol Gökel's "Computer Programming Using GNU-ST".
- [oct-2009]
Describe the new ST/X Application Packager in
"Packager: A Standalone Executable Builder and Packager",
and also as a teaser in the 5 minute presentation in
"Smalltalk/X Introduction: Hello World in 5 Minutes".
- [oct-2009]
Updated the
"ImageEditor's documentation".
- [oct-2009]
Describe the implications of the quickstart option
in "Quickstart Command Line Option (--quick)".
- [sep-2009]
Describe a browser's pseudo protocols in
"Pseudo Categories".
- [mar-2009]
Describe the remote scripting service in
"Remote Scripting Server".
- [oct-2008]
"Tutorial for Beginners"
has been updated and especially a new chapter on
how to generate deployable applications
has been added to the end.
- [oct-2008]
Describe Code Completion and Abbreviations in
"Keyboard Accelerators"
and describe default abbreviations in "Code Snippets".
- [oct-2008]
Describe the international language translation support editor in
"Using the International Language Editor".
- [aug-2008]
Describe the Breakpoint Browser Tool in the tools documentation:
"Find Breakpoints".
- [dec-2006]
Describe the TODO-List Tool in the tools documentation:
"Tool to Remember Things to be Fixed".
- [nov-2006]
Updated the tutorial; especially
the sections on "Playing with Pens"
and "Creating a Web Application".
- [sep-2006]
Information on how to build deployable stand-alone applications
in "Deploying an Application".
- [apr-2005]
Some Information on the builtIn JavaScript interpreter/compiler
in "JavaScript Compiler and Interpreter".
- [sep-2004]
Information for a smooth webServer configuration
in "A useful HTTPServer configuration".
- [mar-2004]
Short description of the xpSwiki in
"xpSwiki Documentation".
- [mar-2004]
Added a paragraph which describes how to setup CVS for local project code,
while disabling remote access to eXept's repository.
"Setting up a Local CVS (For Your Projects Only)".
- [feb-2004]
Added a paragraph describing the Unicode language extensions in
"Smalltalk/X Language".
- [nov-2003]
Added a paragraph on how to attach a Smalltalk image to eXepts CVS repository to the CVS documentation:
"Attaching to eXepts ST/X Repository".
You will also find information on how to download new versions of a class from this repository
right into your image.
- [nov-2003]
More literature references and online books in
"Smalltalk literature".
- [oct-2003]
Help texts for WebServer comfiguration in
"HTTPServer Help".
- [sep-2003]
Updated the "SOAP" page.
Added a page describing "SIXX", a Smalltalk object
interchange format based on XML.
- [jul-2003]
Added intro page for the "smaCC compiler-compiler".
- [jun-2003]
Added a detailed description of "Regular Expression Matching".
Philosophic humor found in "Humor".
Added a "Compatibility Notes" document, which describes incompatible changes.
- [apr-2003]
Updated the "WWW HTTPServer Documentation"
to reflect recent enhacements and added
"WWW Swiki" which describes ComSwiki.
- [feb-2003]
Added a link to
"The Joy Of Smalltalk" - Ivan Tomek's introduction to Smalltalk (PDF)
and "Introduction to Smalltalk", a adaption of
Ivan Tomek's workspace for an interactive Smalltalk introduction.
In addition, there is a copy of
"I can Read C++ and Java but not Smalltalk" - Wilf LaLonde's intuitive
guide to Smalltalk syntax.
- [feb-2003]
Added "How To Report Errors".
- [jan-2003]
Added info about "SOAP",
and updated "XML Parser" to reflect the current state.
- [aug-2002]
Added info on "SunRPC - Remote Procedure Call Framework",
"STMath - Mathematic Objects"
"DHB - Numeric Framework".
- [aug-2002]
Updated "ST/X Language" to reflect changes in stc
and syntactic extensions (3-character binops).
- [jun-2002]
"ST/X Style Guide" a first attempt in writing
an ST/X GUI style guide
- [13-apr-2002]
"Smalltalk for Lispers" describes some
common features of Smalltalk and Lisp/Scheme.
- [13-dec-2001] added Kent Becks
"SUnit Testframework" documentation.
- [20-nov-01] describe the MethodFinder in
"MethodFinder - Find a selector"
- [20-sep-01] additional information about the changeBrowser in
"Using the Changes Browser"
- [3-aug-00] describe the new SystemBrowser in
"The new System Browser"
- [3-aug-00] describe the SUnit Test Framework in
"The SUnit Test-Framework"
- [20-feb-00] describe the plugIn component scheme in
"The ST/X plugin component scheme"
- [2-feb-00] more hints on GUI Painter usage in
- [2-feb-00] Updated many widget doc-pages, to document new aspects and features.
Also updated many other doc-pages (cvs, selector list).
- [10-dec-99] short overview on additional package
- [3-sep-99] short overview on additional packages
- [20-jul-99] short overview on additional goody packages
- [24-jun-99] short overview on ASN1 & OSI addOn packages in
- [20-jun-99] describe the CParser/CType addOn package in
''CParser & CType''.
- [20-mar-99] describe the new ExtendedComboBox in
''The extended ComboBox widget''.
- [98-99] minor updates and doc-fixes all over the documentation ...
- [20-may-98] describe the new abort key (CTRL-Y) in
''Getting started''.
- [20-apr-98] description of instvar-change breakpoints in
''Advanced debugging''.
- [20-apr-98] many more details in the GUI painter documentation
GUI painter documentation.
- [20-feb-98] usage of the new image editor in
``Tools guide'':
``Using the image editor''.
- [2-feb-98] preliminary overview of the new menu builder in
``Tools guide'':
``Using the menu editor''.
- [28-may-97] overview of namespaces & private classes in
``Programmers guide'':
``Namespaces & Private classes''.
- [10-may-97] preliminary overview of the new GUI interface builder in
``Tools guide'':
``Using the GUI interface builder''.
- [20-jan-97] describe the new SemaphoreMonitor in
``Tools guide'':
``Semaphore Monitor''.
- [3-jan-97] describe QuerySignals in
``Programmers guide'':
``exception handling''.
- [10-oct-96] describe the html-Browsers features in
``The ST/X HTML Viewer''.
- [10-oct-96] describe new selective breakpoint
function in ``SystemBrowsers menu functions''.
- [9-sep-96] document printing support (don't print, browse - its more than 2500 pages ...)
- [1-jul-96] describe how to use the sourceCodeManager
``Sourcecode & Revision Management''.
- [12-may-96] describe how to dynamically load binary object files
``Dynamic object loading''.
- [15-jul-96] describe PersistencyManager
``Binary object storage''.
- [20-apr-96] complete online class documentation
``Smalltalk/X Online Class Documentation''.
- [20-apr-96] step-by-step creation of a demo application
in "Programmers guide'':
``Example application: a browser''.
- [3-feb-96] started a document collecting application notes
and frequently asked view questions
in "Programmers guide'':
``Application notes on widget programming''.
- [10-dec-95] some notes on performance
in "Programmers guide'':
``Smalltalk performance - myths and facts''.
- [20-aug-95] preliminary (unformatted) manual page
in "Programmers guide'':
``STC manual page''.
- [15-aug-95] new page in "Programmers guide'':
``Information for application programmers''.
- [30-jul-95] new page in "Programmers guide'':
``Hints on writing efficient Smalltalk code''.
- [12-jul-95] describe how to enter national character via a compose key
in ``Configuration & Customization'':
``National characters''.
- [4-jul-95] added a section on handling multiview applications
in ``Introduction to view programming'':
``Controlling multiple topViews''.
- [3-jul-95] new page in "Programmers guide'':
``3D graphic programming''.
- [16-jun-95] started examples section
in ``How to write inline C code'':
``Solutions for typical problems''.
- [16-jun-95] more details and examples
in ``Programmers guide'':
``Popup Menus''.
- [16-jun-95] new section
in ``Programmers guide'':
``Private signals''.
- [16-jun-95] new page in ``Programmers guide'':
``Contexts stacks and unwinding''.
- [10-jun-95] added a section on multiple display screen support
in ``Introduction to view programming'':
``Handling multiple screens''.
- [9-jun-95] added a rather detailed description of keyboard macros
with interesting examples,
in ``Configuration & Customization'':
``Keyboard macros''.
- [8-jun-95] added info on how to redefine mouse buttons
in ``Configuration & Customization'':
``Mouse button definition''.
- [3-jun-95] added more (executable) examples in:
``Binary object storage''.
- [3-jun-95] additional hints & tricks;
in ``Binary object storage'':
``Tricks and hints''.
- [3-jun-95] describe the physical layout of binary stored objects;
in ``Binary object storage'':
``Layout of binary data''.
- [2-jun-95] added executable examples in:
``view programming''.
- [26-may-95] describe how VM messages can be turned off;
in ``Configuration & Customization'':
``Turning off messages''.
- [15-may-95] describe how to report errors from primitive code
in ``How to write inline C code'':
``reporting errors from C code''.
- [5-may-95] describe how instance variables can be skipped
in binary store/load;
in ``Binary object storage'':
``Skipping instvars''.
- [20-apr-95] more info on tracing and debugging objects
in ``Advanced debugging support in ST/X'':
``Inspector support for breakpoints''.
- [29-mar-95] new section in ``Configuration & Customization'':
``Language setting''.
- [29-mar-95] new page in "Programmers guide'':
``What I would like to see in Smalltalk''.
- [29-mar-95]
more details on ``Error handling''
in ``Binary object storage''.
- [29-mar-95]
more details and corrupted pictures fixed in
``Smalltalk/X tools''.
- [25-mar-95] new page in ``Programmers guide'':
``Program startup actions''.
Copyright © 1996-2017 Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting, all rights reserved
Copyright © 2003-2017 eXept Software AG, all rights reserved